Chapter 10: The Memorial

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Two weeks passed like the leaves of Fall, you and your squad of Harlequins were waking up. You dedicated a whole section of the park just for them. You sat up with a small yawn and a wide smile on your face until you remembered what day it was. Since Ozpin, you've permanently become Joker.

It wasn't long ago that Remnant was shaken to its core and this Batman, well... he's been trying to bring back peace. For once, in a long time, things felt good. Today was a day long-overdue. You got up and put on your suit. The door opening caused a lot of people that used to be in Roman's crew and some that were since introduced to the life of crime to turn toward you.

"I'm sorry for taking so long, I know he meant so much to you, to us." The Harlequins entered the room in more somber color schemes. "I'll let whoever wants to speak first go ahead, sign your name and we'll call you up when you're ready," I said before leaving them to talk.

"Hey, glad you could make it, I know most of you don't know the man we're remembering today but I hope his memory will be ingrained today," I said to the Harlequins.

"No problem we're happy to be here honestly, Yang, wants to speak too, she's signing in now" Pyrrha replied showing sympathy for our fallen friend.

I gave a simple nod and motioned them to their seats. Everyone sat down as I got up to the front and began naming people to come up. Everyone gave their condolences and sat back down. After the last one, you gave a speech of your own.

"He was my first true friend, sure the way we met wasn't ideal. I killed his boss and he joined my crew. We had fun though didn't we old friend. I guess you could say we had a real blast!" I burst out with laughter then coughed until it was in check.

"Sorry, ahem, I will always cherish our plans and schemes. That day I, no, we lost a brother. He may have fallen but he will have peace in the afterlife. Through his death, he has brought us all closer together, yesterday we were out for ourselves. Today we stand as more than just a crew, today we stand as a family. To Rick! To family!" I shouted out raising a glass. "To family!" They all shouted back. However, Ruby came to tell me something.

"I've been wanting to tell you, I love you too, maybe even more than cookies," she said. I was surprised yet again, but the real surprise was when Neo stood up. "I'm pregnant," she said as the other Harlequins now including Ruby began to cheer. While I just stood there deep in shock from today's events.

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