Chapter 4: Sudden Lessons

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Earbuds were placed in Mifuyu's ears as she walked down the apartment steps and out onto the sidewalk to take a nice jog. It was the weekend and it has been a couple of days since the incident happened. The girl that Reiji reported was ultimately expelled for putting two student's in danger, the laboratory was being repaired, and the class representative was awarded kind words and pats on the back for saving a girl's life and reporting the crime. Although...

"It was not all me. A girl who had witnessed the deed was also there. I just happened to be caught in the crossfire."

He had said at the meeting held for third years. Whenever they asked about who told him, he wouldn't tell them. So despite Mifuyu mentioning she didn't mind having her name being put out there after all this, he still kept it under wraps. Shrugging it off, she had gone to go thank him again for the help but Reiji respectfully said that he had other matters to tend to, and walked away.

 'That guy...who does he think he is?! Thinks he's so high and mighty...!'

The ravenette complains to herself as she jogs toward a nearby park. The evening sunbeams glistening along with the evergreen leaves that danced with the wind as she ran along the dirt path. Mifuyu was curious about the dream she had. It was different from her other terrors that lay dormant in her mind. She never dreamt about her school, nor about a damn moon. The shadowy figure was peculiar too. Obviously, she couldn't bring it up. But she was scolded for bottling up her emotions before by her aunts and it was discouraged by the manager of the therapy sessions she went to. Maybe she should try to bring it up at some point when she sees them in a week. That was next Thursday. Mifuyu keeps a mental note of that and right before she could recognize what she was doing, her body collides with another one. She lands in the dirt rather hard and the earbuds fall out of her ears.

 "Hey! Watch where you're--!"

"I-I'm so sorry!" A young girl exclaims. Mifuyu rises from the ground to see a girl with glasses, short white hair with long pieces hanging off of her bangs. She wore a blank tank top with blue shorts and sandals over her feet. There was even a strand of her hair that was pink. Raising an eyebrow, Mifuyu stands and holds out her hand.

 "Sorry. That was my bad. I wasn't paying attention to who was in front of me." Mifuyu apologizes and holds out her hand to which the younger girl takes.

"No, you're fine! I was preoccupied with other things too." Her voice sounded rather high and nervous. The girl rubs the back of her head out of embarrassment and does a small laugh. Mifuyu shrugs.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I can't stay and chat long since I need to do my run but uh, be safe. It's getting kinda late, yeah?"

"O-Oh! It has? Oh my goodness...I need to get home!"

With that, the mysterious girl picks up her phone and sprints off in the direction Mifuyu had just come from. The ravenette blinked in confusion, raising a hand to call out to her but she was already gone. That was the quickest interaction she had outside of having awkward conversations with her aunts. Minding her own business once again, Mifuyu starts to jog again along the dirt path. Her quiet yet chilling evening is normal as usual.


"Mifuyu, did you say 'thank you' to that Sakamaki yet?" Hina had asked while taking a quick bite of her buttered bread as she smiled.

 "No, I haven't. Why do you keep bothering me about it, auntie?"

Mifuyu groans, leaning back in the wooden chair, popping her back. Akari sighs in annoyance and shakes her head.

"Is that boy always so busy or do you keep making up excuses?" She asks. The adolescent clicks her tongue in response and leans her chair back forward.

"I mean, he is nothing but a rich prick so why wouldn't he be?"

"Fuyu!" Hina exclaims, almost choking on her soup after sipping it.

"You know Mifuyu, you could be a lot nicer with your words. I would hope you didn't talk to him like that." Akari says, ignoring her sister as she downs her bottled water after her choking episode.

"I mean..." Mifuyu trails off, looking to her right. "I said sorry but--"

 "Oh my god, Fuyu! I would hope you do apologize, goodness!" Hina shouts, pounding the table with her fist. The ravenette cringes, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Alright, alright! I'll find him and I'll say..." She stands up from her seat, cupping her hands as if in prayer. " 'Thank you oh so much for saving my life a couple of days ago! I am forever in your debt! Would you like me to make you some sort of dinner as for my thanks?' Or maybe say..."

Mifuyu spins around, flipping her hair. Still putting on that dramatic voice of hers. " 'Senpai, I can provide other offers if it suits you--'"

 "Allllriiight! Mifuyu! That's enough!" Akari yells and Mifuyu laughs, plopping down on her seat.

"Just talk to him when you can and keep us posted. It is a huge deal that a Sakamaki not only saved you from near death... but also escort you home?" Mifuyu rolls her eyes and nods, caving into her aunt's demands.

 "I'll do my best, aunties. No promises."


Monday evening rolled around faster than she thought. Her mission to track down the four-eyed freak had proven to be unsuccessful only because she did not intend to find him. That guy must have known she was thankful for his help, right? So a formal apology was not necessary. Besides she is awkward enough already and to talk to someone that was near equal height, rubbed her the wrong way. The usual 'kyas!' and fangirling she would hear as they would flock Kou as soon as he stepped past that threshold still gives Mifuyu a slight headache as she heads up to her homeroom. That is until she was stopped by a slight tap on her shoulder.

 "Um... excuse me?"

The ravenette turns around, a puzzled expression arising on her face. "Yeah? What's up?" Mifuyu asks, looking down at the smaller petite female. The girl looks down at the ground, hands cupped over each other in front of her skirt.

"I was told to find you for this class..." She says quietly, her sherbert colored eyes wavering in anxiety.

 "Hm? Speak up, will ya'? It is kinda hard to hear you." Mifuyu says turning her full attention to the student, crossing her arms.

"Eh? I'm sorry! Um, the instructor for one of my law classes wanted me to talk to you about needing help!" She says rather quickly, looking up at Mifuyu. Blinking in surprise, the ravenette scoffs.

"I'm sorry? I'm no tutor but uh, who recommended you?"

 "I'm a second-year student. I--"

"Oh!" Mifuyu interrupts the stranger, which makes her jump. "--Sorry." She quickly apologizes before snapping her fingers. "I know who you're talking about! Ahh, yeah! Saotome, right?" She asks and the blonde nods, smiling.

 "Well, I'll be damned! Recommending me to help a student with law? Hah! She really is the best teacher ever." Mifuyu says to herself, smirking in amusement. "You really want my help, don'tcha?"

The girl nods quickly, stepping forward. "Yes! She told me you are really good in her class and...I don't want to ask for anybody else." She mumbles the last bit to herself, to which Mifuyu tilts her head in confusion. But shrugs it off.

 "Alrighty then. You know my name then?"

"Satomi Mifuyu, third-year right?" She asks, bowing after she says this. "Thank you so much for accepting me."
"You can call me Mifuyu. I don't usually like formalities. What's your name?" Mifuyu asks, putting a hand on her hip. The blonde rises, a cheerful smile blossoming on her face.

"Yui Komori!"

"Okay then! Is Yui alright?"

"Eh? Well, as long as that's okay..."

"Course' it's alright! When do you wanna start?" Mifuyu asks.

"Um...I'm not sure quite yet. But I will for sure let you know, Sat-- I-I mean, Mifuyu-san!" Yui exclaims and the bell tolls, they both jump. Mifuyu nods and turns around, running off.

"I gotta split or else I'll be written up again! Just find me and I'll help ya out, alright?" The ravenette waves, running down the halls to her homeroom.

'Wait...did I seriously just accept that?' Mifuyu thinks to herself, feeling herself sweat in nervousness.


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