Did You Know? Real&Ideal Part:8

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1. The Calling Card
In Chapter 23: I Won't Let You Suffer Anymore, Akechi commits to one of the most outlandish acts of the entire story, one that no one would ever guess he'd do:

He gives Maruki a calling card. It's just one of his Ace Detective business cards with some quick writing on it, but still, it's something.

It's something so out of the ordinary for his personality, hell, even when I thought of it, I was surprsied at the idea. But when you think about the state of mind Akechi is in at the time, it makes perfect sense.

First, Akechi has been through alot.
Not only has he seen himself fall into turmoil, but his friends, and his lover as well. And not only that, he's discovered that every move he makes within Maruki's reality causes a huge ripple effect. Why? Because all of Akechi's plans involve big moves. Kidnapping Rumi, killing Shido, and overall just messing with the fabric of Maruki's control.

It's true. Akechi could have attempted to shoot Maruki in the head and cause a breakdown. But at this point, Maruki already has too much control. He has power over both the Metaverse and the real world, and can effectively come and go as he pleases. I absolutely considered him suffering a breakdown, but felt it was a bit of an anti-climactic ending that wouldn't truly give Real and Ideal justice. I felt that Maruki not seeing a shot in the head coming wouldn't feel canon enough for this story.

So, I felt, after all that Akechi had been through and all he'd done, finally siding with the Thieves for this one last time was just perfect.

2. Polar Opposites

So, while it wasn't done on purpose, Chapter 24, which split itself into the two different routes, ended up coming out as legitimate opposites of eachother.

In both instances I needed to push Ren and Akechi to the brink, where their decision to either stay in the fake reality or move back to the true reality was a desperate, live or die choice. And only Ren and Akechi can truly sway the group with such a decision.

So...after writing them both into some emotional turmoil, they ended up being dealt a hand with both weapons and threats, pushing the other to listen. It happens in different ways, and for different reasons, but still comes down to the very feral side of love:

What are you willing to do when pushed to the edge? How far are you willing to go when everything is on the line?

Perhaps it is a true ode to the rivalry between them? Or perhaps it is an omen of what's to come...

We will see soon :")

Extra Content: Dark Sun and Real & Ideal - Did You Know?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن