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Heya guys is me Lexi.
So this is kinda something for me to know what to write next because I read things too! Trust me people like




I've gotten a LOT of inspiration from and I *love(don't ya just love autocorrect?)there books so go and check them out.

So, there are a couple things a want to mention like who do you guys want to see more of? I like writing about steeljaw since I've had it in my head for so long. BUT I can wait a just longer. So anyone you want to see more of just say them in the comments. I'd be happy to see what you guys give me.

Also. Do you want to see a transformers animated? I've never seen it but I've seen clips and read wikis and I've got some ideas. This is the cover.

 This is the cover

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Wanna see?

I always welcome feed back.


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