*Harry's POV*

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??! Showing up out of blue! NOT EVEN FUCKING INVITED!" I screamed. How dare he? After what he fucking did?

"Don't you bloody yell at me!"

"I will! After what you put us through, you don't even deserve to fucking breathe, you jackass." At point I was in his face, gritting my teeth.  My blood was beyond boiling and I all I wanted to do was hurt him.

"That's okay, son, because while you, her and your dumbass sister were sobbing... I was fucking other women, just like before- living!"

"I KNEW IT YOU PEICE OF SHIT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, crying, as I punched him square in the nose, knocking him on the floor. I gave a few more blows to the face before he hit me back and that me all the more irritated. I don't know what happened after that. All I know is that I couldn't stop.

"Harry! Haz, please! Stop it!" Lou was weeping. "Harry just stop!" Instinct told me to listen to him, so I did. I stopped and looked at his watery eyes. He looked scared and I had vowed never make him scared of me, to always make him feel safe. I got from on top of my dad and took a step towards Louis. He flinched.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and cried some more. Slowly, I made my way to Lou and hugged him so tight- like my life depended on it. Which, in the moment, it did with my head on his shoulder. He was my safe place. He was my home. I couldn't let anything happen to him.

It took a second for him to hug my back, but when he did my anger melted and I just felt sorry that I'd let Lou watch that. I loved him so much and promised myself in that moment, that I wouldn't let it happen again.

"I'm sorry." I whispered again.

He put his hands in hair, rubbing my head, like I was a baby in need of comfort. "Shh. I know. I know." He kissed my temple and just held me like that.

Considering there wasn't any other noise, I assumed I'd knocked Desmond out. And, within one second of that thought, Niall and Liam broke through the door, startling both me and Louis. We pulled apart and turned toward the boys.

"Holy shit." Niall said.

"Who the hell is that? Are you guys okay?" Liam asked.

"We're fine. Him, not so much." I said with a foul look at the sight of my father on the ground. There's no doubt I broke his nose and possibly his jaw. The blood was on the floor, his face, and as I looked, it was on my knuckles.

"Bloody hell, mate! What did you do? Kill him?" Niall asked me.

"I should be so lucky to see that man dead!"

Lou grabbed my chest to stop me from stomping closer to Niall. I wanted to tell him that the piece of shit didn't even deserve to see me. See anyone except the devil himself.

"What the hell is going on?" Liam asked. "What even happened?"

"My dad just thought he could show up without warning on the happiest day of my goddamn life and make it fucking miserable!"

My shouting must've made Desmond alert because his breathing hitched and his eyes slowly began to open.

"You got quite an arm." He said, leaving his head on ground.

"Oh, get up. You're fine." I snapped.

"Harry." Louis said in way that made him sound like he was in charge. But his touch was gentle when he grabbed my arm with both his hands and cling to it like a koala, resting his head on my shoulder.

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