Did You Know? Real&Ideal Pt:2

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1. Yusuke's Realization
In chapter 6: Do I Have the Right? Yusuke is the first secondary character that Ren decides to plant seeds of doubt in so he can hopefully take him with him into the Palace.

The reason I chose Yusuke first was actually on an odd whim.

I was actually an art major in university, so while I was thinking of the plot one day, I remembered some of the traditional art history I'd learned. Chiaroscuro, one of the Renaissance Art techniques, came to mind.

I decided to put my knowledge to good use and write in Yusuke first X3

2. Akechi's True Future Reveal
Wow. This slot in the story was not only difficult to write, but also extremely rough trying to connect and canonize.

In order to progress the story, Real & Ideal had to mesh Maruki's altruistic desires with Akechi's hardened past, so I needed a way to connect Akechi to the Palace the way Kasumi's arc did in the game.

Honestly, it took me replaying Marukis Confidant ranks atleast 3 times before I came up with the idea of connecting him to Akechi's rehab past with his mother (it is also mentioned ingame that Maruki says he worked for a rehab clinic prior to coming to Shujin) - sooo, it connected perfectly : )

3. The symbolism behind the last dart
In the first chapter, Ren, who's overcome with loneliness, decides to go to Penguin Snipers to play a game of 701 alone and try to relive some of his memories with Akechi. But, when it comes down to him scoring the last point, he hears Akechi and Shido's voices, and drops the last dart, succeeding his game he was about to win.

This symbolism was written in specifically to showcase a unique parallel between Ren and Akechi. It is used to describe to the reader how, despite Ren's strategic, can do attitude, Akechi seems to be the only one that can make him faulter before finishing a task.

It could also symbolize a hint towards the future of this story. How easily things could.. 'slip through their fingers'.

; D See what I did there?

(Also if you're ever wondering why my chapters take so long to publish...

This is why xD, so many details!)

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