paralysis sucks

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"Cee? Where are you?" Bumblebee called out he sighed "you'd think she'd be easier to find." Steeljaw shrugged "she hasn't been able to do this stuff is a long time, she's having fun. We'll find. She's probably in a tree somewhere." Bumblebee looked at one "the trees aren't even that tall, Jaws." Then Arcee landed on his shoulders, Bee screamed, which caused both Prime siblings to laugh "I'm not that rusty Honeybee" Arcee commented "you keep underestimating her, old friend." Steeljaw said Bumblebee groaned "sorry, my rose" Arcee smiled and hopped off his shoulders "no worries." She kissed his cheek "how mad do you think dad is that we left him at the scrapyard?" Steeljaw asked "I'm sure he's fine. I think he likes telling his old war stories." Arcee replied "Sideswipe sure doesn't like them." Bee muttered "didn't he knock over Dad's statue?" Steeljaw asked "uh-huh, Bulkhead was peeved." Arcee said "I would be too, didn't he build it?" Steeljaw asked "yeah, with the help of the vehicons of course." Bumblebee remarked "I can't believe that those vehicons agreed to work with you all. The vehicons I interacted with liked to piss me off." Steeljaw said bitterly "well" Arcee smacked him on the back "your with us now" Steeljaw snorted, "yeah, I am"

Bumblebee then flopped over with a dart sticking out of his back

"For better and for worse" Arcee said while her arms transformed into guns "c'mon coward!" She shouted Steeljaw threw Bee over his shoulder "let's be smart sister, time to go." Another dart whizzed by, barely missing Steeljaw's ear. "Uhh, yeah, let's go" Arcee then started running south, Steeljaw followed

"Do you think we were followed?" Arcee asked putting her weight on her knees, Steeljaw sniffed the air and set Bumblebee down "I don't smell anyone, nor do I hear anyone." Steeljaw then took the dart out of Bee's back, Arcee took his pulse she then sighed with relief "either unconscious, or paralyzed" she said, looking back up at her brother Steeljaw squinted at the dart, then snarled "Verdabreak." Arcee sat down "of course the mad scientist." "After Shotwick got arrested, Vertabreak is Necrosis' only option for science." Steeljaw then sat on his legs "we should get back to base" Arcee said "agreed" Steeljaw said as he got up and threw Bumblebee over his shoulder again "Fixit, you there?" Arcee asked via the commlink she was given "I am, are you ready to procure, deture" Fixit hit his chassis "return?" He asked "yeah, and uh, BB could use some help" a bridge then appeared in front of them and they went thought it "Sweet Soulous Prime!" Fixit squeaked

"Sorry, dead body" Steeljaw said as the bridge closed behind him "Steeljaw, he isn't dead" Arcee half glared at him "I would hope not" the wolf-con responded, Arcee smacked her forehelm "your unbearable sometimes"


Bumblebee groaned, he still felt like a ton of bricks from earlier, paralysis sucked. "Glad the thing wore off." Arcee said "hey, you" he replied Arcee kissed his forehelm "you feel ok?" She asked "felt better, that's for sure." Bee mumbled as he sat up, Arcee smiled faintly, "at least you just got paralyzed." Bee snorted "yeah, least" he pulled her into a hug and Arcee buried her face in the crook of his neck while hugging back "y'know, Jaws sense of humor escapes me" he said "yeah, that's how it is sometimes" Arcee responded.

They both enjoyed their company for awhile, Arcee would have to return to Cybertron soon, anyways.

That's all for today, folks. I just hadn't been feeling motivated to write for awhile, super sorry. But stay safe you awesome weirdos!

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