Chapter 41: From 12 Years

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Sam's POV

It's already Sunday here and we're heading to my family estate. The reason I'm heading there was to look something up. I don't know what I'm looking for but I know it's important. My young self would probably not write some silly things in the diary Aphrodite found in her room.

Yes, we already talked.

She told me that we were childhood friends before I lost my memory. The diary tells me a lot of things we did back then but somehow it feels like something's missing. Not just on the diary but also on her story. As if she was not telling me everything I needed to know.

- 16 HOURS AGO -

"I knew you were hiding something," I said as I saw my name on the first page. My arms folded into my chest as I put a weight on one leg. "Spill," I instructed. More like demanded.

She let out a sigh as she looked at the diary before looking at me.

"I just found this. It's yours," she said handing the diary at me which I took. "I haven't read that even when we were kids," she said with a sad smile. "You can't remember me, Sammy?" Her eyes staring at mine with a hopeful look.

Jade green eyes staring back at me as I stood behind my parents. She had a stoic look on her face as she held her father's hand.

"Sam, meet my daughter, Des," aunty Jade introduced her daughter as uncle Desmond pulled her to the front. I could feel a hand on my head as I looked at my mama, who was smiling at me.

"Be good friends with her, Sam. Why don't you show her your books?" Mama looked at me with a soft smile. I nodded and aunty Jade told Des to follow me.

I was standing there with a shocked look. Then another flashback came.

"Let's build a sandcastle," I saw Des looking down at me with a small pail and a shovel. I was under the tree in the backyard reading a book entitled The Little Prince.

Series of flashbacks came back and all of the sudden, I felt a pang on my head which made me groan in pain. I heard Aphrodite called my name and quickly pulled me towards the bed to sit.

"Hey, are you okay?" Her worried looked was etched on her face. I nodded and gave her a small smile.

"Just quite surprised with the sudden flashbacks I guess," I chuckled but then I felt her slap my shoulder.

"It's not something to laugh about," she scowled.

"No wonder why I felt a familiar pull towards you," I smiled at her. "It's been a long time, Des."

Her tears fell as she heard me say the childhood nickname that I used to call her. She quickly wrapped me in her embrace in which I reciprocated. Somehow, I felt complete for the first time.

"I was overwhelmed when I heard your parents died. Moreover, when you left for London," she glared at me making me chuckle at her nervously. Then, her glare slowly turned into a smile before engulfing me once again in a tight hug.

"I can't remember much of what happened during that night. From what I know, someone was killed by a wolf when they saw me near a tree," I stopped momentarily as their smiling faces etched on my mind. I felt a hand cup on my face and it was lifted to see Aphrodite smiled sadly.

"You don't have to remember that." I shook my head.

"I know I don't remember that much but I had my episodes during those days. Being the lone survivor made me wish that I have joined my parents-" Then I felt a hard slap on my shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?!" I rubbed my shoulder to soothe the pain.

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