Chapter 4: An Old Friend

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You looked on the news in the morning to see a funeral for Weiss Schnee being held. Without a body being found that is. You then saw someone you recognized as Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon. You set out again, not really having a plan in motion, but since when have you ever needed a plan? 

Upon the apparent death of the Schnee heiress, Vale grew fearful of the name Joker. Criminals were afraid to get on your bad side and Hunters didn't want anything to do with you.

Last night, before you left, you could see Batmans' deathly glare towards you. You wondered who he was because he seemed to have some Atlas grade equipment. Equipment that would have cost a fortune. You knew of only one family with that kind of money, the Schnees... the only problem was there was no Schnee that would fit the age aside from the impossible, but obvious, Weiss.

You did some digging into properties that you now own thanks to Roman Torchwick and his men. You found his warehouses, weapons, dust, and most importantly records of Arkham Asylum.


???: Sure I guess I could help you, *hands you a bullhead ticket* but after this, I'd better never hear your name again, okay?

Y/n: Thanks Junior, say were you wondering how I got these scars?

Junior: Yeah actually

You then jumped up grabbing his face as you started to tell him a story, you licked your scars as you started to speak.

Y/n: I walked through a dark alleyway with my parents, it was a good night, a great night even. If we hadn't gotten mugged...

Junior: Bullsh-

I pressed the knife deeper into his flesh causing him to go silent.

Y/n: I'm the one speaking here, is that clear?

Junior: *nods*

Y/n: *chuckles* Good, now then... where was I? Oh well, I'll just have to hurt you a bit until I remember.

I placed a pair of brass knuckles on my hands and began beating the man, breaking his nose and puncturing multiple ribs, leaving him gasping for air while trying to crawl away from me.

Y/n: Pathetic, no wonder your parents called you Junior, you'd never be half the man of Senior. Oh, that reminds me. If we hadn't gotten mugged, everything would have been just so much better. Instead, I watched my parents get shot right in front of me, my mothers' pearls scattering. The man then approached me, he pulled out a knife and stared into my eyes. And he said to me, 'Why so serious?' I stumbled back, he then grabbed my face and began to cut. My screams and cries echoed in that alleyway. Once he backed away, I ran at him and turned his own knife against him. His eyes became fearful, even more so when he heard my childish laughter as I removed the knife and stabbed him over and over until finally I looked over his mutilated corpse and said to him, 'Why so serious?'... Are you listening? No? Oh well, next time I'll have to tell the story faster.

You cleaned off your blade when that blonde girl named Yang barged in and she looked pissed, so you quickly hid the body and yourself.

Yang: Damn it! I'll find you, Junior, I'll make you wish you were never born! Hyah! *breaks wall*

Y/n: Damn Junior what did you do to get that... actually, almost stunning creature angry at you?

She turned quickly, hearing some breathing, you pulled the pin on a smoke grenade she walked towards you and quickly opened the closet doors and saw Juniors' corpse, but not you.

Once outside you started walking away, taking off your bloody gloves. You were making your way back to your Amusement Park. You heard her scream as you were walking, she suddenly saw your purple trenchcoat and ran over to you. You stopped as you heard running footsteps when you turned she had bumped into you causing you both to fall on each other. You both groaned in pain until she looked into your eyes with a smile.

(In her mind)

Yang: *seductive* Hey there

(In your mind)

(What you actually said)

Yeah, awkward... you tried to lose her quickly after that, but she just kept following you. Eventually, you got tired of her following you, so you turned.

Y/n: What do you want?

Yang: I want to join you, I thought you were someone else at first but I haven't seen you around here before.

Y/n: Hm... 

It took you a moment to realize that she didn't recognize you without make-up.

Y/n: Oh yeah, I wasn't going anywhere in particular.

Yang: Oh... well I was going to head back to Beacon would you like to join?

You nodded as you laughed because she didn't realize who you were, but for some reason, it was freeing... she didn't call you a freak, nor a criminal... as far as she knew you were just an average person.

Inside Beacon

She introduced you to her team, they didn't seem to realize who you were either. It was there you had met Ruby, Yang's sister. It didn't take long for her to grow on you, especially since she had this huge craving for cookies.

In a way, she already felt like a sister to you... 

Ruby: How did you get those scars?

Y/n: Hm... oh, I'm kind of sore about them, I don't really want to talk about it.

You talked with them as they mourned Weiss, which made you laugh for a second.

Yang: What's so funny about her death?

Y/n: *clears throat* It reminded me of a dark joke.

Yang: Really? Well... let's hear it.

Y/n: Uh... Sorry, I don't think you would get it.

It was then you looked out the window only to realize just how dark it was.

Y/n: I've got to go, thank you for having me.

Yang: Sure, come by anytime, maybe you and I can come up with some stuff ourselves.

Y/n: Yeah... maybe.


Y/n: Hello Weiss, I've just had a meeting with your old team...

She sat in the corner shaking.

Weiss: W-w-what d-d-did y-you d-do?

Y/n: Nothing, I just had a little one on three with them... I've got to say... you were lucky to have them as friends.

Weiss: I-I guess... they'll find me you know!

Y/n: Oh sweet, idiotic Weiss didn't you know? all of Remnant thinks you're dead! Isn't it great?! Now you get to stay here with me and my hench... people... *whispers* now you get to see how it feels to cease to exist.

Neo: 'Can I have my umbrella back?'

Y/n: Hm... oh yeah we checked it, turns out you're not like a certain bird I met a week ago. *walks into office* Him and his stupid umbrella.

You muttered to yourself before falling asleep on your couch watching the Vale news.

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