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*Harry's POV*

I can't believe they just saw that. I felt angry because I wanted that moment to be between just Lou and me, but I also felt embarrassed for the same reason.

"What the fuck, Niall?" I said.

"Hey, we were here by accident."

"Yeah, mate. Chill out." Liam butted in.

"No! He has every right to be frustrated, just as I am." Now Louis was involved in the argument.

It went on like that for a few more minutes.

"You two infringed on a private moment! Do you not realize that?!" I yelled.

"Yeah, well we didn't do it on purpose!" Niall screamed back at me.

"Whatever. I'm done." Lou said and started walking back to our room.

When I followed him back I saw him just sitting on the bed messing with his own fingers.

"Are you okay?" I asked, gently.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I guess I'm just embarrassed they heard our conversation."

"Oh. Umm is there anything you need or can I get you something? I want to help."

He looked up at me and pouted his lip. "Cuddles, Haz?"

I smiled. "Cuddles, Lou."

I climbed up on the bed and layed so that his head was buried in my chest, my arms wrapped around him just as his were wrapped around me and our legs all tangled up.

"Hmm." Lou hummed.

"What?" I whispered kissing his hair ever so softly.

"You're comfy."

I chuckled and then it was silent for a few minutes.

"Lou?" I asked.

No response. He had fallen asleep. And I don't blame him because we were out and about all day and I could tell he was stressed with the whole having to tell people about us thing. I snuggled closer to him not too long before I was also watching the back of eyelids.

I slept for a long time because when I woke up it was 4AM, but the first thing I noticed was that Louis wasn't in my arms. I turned over and saw that the glass door was open, letting in a fresh calm breeze that felt very refreshing.

I walked out side knowing Lou was out there and under the light of the nearly full moon, he was sitting on a picnic blanket, still in the same clothes, looking at the ocean.

"Lou?" I whispered. "Are you crazy? What are doing out here?"

"Shh!" He said, pulling me down to sit with him. "Close your eyes and listen."

I did as I was told and what I heard was the sound of light waves hitting the sand, Louis' breathing, and the soft breeze tickling the leaves of plants nearby. It was quite peaceful.

I gathered a lump of sand and stuffed it under the blanket so I could prop myself up on it. Louis leaned to put his head on my chest.

"I love it here." Louis said softly.

"Yeah... me too." I put my lips onto his hair.


We stayed in that position just enjoying each other's company- each other's touch- for a while. Eventually, we went back inside and I got changed since I had out some of my clothes in Louis' wardrobe and I had been in my other ones since yesterday just like he had.

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