battlegrounds pt 1

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Bumblebee. Ya done goofed.

"Are you sure we can trust this...the fallen as he calls himself?" Airacnhid asked "well. Trust is a strong word madam spider. Maybe work with? Yes we can work with him. But trust? To good to be true. But if it involves taking this world and ending the autobots along with it. Then why stop a good thing?" Necrosis replied airacnhid shrugged "your beginning to sound like Starscream." She commented necrosis scoffed "Starscream. Was wiped off the face of cybertron by predaking. And besides I am my own master." He slid a servo around her waist "if you insist necrosis." Airacnhid didn't hate the touch it felt right although she found it strange that this "ally" appeared in a piece of scrap metal. "I do find it amusing that we captured strongarm lux. I have a score to settle with her family." She held up one of her newly healed legs in emphasis necrosis laughed "you've just gave up on that vendetta against arcee? You've just moved on the whole family." He said "what's the point of just having a little fun when you can have so much more?" Airacnhid questioned "that is true. I may join you considering steeljaw."

He pointed to the scar on his left optic "why did get it tattooed anyways?" She asked "once the coding went. To show terribly he failed." Necrosis said proudly

"Sounds like you." Airacnhid mumbled "you have seen nothing regarding what I can do." He retorted "by the pits necrosis." Airacnhid sighed "now." He let go of her "I have some things I need to oversee." And he left

Somewhere nearby

Steeljaw sniffed. Nothing. "Anything?" Sunstreaker asked "no. I have a feeling we both know whose handiwork this was though." Steeljaw replied bitterly "agreed." Sunstreaker answered he looked at the ground again. Their were no tracks whatsoever. No nothing. "Why do you think he took them. Halo isn't faring well considering windblade disappeared as well." Sunstreaker confided

"that's his way. Let the feeling eat away at you. Then strike when your at your weakest." Steeljaw sighed "I should know after all."

Then someone came bounding through the brush. Halo. She transformed from her wolf mode "anything? Because I'm not!" She said sadly "trust me halo. He know how to disappear." Steeljaw put a servo on his hip "and shouldn't you be back at base?" He asked a little harsher then he intended "what? Just you I don't like being crammed in one place." She shot back "whatever you say. Just let's go." Sunstreaker cut in "fine." Both wolf-cons said simultaneously and then all 3 left.

"This will work. But you'll need a bigger structure. Much bigger."  The fallen told the wolf-con and idea came to him "how about this?" A holographic picture of crown city's statue appeared "yes. That will do." The fallen responded with a hint of eagerness in his voice "then with the 3 autobots which my second in command captured for power along with all the components which you have my army steal this will work?" Necrosis demanded "yes, yes it will." The fallen answered aggravated "good. Then this world will be mine and you can take whatever vengeance upon cybertron you want." Necrosis's tail swung as he turned back around "until I see you in this dimension." Then the piece of scrap fell back to the ground then necrosis cringed and swatted the metal away "he better not think he can betray me." He spat.

Whaddya think? I'm proud of this chapter. Cya 'round you fellow you awesome weirdos!

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