One Big Secret

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I know it's triggering for some people so I thought I'd warn you

*Harry's POV*

It had been three day since I kissed him. Three days since I've had to keep the only secret I've wanted to share. Three days of him sneaking out his bedroom door to meet me on the beach in the middle of the night. Three days of complete and utter bliss. I had never been so happy before.

The only downside: it was a secret.

Louis said that he didn't want Liam to know just yet and I respected his decision. However, Niall has been nagging me about Lou, asking if I'll marry him and whatnot. But how am I supposed to now if I'll marry him? We've only been... whatever we are for like 3 days!

*incoming text message*

L: hey! wanna hang out with other lads today? Liam wanted to go to hiking. See if Niall's on board to, yeah? xx.

I couldn't help but smile at my phone anytime he texted me.

"NIALLER!!!!!" I yelled across the house.

"Jesus! Almost gave me heart attack Harry! The hell do you want?!?"

"Well I was gunna ask you if you wanted to go hiking with me, Louis and Liam."

"Oh. Okay. Yeah, just make sure I don't turn around on the trail to see you and Louis snogging." He broke out into his obnoxious laughter. I could only roll my eyes.

"Firstly: that's inappropriate. Second: it won't happen."

"Sure bud. What ever you got to tell yourself."


*Louis' POV*

*incoming text message*
H: Niall's on board. Meet you in a bit. ❤️ xx.

Me: ❤️ xx.

"Liam!!! Get your arse ready!!! We're going hiking!"

"Shut up! I'm ready!"

"Good we just have to wait until Haz and Niall get ready."

"Okay and what's up with that nickname for Harry? Sounds kinda weird."

"Well..." Jesus Louis!! Think! "If you're Payno, I'm Tommo and Niall is Nialler why can't I call Harry, Haz? Hmm? Plus I believe I heard Niall call him that a couple times." Yes! Good save.

"You've got a point."

"I know." I retorted as I was walked back to room. I was kind of hoping Harry would would hurry up so I could see him. Sure, I saw him the night before when he knocked on my bedroom door that led out to the beach, but still.

I continued to scroll on my phone while I waited for Sir Harold to text me.


H: We are ready. Meet us outside, yeah? xx.

Me: course 😚 xx.

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