Chapter 6: Regroup

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         Three days after the attack, students who had attended had been making quite a buzz. The press had done their best to calm the public but it was a work in progress. Parents were advised that children should not re-attend and to find a different alternative. But authorities assured all of the concerns.

'Rest assured. We have speculated some type of animal had tackled these students while they were visiting the basement. No evidence shows itself why the students went down there but, one's things for sure: we will find whatever did this and--'

The television clicks off as Mifuyu puts it beside her, glancing at her phone. An hour before noon. She gets up and stretches, soon straightening out her light green blouse. She rubs her tired eyes and puts her cell phone in her back jean pocket, walking down the steps down to the living room. Hina blinks up from reading her book and frowns, a worried look starting to form.

"Mifuyu, did you do what I suggested?" Hina asks.

Mifuyu nods, putting two hands on her hips. "Yep. I called him and scheduled an appointment for next Wednesday. He seemed...welcoming." She mumbles that last part, looking to her left.

"Well of course he would be, Mifuyu! You haven't seen him in a couple weeks. So I'm sure he's worried." Mifuyu doesn't say anything and shrugs, walking toward the front door as she grabs her brown coat, throwing it over her arms.

"I'm gonna go to my meeting. I'll be back later."

"Please be safe! Do you have your--?"The door slams shut before Hina could finish that sentence.

She quickly walks down the steps and walks to her left, instead of usually leaving for her right to the school. Her heels clicked against the sidewalk, walking past a few civilians as she was approaching the city. Regardless of what had happened, life still continued. People were still tending to their jobs, family, and whatever normalcy they have. The ravenette kept her gaze trained forward but was off lost in her own thought.

'Mauled and drained of their blood...'

Mifuyu remembers the articles she was reading for the past couple of days. They kept updating with whatever new information was relevant and most of it was press talking...but the death still remained the same, just now more detailed. She knew she couldn't make out the corpses bodies while in shock in the basement. But now knowing what she had missed...

' Identities have been revealed to be Izanagi Rei and Hideyoshi Mako. The two men were found mauled and drained of their blood at the scene of the crime. Multiple gash wounds, much like claws, were scarred across their bodies. Both had significant and massive bite marks, teeth unable to be verified. The draining of their blood is a cause yet to be identified.'

Mifuyu's right eye twitches in annoyance at how minimal the suspects were but that was to be expected. What kind of person or human would have been able to achieve such a feat? Unless they have incredibly sharp nails, unnatural shark teeth, and the sense of a cannibal. But...those people online, however.

'This is so scary!'
'What could it have been?'
'A crazy psychopath!? A savage animal??'
'A fucking vampire?? Werewolves??'
'That's not funny! Don't make fun of this!'

Mifuyu crosses her arms and huffs, doing a small chuckle.

"Vampires, eh? It isn't some type of had to have been a person. Question is what the human body is capable of...?" She mumbles to herself, placing two fingers on her chin. No animal can even get into the basement, right?

Unless she looks down there herself.

Shaking her head, her phone buzzes. She reaches into her pocket to pull it out to see a text message, a member of the meeting asking if she was coming. Mifuyu quizzically looks at the stupidest question alive and quickly types back an approval, putting it in her pocket. She then spots the recreational center up ahead, up past the old telephone booth.

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