he's always with me

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Chapter 24 I got my love to me is Jesus and he's always with me
Jesus told me that his parents was homophobic didn't like him because he was gay jesus he was 13 out when he found out he was attracted to guys
He sneaked around in the parents computer looking up very hot gay porn he got grounded for it come on it was very hot he said jesus he was 17 when you left his parents he found himself a job in a gay boyfriend name is David jesus he never saw his parents again he's mine you always be mine Judas just came up to me and was flirting with me you're so hot David thanks and absolutely you too
Maybe we can take this to the next well just you and me without no Jesus but I'm In Love With Jesus not with you Judas just kiss me and I slapped him come on. Maybe that song Judas by Lady Gaga I'm in love with Judas but no I'm not I'm In Love With Jesus he just came up to him and pushed him away should I stay away from gay boyfriend but he's my gay boyfriend David who you want to have most gay sex with Jesus or Judas I chose Jesus this is not over yet I would get you some day judas said to david so that was the end of that she says than me went home watching Happy Tree Friends on YouTube this show hilarious I feel sad that Judas didn't have a gay boyfriend yet. he wants me but I want Jesus more. Jesus said I remember Judas and kindergarten
We play hide and seek and build a sandcastle. but Jesus never went to high school with me he walk along with me jesus says we're so glad that I graduate from college I hope Judas will find a gay boyfriend soon I just want to be more with Jesus mostly all the time and having gay sex with him not with any gay guys jesus is my perfect gay boyfriend ever Jesus wants to be a boxer jesus know how to punch a guy really hard and he knows how to do beat a homophobe asshole Jesus know how to fight he's wants to help me he's in love with me
He never wants to hurt me. are you bye some pizza with pineapple. It was empty and donk jesus play a song in the background on Play the song Jesus Take the wheel looking around with me he's my gay boyfriend Jesus has a very hot body jesus he has tenderness strong sexy body pick up wakes up he can pick up a heavy box we got hooked up by Judas he wants to have gay sex with us he put up his dick up my ass and he's jesus put his dick up his ass to stick by me to pick his ass got to hot gay guys are Jesus and Judas a lot of sucking and fucking and kissing sucking dick sure this is my second gay boyfriend but Jesus is really my gay for a boyfriend now I got like two gay boyfriends now Judas doesn't feel so sad being with me I got two of the hot gay guys ever judas has long short black hair and Henry and have tattoos Jesus talks about like he had a very hot body judas don't have tenderness around his white strong sexy body Harley but Jesus have tenderness around his storm sexy body touching storm arms and muscles sucking each other's dicks I need more sucking a more of it we made a lot of money to make the video of Judas and Jesus my two gay boyfriends I love my gay boyfriends
Jesus and Judas it's great that I have to gay boyfriends I really want to git marry Jesus what I'm going to do with judas he's in love with me but I'm In Love With Jesus I don't want to his break his heart but I'm really want to be with Jesus
Father, I ask you to help me to remember that is not by my will or by my strength or even by any authority that I have, that my life is working. I'm not successful because of anything I've done. I haven't really accomplished anything on my own. Everything I've done, everything I have is because You have favored me and I thank You for that. I praise you every day for Your goodness and Your mercy in my life. Amen.
What I'm going to do I got gay boyfriends so I'm really in love with Jesus but Judas is hot he's very hot like Jesus two of my gay boyfriends kiss Jesus was kissing back behind me and judas was kissing right in front of me judas was kissing me and Jesus put his dick up to my ass so fucking good kissing and fucking I need them to hold me tight having a threesome with Jesus and Judas who is my pray for tonightFather, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for having a tender heart towards me, a sinner. Let my trials and problems be a way for You to show me the mercies of Your love. Amen. He will always stay with me Jesus I got to gay boyfriend but I really want Jesus I got to gay boyfriend throat are perfect for me Jesus and Judas Like My Bodyguard I think to have both of them they're very hot together You are my Shepherd, O Lord. You laid down your life for me, and you provide all things that I need from day to day and forever. Your goodness is unmatched by the hireling shepherds of this world. Your goodness and love surpass all that of man to an infinite degree and leave us in wonder and awe. I can't stop coming down when I can't stop thinking about them moving my dick around Jesus and Judas and me and Jesus intrusive fucking and sucking dicks at the best night ever
Father, I love that you use the foolish thing to confound the wise and the weak things to shame the strong. That means that there is hope for me. I am both foolish and weak at times, so You might use me for Your glory. Help me to ready when the time comes that I have slain the giant. Be with me and allow Your power and glory to be revealed in me. Amen. Me and Jesus and Judas went to the Gay Pride Parade we had so much fun being gay gay rights are human rights we are both equal we accepted to God who loves us and the the real life Jesus died for us he died for us so we can live in his side he died for our sins so we can be forgiven I am a child of God
I love everything about gay boyfriends they are sweet and nice to me and they teach me like I'm one of them they are both buff and muscles for sticking tenderness we are perfectly fine and happy I got two of the gay boyfriends I have when is Jesus and one is Judas long short black hair and and strong muscles and Jesus long short brown hair and he looks a lot like Jesus he's so hot and perfect and judas too now I have to go back to work in people services I can't stop thinking about Jesus and Judas this when I'm working and I'm doing Meals on Wheels I'm with Tiffany
We have to get a pack of lunch for them for the consumers. And I got a sandwich from Subway and my drink peace tea eating at the park at Briarwood after I was done at work and went to the hospital Judas is a doctor and jesus it's a mechanic
I am love with my two gay boyfriends they work as hard just like me so judas was done working we went to the cafeteria at the hospital and they're serving pizza Jesus and Judas in me having some good pizza
All three of us me jesus and Judas went to see a movie at the movie theaters the amityville haunting it was just as good as the paranormal Activity movies if you got some popcorn and soda just as good it's buttery popcorn I never walk alone this time many times but I have Jesus with me I don't want Judas I want Jesus time to make my decision I want Jesus  my gay boyfriend

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