I'd rather be free pt 2

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Causeway's POV


How dare he hurt my son out of boredom! Steeljaw has been through enough. "Cora we can't do anything. We're dead!" Chromia said trying to calm me down "well I'm about to be not dead!" I retaliated "wait wait wait wait wait, my gears are turning." Chromia said with a sing song tone. "Oh no" sentinel and omnia groaned generally chromia's "ideas" involved some crazy weapon from ironhide. But this time ironhide didn't show up on cue because of his and chromia's sparkbond so the 3 bots looked at each other wondering what the blue femme was planning.

The plan was to get the idea of going to the flight deck into stealthwing's head. He was a seeker he just preferred to be a medic. He didn't plan to be necrosis's medic. He hated him so much.

On earth

Steeljaw still laid on the flight deck. He barely had energy in his tanks his own or the energy he stole. *this is it. This is how I die. Goodbye arcee. Goodbye bumblebee. I'll see you in the next life.* steeljaws optics closed.

SIKE! 😁😈

Causeway appeared in front of her son. She was almost crying. The torture he had been put through. Her servos became fists. As she walked to him.

Wake up. Wake up." She said gently steeljaw heard this voice.

*no.* he thought he would not let himself die. He tried to move but it made the cut agitated. Steeljaw whined again his ears going down. He could barely open his optics "m-mother...?" He sputtered

Her blue optics vs. His red ones made steeljaw feel weak. His mother shouldn't see him like this. Causeway only smiled just like the smile she did as she died.

"Shhh. It's alright. Arcee's safe. Breathe. Deep breaths." Causeway rubbed his helm. Steeljaw did as he was told this was one of the orders he didn't mind following.

Let's go in the garden, you'll find something waiting. Right where you left it. But upside down. When you finally find it you'll see how its faded. The underside is lighter when you turn it around.

Everything stays.

Right where you left it.

Ever so slightly daily and nightly.

In little ways,

When everything stays.

And with that causeway disappeared. Then steeljaw heard someone running to him then someone forced his helm up to look at him.


"Necrosis just couldn't keep his claws to himself could he." Stealthwing hissed to himself as he got one of steeljaws arms over his shoulder.

Next morning (I'm lazy😁)

Steeljaw woke up in the med bay the coding forced him up much to his body's protest but a servo on his chassis gently forced him back down "stay down. Your still dinged up from your last fights." Stealthwing said

Steeljaw's helm went back down almost immediately. For once in a long time his will and the coding stuck in his helm agreed on something.

Causeway was still going to tear apart necrosis. Stealth? Maybe. Idk

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