Chapter 5: Crimson

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All attempts at interacting with the Sakamaki had turned out fruitless. So in the laziest way possible and the cheesiest, Mifuyu leaves a letter in his locker for her thanks and leaves it at that. Stretching her arms high in the air and groaning after turning off her shower water, scratching the back of her head. Another week of school passed by quickly and yet another week was on the horizon, as unfortunate as that was. Mifuyu hadn't been able to set up a time and place for the tutoring sessions and in fact, she was going to tell Yui that she couldn't do that because she wasn't a professional.

But she was so flustered by the sudden inquiry she just couldn't say no. As much as she appreciated Saotome for recommending a lower-classman to ask a student, Mifuyu would have to decline. She has to focus on her own studies and on herself if she ever wants to get to where her father was.

Pulling up her black thigh-highs and brushing off any particles that might have been on the school uniform, Mifuyu walks down the stairs to be greeted by her aunts. Before the other could remind her of what their niece needed to bring, she puts her hand up.

"Cell phone, I got it. Bookbag, gotcha. My shoes? Over there--" She points to the walkway.

"...already waiting for me. No, I'm not taking lunch today. I'll just get something from the vending machines." Mifuyu finishes and walks past Hina, sliding on her shoes.

 "Mifuyu you're doing this again?" Akari asks, huffing as she lets the ladle sit in the brewing pot.

"I'm making curry and it would be really quick to whip you up something." She says and the ravenette shakes her head, clicking her tongue.

"I don't need it, auntie. I'll be just fine. It isn't like I can heat it up whenever I'm home, right?"

Without waiting for a response, Mifuyu was out the door and walked down the apartment steps to her escort, sliding in the backseat with ease. They depart for the school as she once again fiddles with her phone.


Whenever she does arrive and goes to walk to her homeroom while also ignoring the fangirl cries as Kou hadn't shown up this morning yet, a student runs rather quickly down the hallway and knocks Mifuyu's shoulder, causing her to tip back some-- but catches herself before falling. Angry, the student whips her head around.

"Hey, idiot! Watch where you're fucking going!"

She shouts and the student keeps running, completely negligent of the ravenette's outburst. Disregarding it, she keeps walking down the hall to see a couple more students frantic while running down the hallway. Confused by how panicked they were, Mifuyu catches one of the girl's hands, stopping her.

 "Why are you guys-?!"

"He saw a dead body!"

The girl exclaimed, hyperventilating. "I-In the basement! Two of them are--" She screams, running away to catch up with her friend. Mifuyu just stands there, dumbstruck.

 'Dead bodies? That's ridiculous. It must be some sort of prank! Puh!'

Mifuyu looks to where the two had run from and crosses her arms, body turning toward the open basement doors. She shakes her head and decides to skip her class. Walking past the steps she was meant to take up to the second floor, she walks over to the allegedly horrifying dungeon. Flicking on her flashlight on her phone, Mifuyu walks down the steps carefully, a small draft blowing past her legs sending goosebumps up her arms. It was unnaturally cold in here.

She had never been down here as the principal blocked it off to prevent any students from doing anything that was taboo. However the lock was broken and the adolescent comes to the theory that maybe one of those kids who ran past her, broke it. On purpose. Descending into the darkness, a strange coppery smell fills her nostrils. Mifuyu covers it, a sound of disgust escaping.

She walks down further and further into the basement until the smell almost overwhelms her. Her light travels from the floor and slowly crawls upward to reveal a body.

More specifically a male's body-- alongside another boy who seemed to be younger than him. They were pale as snow, looking like shriveled up raisins as they lie there uselessly. Mouths agape in utter terror, eyes remaining wide. Mifuyu's heart drops at the sight and shakily steps back to only trip and land on the steps, dropping her phone. The darkness surrounds her quickly and she yelps, snatching it off the ground, backpedaling up a few steps before sitting.

"W-What the hell..!? What the hell is going on here?!?"

Mifuyu shouts, grasping at strings to figure out what she had just seen. It wasn't just some prank. This was real. This was really happening. The ravenette can hear her own teeth chatter in fear as she shoves her phone inside her skirt pocket, climbing up the stairs and toward the light. As soon as she made it to the top, she was greeted by people in blue.

"Freeze! Don't move!" One officer says, holding up a taser. Mifuyu does, as they say, raising her hands up in the air.

"I-I'm..! B-Bodies!"

She trips over her words like a scared child, struggling to describe what she just saw.

The second officer beside the first and third carefully takes her hand, moving her away from the entrance of the basement. The two remaining run down the steps as fast as they could. Her silver eyes dart all over the place, starting to shake as the adrenaline pumps in her veins.

 "Calm down, miss. It's alright. Can you walk?" The lady officer asks gently as Mifuyu holds her head, staring at the ground.

"I-I...they're dead! They're fucking dead!" She exclaims and the officer softly takes one of her hands, walking slowly away from the crime scene.

 "Just follow me to the entrance of your school, okay? Everything will be alright."

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