Did You Know? Real&Ideal Pt:9

26 1 7

1. Keeping Things Equal
Working on the Dark Sun series for so many months has taught me many things. One being that as a fellow Persona fan, the fanbase is dedicated, commited, and very kind.

Therefore, when I decided to keep Real & Ideal's endings canon by splitting them into two routes, I had to make sure I kept things equal. I did research on the various opinions people felt on the true ending versus the Maruki ending, and discovered there was a fair bit of split logic in it. Some people liked one ending more then the other, some people fought over which they felt was more canon, etc.

So, after seeing how split the community was, I decided on two things.

1) the routes of R&I would be both written at the same, and released at the same time, so they would be fair game for all readers.

2) They would both hold different pathways into the story endings, but hold as many canon elements as possible to give everyone the experience of enjoying whichever reality you preferred (without any author bias, ofcourse)

And 3) to keep it legitimately fair, both route chapters have to be roughly the same length.

#3 has been the hardest to adhere to so far. But, funny enough, I've kept the chapters within the same 1000 word count of eachother xD

(In perspective, other than my vision problems earlier, this word count has been what has delayed me from releasing the chapters sooner. Must have all the details!)

2) Kasumi... oops *Sumire

I've legitimately been so hyped about finishing this story and giving everyone the millions of ideas that have been swimming around in my head for so long, that I've actually just realised (at the publishing of chapter 26), that I've been calling Sumire Kasumi this whole time, even after her awakening to realise she's Sumire.

I had intended to brand her as Sumire once her awakening happened near the end of the story, but it totally slipped my mind.

Legitimately a mistake on my part. Oops.

3) Celebrating Akechi

As of Chapter 26, I finally came to the realisation that I'd developed Akechi's personality (just) enough to show off his true love for Ren in legitimate public situations. (Not that cocky side of him, but the actual affection he feels that he specifically hides).

During these two route chapters, I made it a point to show Akechi's protective side, along with his desperation, care, and true affection for Ren. I've been wanting to do it for so long, but never settled on the right time, until now.

I hope it feels canon enough to everyone. I've been waiting to really show off Akechi's true passion for Ren for so, so long. :")

4) Drafts
Oh and as a quick tidbit - Real & Ideal currently has 26 published chapters (I'm counting the routes as one) and 20 unreleased drafts xD

Extra Content: Dark Sun and Real & Ideal - Did You Know?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora