Old Times & New Ones

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*Louis' POV *

I woke up on Harry's chest, not wanting to move. Yesterday so tiring and so was the day before - both for their own reasons. Haz was still asleep and I didn't blame him one bit. I decided not to wake him up because I knew he'd be grumpy throughout the day and he should get to enjoy his sleep. Eventually, I fell back asleep too, only to wake up again around 8AM.

This time Haz was up too.

"Good morning, my Lou Bear." He said in a slow, low- toned voice. I could tell he hadn't been awake long either.

"Good morning, my Hazza." I mumbled into his chest.

"So where are eating at?" I asked as I walked hand in hand with Harry. We were with Liam and Niall just getting some fresh air and trying to get some food.

"I'll eat anywhere. What about you, Payno?" Niall commented.

"That one place we ate at was good last time. I forgot the name, though."

"The Lanherne, was it?" Haz said.

"Oh yeah that was good." I said. " Other than the dumb fucking waitress."

Harry laughed.

"I thought she was nice." Niall said.

"Of course you do. She gave you beer." He shrugged his shoulders. "I'll go again but if we get the same waitress I'm requesting a different one."

"What's the big deal, mate?" Liam asked.

"She was flirting with me. Lou, here, just got jealous." Harry said with a smirk, wrapping his arm around my shoulder trying to kiss me. I pulled away playfully so he didn't get my lips. He ended up kissing my cheek.

"I was not jealous."

"Yes. As I recall, you were jealous." He said.

At this point all us had stopped walking. And Harry was still groping me trying to get me to kiss him.

"I'm not kissing you, Haz."

"Why not?"

"Because you keep-" He kissed me anyway while I was in the middle of speaking. I kissed him back of course. "You suck." I said smiling.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do." He smirked.

"No! Not that that!"

"Okay love birds, break it up. Let's go eat." Liam said whilst smiling at how we were acting.

"Wait!" Niall interrupted our walk we had just started to continue. "Are you guys actually love birds, or like- you haven't..."

"Yes. We love each other." Haz said.

"Mhmm." I hummed as I looked up and smiled widely at him.

"Like, you've said it to each other?" Niall continued to question.

Harry rolled his eyes eyes. "For gods sake, Niall. Yes we have. The other day as a matter of fact."

"Oh. Was that when I walked in on you?"

I nodded.

"Ohhhhh. Sorry lads."

"Wait. You walked in on them?!" Liam exclaimed.

"Yes. Now can we go eat or not?" I said, finally dropping the subject.

"Yeah. Yeah. Let's go." Haz answered and once again draped an arm around me. I held onto the hand that was dangling from my shoulder and kept walking with him.

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