I am not done with Judas and zed but I'm keeping Jesus

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Chapter 42 Yes, you are holding on to the fact that I am not over Judas and Zed and that I am not having gay sex anymore, but Jesus is the one I am going to choose. He is so hot and ready for me that I can not believe how hot he is. All I want is a happy life with him and me. Today, may I say that I love you? If not, is it okay if I ask you tomorrow? And tomorrow's day after tomorrow? And the day following that? Because I will always love you, no matter where we go or what happens, I will always need you. Jesus My gay boyfriend, where have you been working for us? Tell me, please, so I can get some snacks. Let us go get some Chinese food; I could eat a horse. Eat sweet and sour pork egg rolls with beef, broccoli, and Pepsi in Maine. Jesus, I feel so satisfied. All I need is you by my side. It feels good to have met someone so strong. I need you with all of my heart, and we had a great time creating music videos together. Jesus All I want to do is fall asleep with you, Jesus, while dancing, singing, and kissing. I loved it back then when they said that homosexuals were sinners but not sins. Bloody hours sin, it feels so hard to save stickiness, and that is a sin if our bodies are born sick. God loves us regardless of who we are. For example, my gay boyfriend told me he loved me so much that he would die without me. He also saved my life and has been incredibly kind to me.
I have complete faith in my ability to paint; just let me know when you are done. authentic resistance painting
Can I sell them for, say, $100 for a large painting picture? I really do beautiful paintings, and we sell them at the Tea Store, a thrift store run by People Services. I paid for a large, sexy picture of Jesus, with his big mouth hanging open, his pants undone, and him looking so hot that it makes me feel like I am drooling. I also paid for a painting of gardens and other pretty things outside during the summer, so that Jesus and I can get suntan skin without even having to use a tanning bed. Wow, look at Jesus tanning so hot outside!
Jesus desires me. We have so much love for one another that we could make more money by having gay sex once more in order to pay the bills. He is a mechanic who provides Meals on Wheels with Ketchum; he is disabled and wants to eat lunch outside. I will be working at People Services with him. KFC went to the program and enjoyed themselves while painting, playing Uno, watching Disney Plus, completing some paperwork, and reading the Bible.

Dad I see the wicked prospering all around me. I have the impression that doing bad things leads to good things, but I know deep down that this is not the case. I am reminded by your word that I ought not to feel jealous of those who commit evil. Their destiny is set. Nothing bad can last because You have everything under control and in Your hands. Encourage me when I am feeling discouraged and help me to stay in Your will. I want to pursue You and You alone. Oh, the men. Love never fades. The truth about my gay boyfriend is that you always have my side, God is on my side, and we fit in together. My boyfriend can keep me around as long as he wants me to remain gay for the rest of my life; I will not die for him. We take a hot bath on Sunday, the day of the new day.
When I got back home, he was doing candles and something amazing. He was only doing it for a specific place, so could you just do this for me since he is in love with me? Jesus's love is the source of my strength; he keeps me in my car. I have the sword that he asked me to have; it is me, your love. His dick has some whipped cream on top of it.
I love you, Jesus. In his gorgeous large pictures, with a cherry on top of his dick, licking it for stripping that tasted so good, jacking off his dick. Jesus, my gay boyfriend, you are the light of my life. When I call you or when you are upset, you are always there to comfort me. Your real name is Taylor, but even if he is not the real Jesus, you look a lot like him. You have short hair, a beard, and strong muscles that attract him. This love will last forever, and I would never break up with you. You are the one who matters to me. I feel as though an angel of love has touched me. Let Jesus take the wheel. By me Alex
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To this book, my love, if I find a gay boyfriend who resembles Jesus but does not actually have to, that is what I want; he just needs to look like a decent gay man. I am envious of David and appreciate that he came to terms with his sexual orientation. He discovered a gay man who resembles Jesus but has nothing to do with the real Jesus. He is a nice gay man, and I feel like having a gay boyfriend will transform my life as we spend time together, kiss, and go to the movies.
It is Jesus the cowboy. Casanova looks amazing in a red and black suit. Dancing to the music while removing his pants and crotch belt. Plus, it makes me horny, which I adore. It is scorching hot, just like Burn it.

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