Final Chapter

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My eyes fluttered open and I felt her warm, naked body pressed against mine. Her arm was around my waist and her head was resting on my chest.

I saw her opening one eye and smirked before she closed it again. "Good morning, honey," I whispered and brushed her raven hair aside.

"Happy birthday," she mumbled back. Regina really wasn't a morning person. Ever since we'd moved in together, it had been a difficult task to get her out of bed.

Today was my twenty eighth birthday. One that I didn't intend to celebrate. Regina and I had been together for almost three years now.

I stroked her back softly. She now opened both her eyes and moved up to kiss my lips softly.

"What time is it?" Regina asked and I shrugged before I cupped her cheek and kissed her passionately. "The kids are coming over to celebrate your birthday, today," she added between two kisses.

"Do you think Henry's okay?" I asked and Regina rested her head on her pillow. She looked at me and shrugged.

"I- I don't know. I don't know how to make things better again," Regina responded softly and sighed. "He's probably been distant toward Robin and Marian as well. We'll just try to make the best of it."

"Yes, we will," I said.

Regina and Robin had told Henry he was adopted, a week ago. He hadn't taken it very well. In fact, he hadn't taken it well, at all. He felt betrayed and angry and refused to talk to any of us.

I saw him wondering. Wondering why someone had given him up and we all tried to help him as well as possible, but so far, we hadn't succeeded.

It was horrible to see the boy suffer like this, but he didn't want our help. He ignored us. Henry did talk to Roland, but Roland wouldn't tell us anything about how Henry was feeling.

Henry and I always had this special bond that was unexplainable, so it killed me that he wouldn't talk to me anymore.

Roland and I got along great as well, but the bond between me and Henry just came natural. As if I'd known the boy forever and he was my very own child.

I so hoped he would start talking soon.

"You don't have a birthday party or something similar planned, right? Just the kids and us."

"I dislike parties even more than you do, so of course I don't have anything special planned."

I rolled on top of her and smiled. "Good," I stated and she puckered her lips for a kiss, but instead I pecked her nose.

"How about we go-"

The doorbell rang, cutting off my sentence. Regina and I shared a confused look and I glanced at the alarm clock on our nightstand to see that it was but 8.15 a.m.

"Who's ringing the doorbell this early on a Saturday morning?"

We got up and quickly dressed ourselves in a bathrobe, before we both went downstairs. I opened the door and was rather confused to see Henry standing there.

"Mom," he said to Regina, who was standing behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows, when I noticed Henry was talking to me. He stepped closer and hugged me.

I swallowed confused before I looked at Regina. "Henry, w- what's up? Aren't you supposed to be at Robin's for another few hours."

"Did you give up a baby for adoption when you were nineteen?"

My eyes widened and I raised my eyebrows. Apart from Regina and Belle, no one knew that.

Crossing PathsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora