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*Louis' POV *

I woke up with my head on Haz's stomach and my arms around his waist, our legs intertwined.

"Hmm mhmm hmm." I heard him humming a song. I let him finish it before I said anything.

"Do I owe you round of applause because if so you deserve it, but I don't want to move." I murmured into his stomach.

"I didn't know you were awake."

"Hmm." I closed my eyes and he started to lightly scratch my back with his fingers. "Always."

"Always what?"

"Always the little things that make me love you even more." I lifted my head up and turned over the other way to face him, keeping my head on his stomach.

He put his hand on my chin and pulled my face to his for a kiss.

"I should do little things more often." Haz said slowly with a smirk on his face.

"No. It's better when you don't mean to." I took his hand off my face and kissed it. Then I held it to my chest, mindlessly playing with his fingers. He watched me as I did so.

"I love you." He said before tackling me on the bed, hovering over my body. In that moment I think we both knew what we wanted.

"Then show me." I said. My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't do much else but lay there.

He leant down and started kissing me. First my lips. Then my jaw. Now my neck. "Are you sure?"


"Words, Louis."

I had yet to hear that tone of voice, but I quite enjoyed it. "Yes. Yes, I'm sure."


We both lay out breath on the bed. Trying to figure what to say, I guess.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I said, but I didn't move.

After a second I heard Haz laughing hysterically.

"What?" I asked, thinking I did something wrong.

"We just had sex and the first thing you say is 'I'm gonna take a shower?'"

"Umm. Yeah. I don't really know what else to do."

"Aww. I'm sorry." He said laying on his side to cuddle me. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad, love. I just found it funny. I figured you'd be the sappy one and tell me how much you loved me and all the other mushy stuff, but I guess-"

I cut him off. "You're rambling." I smiled, finding it cute.


"Don't be."

"So about that shower?" He asked. "Am I allowed to join?"

I looked to the ceiling, pretending to think about it. "Hmm. I don't know." I started. "As much as I would enjoy it, I think you should- um clean, I guess while I'm in the shower."

"Duh. That's kinda the whole point of me getting in there with you."

"No. Not yourself, Haz... the room." I said. "And ya know, maybe change the sheets." I smirked.

"Yeah. That might be a giveaway." He groaned and rolled over. "Fine. But don't fucking take forever. I'll miss you." He turned back and gave me a peck on the cheek before I got up to take my shower.

I went to move my legs on the floor and I was kinda sore. Then I stood up and took a step only to realize that I was really sore. I laughed at myself.

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