Chapter 19: Crave

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Snow flurries started to fall once the gates of Ryoutei Academy opened once more for the student body. All of their night colleagues would return to classes as normal despite the recent news made about an attack a few weeks prior. Holidays for the Satomi family became fractured ever since Hiroshi was sent to the hospital. His sisters and Mifuyu were told that they had no idea what had happened but he would be hospitalized until further notice and the attack was under investigation.

But she knew what had happened. It was all over Ryouichi's face when he confronted her that bloody night. Those glowing golden eyes, lips stained with crimson blood, and the calm storm that resided.

Vampires are real and her once childhood best friend was a creature of the night.

From: Yuma

So you're afraid you'll lose this memory too if ya don't write it down?

Yuma and her start to talk amongst each other again because of the incident. She was absolutely terrified of this newfound information that she deeply wished she didn't know. Creatures. Supernatural beings. No human being would ever inflict that kind of harm. That must mean the other cases...

From: Yuma


Light finger taps away on her touchscreen.

Yes. Sorry, I'm...still fucking freaked out.

Ya, I get it. I wanted to run by a theory actually with you if you feel like it rn?

Mifuyu blinks her tired eyes. Red and sore from sobbing the nights before and now she had to worry what she would look like for school tomorrow night. She wipes her eyes and sniffles, texting back with a nod.


Ya know you couldn't see much of anything that night when those two girls attacked ya. Ya also mentioned there was a full moon outside. But it was new, right?

...Yeah? And?

I think that dude might have cast a spell on you.

Mifuyu scoffs at the notion and rubs her face, pinching the bridge of her nose. Supernatural creatures are real, sure. She is slowly coming to terms with that. But following that up with magic users? The fact this was much closer to reality scared the ravenette more.

Magic? Do you know anything about it?

...Not really. But it's just a guess. If these things actually exist like ya said, then why rule out that magic is fake? He coulda cast something on ya so you slowly forget the moments you saw before-which is why your head hurt.

She squinted at the text and was about to type a response before being interrupted mid-text by another message.

When we go back tomorrow, I wanna talk to ya about somethin.' You down?

Mifuyu sighs and texts back a thumbs up before tossing her phone to the side of her, hitting her pillow with a hard punch. The phone vibrated once more but it was a text from Yui. She doesn't pick it up to check. Her fist connected directly to Ryouichi's jaw and the fact he didn't look phased by the injury...was astounding. He was never like this. Never this bold until he was taken in by that damned priest. But he was dead for sure. It was confirmed on the news when she saw photos of the orphanage in flames and confirmed deaths.

So, where did Ryouichi go in that span of time?

She wraps herself in her soft blankets and eventually falls off to sleep.


"And so with these events unfolding, we ensure that all of our students are protected by our facility no matter what. We insist that all of you are at least accompanied by one other classmate of your year or higher when going to class, lunch, and other activities. We thank you for your patience and time in attending Ryoutei Academy. Please stay safe."

The announcement was made in all classes by their instructors. Saotome had even said the same thing to Mifuyu that evening before she went to her class. Before she could go, she gently put a hand on her shoulder.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. You haven't talked to me in a while, sweetie."
She would force a smile to her ex-teacher, "I'm going through a lot but, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."

Students would not be as social as they usually are. They were more hushed and quiet just as they were when the first set of attacks happened. The basement was no longer blocked off with cautionary tape but was secured by a bigger more complicated lock than before. As the headmaster had suggested in the announcement, it was enforced no student should be left on their own for any circumstances which only troubled Mifuyu more.

The class had wrapped up early for this period. Raspberry knives would pierce her back. It would only be her, Shu, and Reiji in the class while the Mukami's were in another room. Students within the classroom would talk to each other, trying to lift each other up within these scary situations but Mifuyu would sit by herself in her assigned seat, staring at her hands. A memory would interrupt her peaceful intervention.

"Why did you do it?" A boy with that same white short hair would ask the braided ravenette. She sits up in her bed, wincing in pain but still glared at him all the same.

"I wanted to get out of here. Simple as that."

"I cannot understand you, Fuyu-chan. You would leave a place that has given you food, shelter, and a community just because you won't believe in our faiths?" He tilts his head to the side, confused.

She pounds her fits on the bed. "No, you don't understand! Do you know what hell I go through being here? Stuff that you don't see?! They want me gone, Ryou. I'm not gonna listen to Hayato or you about this...thing, you keep talking about."

"If you would just listen to us for once, maybe your thickheaded brain would be able to comprehend what we're trying to teach! Maybe they can heal your hands and legs if you tell them you're sorry!" Ryou yells, hands going into fists.

"Huh! I don't need any saving. I especially don't want it from you." Mifuyu holds her now bandaged hands close to her chest. "Leave me alone, Ryou."

"Tch..! Everything I've worked for, everything I've done...!"

"Doing what...?! You've done nothing but listen to everything he says! You're just his favorite and nothing more!"
"How dare you!" Ryou grows red with anger and marches toward her bed to lift his hand to her before she grabs his arm. His eyes widen but start to struggle as Mifuyu yelps in pain.

"Get out of my room! Get out, get out, get out!" She shouts and shoves him away from her, yelling out in pain. Hands go directly to her thighs, eyes biting back more tears to fall.

"You are a lost cause." Ryou spats, turning his back towards her.

"I'd rather be lost than wanted."


A voice interrupts her thorny memory and she opens her eyes to see the second eldest stand over her desk with the same sharp eyes. However, something about his body posture seemed a tad off. She raises an eyebrow and rubs at her eyes, leaning back in her chair.

"What?" Her voice bites, obviously not wanting to talk to anyone. Especially not Reiji.

He does a sharp inhale and exhales. "I am checking to see how you are in your studies since it has been a while since we last saw each other. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Fuck off, class rep." Mifuyu says before going to look at her hands again.

Students quickly started to lower their voices and look over at the two, silence now slicing the thick air of tension. Shu on the other hand was sleeping in his corner seat but little did anyone know that he was indeed halfway listening to the conversation.

"...Satomi-san, please watch your tongue when you are in my presence. I do not mind if you speak that way to your friends, but you will not speak that way to me."

Suddenly she slams her hands on her desk and stands abruptly from her seat, silver eyes clashing with those same raspberry hues. Upon closer expectation, this was the same look he gave her in the hallway after Ayato's confrontation. Cold, calculating, and intimating. Was that a hint of a smirk on his face or was she just reaching?

Her heart was starting to race but she persisted.

"Didn't ya say you didn't care about my personal matters, Sakamaki-san?"

His eye noticeably twitched and he folds his arms across his chest. Reiji opens his mouth to speak but the school bell cuts him off. Students slowly leave their seats and make their way to the doors and so does Mifuyu, throwing her school bag over her shoulder. The black scarf bouncing in tandem.

"Keep it that way. I'm fine." That is all she says before quickly exiting the classroom.

A soft laugh is heard from the oldest.

"Is there something funny, you good-for-nothing?"

"Your anger. Not as intense for me but pretty close. It's funny." Shu says, getting up from his seat now slouching.

Reiji clenches his fangs and stares at the sliding door a little longer than he planned...making it crackle under his wrath.

Yuma on the other hand was waiting at the end of the hall for Mifuyu and they soon departed to the school rooftop. Once they do make their way up there, they sit down on the ledge near the gates. The weather had lightened up so it wasn't as dreadfully cold as it has been this winter. The duo doesn't exchange dialogue with each other until he clears his throat.

"So, we wanted to talk. Yeah?" Yuma awkwardly states the obvious to which Mifuyu nods, her composure noticeably relaxing. Her eyes shift towards Yuma's direction and examine his face. He was rattled for sure. Clothes were more wrinkled than usual, his face looked pale, and his knee started to shake up and down.

"Yeah, you okay?" Mifuyu asks, bringing her legs up to her chest.

"Ah? What do ya mean..!? I look fine!" He shouts, getting noticeably defensive.

"You're really pale. Have you been doing alright during this break?" She asks again, doing one last attempt.

"Tch! I just...I've had a long few weeks when we didn't talk. And that's why I want to talk to ya about this."

Mifuyu rolls her eyes and faces her body towards him. "Alright, out with it then. Jeez."

Yuma clenches his teeth and turns to face her. He examines her entire body. Her legs, her arms, her face...everything about her physique. That midnight short black hair of hers, the small number of freckles that decorated along with her nose, and her jaded but cutting eyes.


(Fuck. This is going to be harder than I am I gonna...?! Shit...!)

"Yuma...?" Mifuyu drawls, becoming slightly more annoyed. "What is it? Is it really important or are you just trying to find some type of joke to make me feel better? Because I am really not in the mood right now-"

"I'm a vampire."

. . .

Mifuyu's slightly annoyed face soon turned from shock to anger. She quickly stands, beginning to walk away from the taller man. He reaches out to her before standing also. "I'm- I'm not fucking around," He says.

"I expected better from you..." Mifuyu says before whipping around to face him. "This isn't fucking funny. I don't have time for jokes or games. This is serious and I'm not gonna get anything done with you being such–"

Yuma opens his mouth and pulls back his lips, revealing his sharp top and bottom fangs. Protruding and starting to grow in length. "Ya see?!"

Her eyes widen and she freezes like a deer caught in headlights. Yuma takes a couple steps away from her and she does the same. Growing more intensely scared and furious.

"Y-You were one this whole time and– and you didn't tell me?!"


"You lied to me! I knew you would. Ever since I met you I always knew you were hiding something from me and turns out, you're the creature I'm now going to fight with! I don't want anything to do with you. Stay the fuck away from me."

There was a slight pause before Yuma grabs at his own face, covering his mouth. "Just...shut up and listen to me! I ain't done! There's more you need to know...!" His breathing started to become more ragged. He begins to cough.

"Yuma...?" Mifuyu goes to step toward him but decides against it, shaking her head. "Just stay away from me and let me work by myself. We're done here." She turns to leave before finally, Yuma snatches her wrist, pulling her back to him. He tugs down her collared shirt and...

Sinks his fangs into her back.

Her eyes widened at the sudden blinding hot pain intruding all over her back. Like weeds growing within a garden, the pain would spill all over her body. Making it near unresponsive. She tries to struggle and goes to yell out before his larger hand covers her mouth. She grunts in response and does a hard jerk away from him, starting to break into a sprint before being harshly tackled by the Mukami. From behind he goes for her nape instead and pushes her down full force onto the concrete as she yelps out.

"G-Get off...get off of me..!" Mifuyu attempts to yell, struggling more and only increasing the pain that sprawls all over her neck. It was as if one stuck their hand in hot water. The tingly sensation one would get from it and the pain that followed suit. Pointed blades sinking into her pale skin. Deeper and deeper until tears would fall. She couldn't move. A prey underneath its predator.

"Hhn...! Y-Yuuumaaa!!!" Mifuyu fights, body slowly becoming unresponsive. All she could hear was the grunts and the blood pumping into her ears. He soon withdraws his fangs and licks up the remaining blood from her neck.

"I'm...I'm so hungry. I haven't...shit, fuck..."

Her heart drops. Those two girls said the same thing.

Please sir, we're very hungry!
Please let us feed!

What was happening...? Was Yuma connected to Ryouichi?

A little pop sound is heard near her neck, and he breathes into it. "We're...all vampires. My brothers...and those damned Sakamaki's...!"

Mifuyu no longer fights with Yuma anymore. The realization was hitting her like a semi-truck. Not only was the supernatural phenomena new to her, but to realizing that they were all around her. He and his brothers were vampires? Even the Sakamaki's? That means even Reiji was...

No wonder he knew everything. The accident with the chemical explosion. How he effortlessly picked her up without even a lift of a finger, how fast he was, and how intimidating he could really be. She and Ayato's fight could very well have ended in a skirmish if his older brother didn't come to stop it. Then her at the he held her wrist so tightly it could break.

He could have killed her and she had no idea what potential he had.

Yuma can kill her. Reiji can kill her. All of them can. What about Yui? Was she hiding something too? Her heart starts to race more in worry for her. Was she in danger? Mifuyu's body could no longer move but she still attempts to shift her body.

"Still fightin', huh?'re really a pain in the ass aren't ya, Detective? Sorry, but I can't help myself. I haven't fed in so long so I gotta..."

"Stop!" A voice suddenly interrupts and Mifuyu's eyes glaze up to see Yui herself in front of the ravenette along with a couple of others beside her.

"Huuh?~ Is Mukami-kun getting thirsty? Ganging up on a trouble maker no less too."

"Teddy, this is unsightly."

"Please let her go, Yuma-kun!" Yui demands going directly towards his back. He rises from Mifuyu's body and goes to swipe at her ribbon to which Laito and Kanato step in, sending him back a few feet away.

"Agh! No, I need more! Give me more! Give me her blood!" Yuma yells out and reaches out his hand towards the blonde. She goes to Mifuyu's side and stares up at the monstrous Mukami before in an instant.

"Stop this at once!"

Reiji shouts out and uses his gloved hand to snap at the back of Yuma's neck, sending him down in a heap. Unconscious. Yui looks on to see Reiji's eyes ablaze with anger. His aura wafting incredible energy. Laito whistles.

"Big Brother Reiji really came to our rescue, right Kanato-kun?" Laito asks, putting both hands on his hips.

"Shut up. I don't know why Yui-san suddenly has the courage to run away from us to see something that has nothing to do with us. Why, Yui-san, do you care for this human that always causes problems?" Kanato asks, tilting his head creepily to the side.

"Because she's my friend!" Yui responds, trying to lift the ravenette's body closer to her legs. "She's hurt and we have to-"

"Silence," Reiji stills the three of them.

"I will take her to the infirmary. Kanato, Laito– make sure no one notices us. Yui, on your feet." She immediately stands and Laito and Kanato doesn't say a word, taking note of Reiji's deadly seriousness. He then picks up Mifuyu's body, who's neck is starting to bleed profusely.

"" Mifuyu says, her hand slowly grabbing Reiji's coat and grips it tightly. He ignores this and turns to face his brothers. "Take care of Yuma. Yui-san, return to your classes."

Yui bites her lip in protest and swallows, "No, Reiji-san. I have to be by her side. She's scared and I want to make sure I want to be the one to tell her what's going on–"

"Do you dare to defy me?" Reiji's raspy voice protrudes Yui's softness, making her shrink back in fear.

"N-No, Reiji-san."

"Good. Laito, Kanato."

"Ooon it, I guess." Laito says with a shrug and Kanato huffs in resentment while Reiji walks off with Mifuyu in his arms.

"" Mifuyu struggles to keep consciousness. His eyes look down at hers. The seething rage was immediate and the aura grew stronger, but the anger that once colored his face had subsided to fake one last statement before she fainted:

"Keeping you alive." 

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