Real & Ideal Pt:11 - Bonus Content #2

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2So as I look through the myriad of various different cut ideas and chapters I've written for Real & Ideal, I'm honestly amazed at how much I've written, edited, and cut out lol.

Here is a small section of story that I titled as 'xtra'. I didn't write notes about it, but I'm pretty sure this was another idea of intimacy between Ren and Akechi at the beginning of the story, when Akechi first goes into the Palace alone and finds out from Maruki that Ren and him will eventually break up.

I can't be entirely sure if any small bits of this went into the actual published chapter, but this is definitely something that was kept for later, yet never ended up being in the story in its entirety.

Enjoy! :3


(Akechi's P.O.V)

I want you to stay...

I want our laughter, our excitement, our carefree life...

I want it all to be real.

But if I can't even make decisions on my own can I enjoy the happiness we share?

The familiar emptiness of dread began filling my chest. My nerves shifted apart, leaving me numb and devoid as the pain of understanding what was coming sat itself on my shoulders and slowed me even more.

"Why...? Why do I....have to lose you...?"

Love truly is such a fickle emotion. Last year, before I killed Shido in the true reality, I would have laughed and spat on the idea that I could feel this way. That losing the one I loved more than anything in the world could actually bring me to become a weak, terrified child.

But it happened...and I couldn't stop it.

My head buried itself into Ren's shoulder as I turned to face him. I nudged my nose into his neck, gritting my teeth to try and stave off the pain in my heart. The only other clue that I was hurting came from how I had his sleeves in my hands, white knuckling the fabric in my pain.

"Lose me..?"

Ren was clearly taken offguard. I felt his body tense under my sudden intimate gesture - one he wasn't used to entertaining in public.

"I'm right here...Akechi, what are you talking about?" Amamiya reached his hand out and rubbed my back softly in an attempt to soothe my rigid body. All I could do in response is sigh.

"How far are you willing to go, if my delusion's are permanent?"

The question was out of left field, and I knew I would confuse Ren by asking it. But I still hadn't made up my mind. And I couldn't find a way out, no matter how many millions of times I reviewed the situation.

"As far as it takes. If you didn't scare me in Shido's certainly don't scare me now."

His responses were always so quiet and straight forward. His words didn't surprise me one bit.

"I would do anything for you. Out of love, and out of kindness. Whatever it takes. Whatever it is you need from me...and however long it takes for you to share all your secrets with me..."

The courage in Ren's voice easily melted a small fraction of the ice that guarded my heart. HE was smart, and strong, and so charming. It was a waste, knowing that such a man could slip through my fingertips within the days coming...

"I love you, after all."

The words he spoke were softened only by the teasing lick of his tongue against the tip of my ear.

"So I'll wait you out. You can't shut me out forever..."

I straightened up and shoved him away from me quickly, meeting his gaze with my own. Joker's eyes searched mine through his mask, confused by my odd behaviour.

It was the first time anyone had ever said I love you to me...

But it gave me the strength I needed. The push to revive my spirit. The vow to fill my heart with the courage I needed.

Wait it out. That's what I'll do, too.

Even if I struggle...I'll wait out the pain. I'll wait out the suffering.

And when I want to end it all, I'll just remind myself to wait.

I can get through this. I won't let you slip through my fingers.

"Good." My weak tone regained its composure, and I took a deep breath. The look of a heroic conviction stood stern on my face.

"I wouldn't expect any less from a Trickster."

"Hahahaha. You just think you can waltz around here, refusing to accept my masters salvation?"

The distorted words of a shadow crept up behind me. I became instantly frozen to the spot, barely able to turn around as an enemy suddenly jumped out and ambushed me from behind.

"GYAH!" I yelped.

And before I could even distinguish what was going on, I was thrust into a battle with a high level Byakhee laughing at my crumpled form...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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