Chapter 1: War Hero To A Joke

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(This backstory is based off a theory that Joker was a soldier, explaining why he's an expert at guns and explosives, it also provides an explanation for his scars, also this is the second war between humans and faunus, only now it's specifically against The White Fang)

Three Hours Ago...

Lt. Hicks: Soldiers, this will be a grueling battle, some of you were sold to us by Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon Academy. The Schnees are the ones funding this war, so let's do our very best not to disappoint... understood?!

Soldiers: Yes lieutenant!

Little did you know they were bringing the fight to you, bombs blasted the ground knocking back human troops against faunus military. Immediately there was gunfire on both sides.


You looked around the battlefield to see dead soldiers, your friends, laying on the ground. You were the only one left. There was still a total of fifteen White Fang members remaining on the other side. You threw a grenade and waited for the explosion. It wasn't long before three thuds were heard, meaning twelve were still alive and well.

One looked over the hole to the trench to see you before pulling him in, you walked out of the trench with your gun pointed at his head. The twelve White Fang members walked over to you slowly, guns aimed at your head.

Y/n: Atlas really wants this war, I'm here to make sure we win this.

You then opened fire on them, one by one they fell. That is until one of them managed to shoot the gun out of your hand. Your hostage then knocked you out while you were looking towards your weapon, causing everything to blackout.

Later That Day...

You awoke in a bunker.

Y/n: You idiots they'll find me!

Only there was nobody there or so you thought until you felt your head get slammed against a table.

Two Weeks Later...

You were bruised, bloodied, and starved. You waited for someone to rescue you but nobody came until you suddenly heard the door open. You looked over to see those men, they showed you a video of Atlas declaring the war over, they were reading a list of casualties you were on that list.

White Fang member #1: You fought for nothing, this war means nothing to them, you mean nothing to them. How does it feel to know that you belong to the very thing you hate?

They hit you with a hard left hook to the head.

Y/n: I told you before, you shouldn't start with the head the victim gets all... fuzzy ha, that reminds me of a joke.

White Fang member #2: Oh so you've got jokes, go on tell me another one

Y/n: O-okay how abou-

He then put his knife to your cheek and made a quick slice carving a permanent smile to your face. He then started carving the other side of your mouth to match

It hurt so bad the whole world blurred and all you could feel was pain shooting throughout your entire face. Yet you only laughed knowing it would take more than that to break you. They grew somewhat worried of their friend. It was then he called somebody in that shattered your very soul.

Three Months Later...

Y/n: Morning douchebags! Hahahaha!

White Fang #2: You're laughing huh? you really are a clown, no better yet a joker, let's remedy tha-

Y/n: Wanna see a magic trick?

He chuckled prepared to beat you some more until he saw your hands were free as you started beating them to death with a fire extinguisher. Then there was one guy shaking in his boots, you walked up to him grabbed his gun and walked away but not before pulling the pin on the grenade strapped to his waist. You quickly locked the door behind you as you heard a scream. After walking a few feet away there was an explosion.

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