Chapter 64

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I woke up the morning of the 14th. I twirled my ring against my finger, examining it closely.

I couldn't believe that in less than a couple hours I would be in New York, married.

I didn't tell Katherine, or Bryan, or anyone for the matter. If we were going to get out of here, we were leaving without saying a word.

Tyler picked me up that morning and took me straight to school. I had a smile plastered on my face the entire day, and I didn't listen to a damn word the teachers said, because I was leaving, tonight.

After school, Tyler was standing outside my classroom door.

"So, I thought before we left, we could hang out with Bryan and Katherine one last time?" he asked. I nodded my head.

If there was anyone I was going to miss, it would be those two. I felt guilty, I was leaving my best friend in the entire world without saying a word to her. She wouldn't know where I was.

I stopped walking, and Tyler stopped with me.  My thoughts were racing...

What did she ever do to me?


She's the reason I'm with Tyler,

If anything she's helped me end up with Tyler.

So, why was I leaving her like this?

"Hey, you okay?" Tyler asked, snapping me out of my daze. I blinked a few times, letting reality sink back.

"Um, yeah, fine," I said, continuing my path down the hall.

Later that night, I walked down to the beach. I treading along the sand, the wind blowing past me. At this point, it doesn't matter what happens tonight,

I'd be gone in the morning,

We'd be gone in the morning.

I spot the bonfire and walk towards it, feeling the pressure of the dishonesty hitting me hard.

Tyler's already there with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. He poured some in a red plastic cup and handed it to me. I took it and sipped it slowly, looking at the view of the ocean, knowing I was going to miss it. Katherine put an arm around me.

"You're my best friend," she slurred, her breath smelled like booze and I pushed her off me.

"Yeah, I know." Bryan was so drunk that he was having trouble standing. He sat on the sand, lying on his back and breathing hard.

"I got into the Boston University," he said, exhausted, I laughed a little, I didn't think it would matter if I congratulated him or not, he wouldn't remember tomorrow.

"Why are they so drunk?" I whispered in Tyler's ear.

"No clue, they've been drinking since school ended." Tyler wrapped an arm around my waist. I twirled the ring.

"You know I love you, right?" he whispered. I narrowed my eyes.

"Of course I know, you know I love you right?" I said, sarcasm coming out of my voice because the conversation was unnecessary. He smiled and looked back at the ocean.

"I'm going to miss this place," he said. I nodded my head.

"Me too." We took a moment. The both of us standing there, just staring out at the dark ocean. It was 11, and it was starting to get cold. We had to leave soon, our flight was at 2 am, and we were supposed to be leaving.

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