pilot pt 2

866 22 9

In a earth forest

Bumblebee had gotten through the bridge he looked around "this is so different than jasper you got trees here." A loud crash snapped bee out of his thoughts he looked behind him "careful sideswipe we need to keep it down." Strongarm scolded "welp a bit late for that don't you think cop bot?" Sideswipe retorted *scrap.* bee thought "why did you 2 follow me? Elita's gonna kill me for this." "Lieutenant, we thought you might need a.. backup yeah." Strongarm said bee raised a eyebrow sideswipe scoffed "well now that you are here come on I have a idea of where we need to go. Stay close" bumblebee ordered the 2 cadets followed til they got to the site.
A crashed ship arcee had told bumblebee about it the lcollmore the counsel fought pretty hard on it they saw a minicon "oh hello I'm fixit. The lcollmore was shot down... and I think I lost some if my memory." Fixit said "I'm sure we can get it back but we have some cons to track down."

On cybertron
Arcee was meditating chromia and causeway had been talking with her all of them sitting down on the berth chromia and causeway bearing flames "goodness he said that?" Chromia half asked "yeah it was stupid but you have to see the reason in it. Right?" Arcee replied "well that's Tracer alright. He's not the brightest but he means well." Causeway said they heard a engine rumbling then knockout burst in all 3 femmes screamed from shock "if I was alive you'd be dead!" Causeway roared chromia had a servo on her chassis dramatically "yeah k.o it was clearly important." Arcee asked impatiently knockout was panting "bumblebee kidnapped 2 cadets and used illegal space bridge travel." Knockout said in between pants "Imma kill my son when he gets to the allspark." Chormia said causeway and arcee both were still processing the news that they just heard "cee you know how to contact us. Come chromia." Causeway said the 2 spirits disappeared

Ok! Done! Bee's gonna die by at least 4 femmes servos (including elita) good luck.

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