please God give me strength

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chapter 6 As humans, we often have to be strong even in difficult circumstances. Life throws things our way that can be tough to handle, which is the perfect time to turn to the Bible verses about strength. Whether we need a push to stay on track or need to be reminded that God's strength is always there for us to rely on, the words of the Bible can offer strength even when we have none. Amen I feel like I lost so much weight by doing nothing I hardly don't work out sign lost so much weight I don't know how oh my God I'm so hot
I feel so hungry I feel like I've been in the the desert of like 40 days 40 nights like I haven't been not eating we are the body of Christ every time I talk about God as my stomach growls
Jesus honey I need you I got bitten by Jesus Christ for the needle and he bit me for a immune of the. covid-19 I am perfect my favorite sport is basketball play shoot a hoop and I never miss Sarasota the best computers in the library Apple
A computer can read it to you by name Alex Union and Briarwood is the best place to live in what I can do with Jesus sweet gay boyfriend one of these days I might found gay boyfriend I have to do my homework
And they still have leftover pizza by the cafeteria from the pizza gate party in the working on science in computer. And I was at the gym picking up weights up but I don't know how I lost so much weight
And take a dive in the hot tub Man wish my gay boyfriend was here so I can make out with him I need him right now in my whole time life I need
I'm just to prove that I'm In Love With Jesus

Dear Lord,

I pray over my circumstances right now. I pray you will give me peace about what I can't change and the wisdom to change the things I can. I'm asking you to reach into my life and do your will. Guide me and give me the discernment to hear your voice. Help me to overcome these adversities and have victory in you on the other side. I thank you for the plans you have for me and give you the praise and glory, even in this current storm. In your name, I pray. Amen. I need you god to find my perfect gay boyfriend beautiful looking like Jesus

wonder where to find him he's out looking for me I will find him one of these days where are you my honky gay boyfriend it's like the coming of Jesus but the Jesus I'm coming it's my gay boyfriend take me to the light I need to stay away from the dark

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