The mind is the best prison

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Flashback Steeljaw's POV

I had been allowed to leave my cell and walk around but there was no point in trying to escape it'd take me weeks to even find a point that they'd not know about. So it was necrosis, stealthwing, and a few others cons, and I. They had been talking about something I soon forgot about and went back to think of arcee, father, ratchet, aunt elita, and bumblebee. The war was entering its final phase my family actually seeming to be winning after the fall of dark mount. Good riddance. Is arcee saying the same thing? We were so like minded and the time of sparklinghood was amazing. Then megatron had to come and try to overthrow not just father but all of cybertron's government. He started off ok then it went south. Til all are one I suppose. A random con burst in. He was venting hard. He looked straight at necrosis.

"The war is over, lord megatron is dead!" He shouted

I looked for everyone's reactions stealthwing was doing the same. I knew I shouldn't have but I began to step towards the door and to possible freedom. "Ah, ah, ah not just yet steely!" Necrosis said I face him unsheathing my claws "no one will touch me again!" I shout

"As you wish." He said coldly

"Don't..." stealthwing started I didn't listen I ran for it taking down who even got in my way taking a gun off some drone. I knew the base well enough from all my previous escape attempts. Drain or stabbing I didn't care I just needed to get out. Mother please help. Primus please help. Scrap scrap scrap. Out of ammo I threw the gun and as I spun around and scratched many things and tried fighting my way out. I threw a orb in there general direction. Then pain in my left side I tried to ignore it then my right leg. I still fought. Left arm. Keep going. Then my neck. That is when the world began to fade.

I was so close.

Flashback over no POV

Steeljaw shot up panting only a memory. It was over. Wasn't it? Arcee was waking up next to him she gave her biggest smile as she hugged him. His shock caused him to fall off the berth.

Right onto bumblebee.

"Get off my jerk!" He shouted playfully "are you ok?!" Steeljaw asked through his laughing arcee holding onto her brother's neck still smiling like a sparkling. The three of them got up "wait, sister, old friend are you two...engaged?" Steeljaw asked hesitantly as he sat a servo around arcee's shoulder. Arcee became bright red. Like sideswipe's armor color red "beeeeeeee! I thought we agreed we'd tell him together!" She yelled flustered "well sorry it came out when necrosis was threatening me!" Bumblebee shot back "so, you two are?" Steeljaw asked again "y-yes." Arcee answered sheepishly he smiled a kissed her helm "at least I know you'll be with someone I trust." He murmured against her helm she hugged tighter and his tail found its around her waist. "You guys need so more time?" Bee asked steeljaw looked down at his sister for a answer she shook her helm "no, come on brother boy can't keep aunt elita waiting." Arcee chirped "what will they think of me?" He asked "nothing different than before. And we have a cousin now." Arcee said "I'm aware. Nec- he brought her up once and awhile." He shuttered wanting to forget that voice but he got up he stumbled a little "woah!" Both mechs said arcee looked at her brother scanning his face "I'm alright. It's just the coding acted like a auto pilot. For better or for worse." He looked back to his sister who still held his servo she nodded "ok, whatever you say." Arcee said unsure but they went to get steeljaw acquainted with everyone elita shot up immediately Steeljaw's ears and tail drooped "oh don't you look at me like that steeljaw." He smiled remembering his aunts wit "get down here so I can hug you. Primus your so tall." She said as they hugged he huffed a laugh once they separated "so you and ultra Magnus got together. And now I have a cousin. Mother must a given you the pits." He chuckled "primus darn you and your mother." She said flustered "as you can see brother nothings changed." Arcee said sarcastically "neither has your sense of sarcasm." Steeljaw teased "talk to the servo cause the face don't wanna hear it." She said steeljaw flashed a cocky smile at her "there's my nephew." Elita said "so strongarm. Right?" He asked "yeah. Your steeljaw." Strongarm said "correct..." he trailed off "what?"

A breath came from Steeljaw's nose "it's just I'm not used to hearing my own name. I was so used to 'Wildspark' I hated it."

Arcee's servo found his and they held together tightly "your mother once said that memories are the worst form of torture." Ultra Magnus said steeljaw nodded all the memories flashing through his mind

"Another thing. The mind is the best prison." He said calmly

Arcee pressed into his side his shoulders dropped as he returned arcee's hug.

Never one to many now.

More talking began where everyone got to know who he was now. He was caught up on what happened. But then there was the matter of whether steeljaw would go with arcee. After much debate steeljaw had a servo on arcee's cheek.

"I refused to fight in the first war. I will fight in this one."

"You and your ways with words brother boy." Arcee said feeling tears swelling in her optics steeljaw bent down to her level "I won't make the same mistake that cost us so much. Never again." He said his grip tightened arcee threw her arms around his neck not wanting to let go "it's your choice steeljaw. But I just got you back. I don't wanna go. But I have cybertron to go back too." She said the tears spilled so did his "I'll be fine. I love you arceeon. Don't you dare forget it." He murmured "I don't know how I could steeljaw." Arcee replied elita put a hand on arcee's shoulder "we need to go." Elita said sadly but left in order to finish her goodbyes with strongarm who still wanted to stay on earth. Sunstreaker was staying and no one could convince him otherwise. Not that anyone wanted to.

Ok not gonna be updating for a while got a big trip coming up. So absolutely NO IDEA when I can update again. So bai you awesome weirdos.

A primes future Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu