Chapter Five

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Erin's Pov
"So sweetie how has school been going for you? Many major changes? New friends." I fluttered my eyes a couple times sucking on my finger tips to get rid of the sticky syrup that was coating them watching my dad and Dani walking around the kitchen chatting and what not. I forced a small smile.

"Me? No everything's going okay." I answered really hoping I could eat my pancakes in peace but in my family peace wasn't something that came easily.

"I got a call from your English teacher and she said she noticed some recent changes in your behavior, she said your grades haven't changed but that she caught you and another boy making out."

I quickly as I ever could chocked on my food fast startled feeling my brown cheeks heat up fast and I squirmed a bit when Dani started laughing at me  messing with her braids.

"You got caught making out with Jordan at school." I quickly hit my forehead with my palm.

"Dani you little snitch." I whined out shaking with quiet laughter,

"I didn't say anything okay I like having money. " She laughed out.

"Wait who is Jordan?" My mom quickly asked me looking at me with a knowing expression. I licked at my lower lip some more really hoping I could just you know avoid the whole boyfriend talk but I knew I couldn't.

"Uhh he's my boyfriend of six months now." I answered with a small chuckle seeing my mom was even more startled but she was grinning.

"Honey did you hear that she has a boyfriend! And you told me she was socially awkward." I let a loud laugh out holding my face with my hand groaning in embarrassment shaking my curls out deeply.

"Guys I'm like still here and still socially awkward." I muttered out.

"Ask him to come over for dinner I promise we won't embarrass you!"

"You guys do that everyday especially Dani!"

So when English class rolled around and our teacher placed us in mini groups for a small project we were doing. Jordan still struggled a little with English so he seemed more glad to be in a group with me, then having Brian and Angela in a group.

"God I hate this class she treats me like I'm stupid." Jordan grumbled out running his hands through his hair. I gave him a small look.

"No one is stupid babe, just think of it like this, you know your band right?" He gave me a quick head nod a little staring at me.

"English is just like that, you pick which assignments are easier for you, that is easier for you to express yourself." I smiled and leaned on close to show him while he wrapped his arm around me.

"So my strong suits in English is basically personal narratives, and writing short stories." I pointed to them each with my pencil. Jordan hummed quietly to himself.

"Alright I think I get that, I like writing poems, it's like writing songs." He told me quickly and then I grinned.

"Exactly that's all it is like writing a song but telling a person their story." I giggled out quietly feeling him cup my face to kiss me with a smile ignoring our other two group mates who were snickering with one another.

"Who would see the day Jordan actually stayed with someone." Jordan flipped his middle finger out making me snort chuckling leaning in close once we parted from the kiss to see a red head girl watching us closely clicking her mechanical pencil a few times. With two other girls.

I totally forgot that Angela, Rayanne and Sharon had this class with me and they were studying the two of us. More like Angela now had a reason to be pissed off with me.

"Oh also my mom and dad want you to come over for dinner." I commented watching Jordan then snap his head over to me a little surprised.

"Wait really?" He questioned shifting in his seat a playful smile going across his face.

"So who ratted us out was it Dani?" He chuckled deeply shaking his hair out. I released a quiet snort before I tapped my pen on the desk.

"It actually was Mrs Blake, she caught us making out and told my mom, who then told me this morning." I laughed out when Jordon was quick to laugh out loudly, covering his face with his hand shaking.

"Why am I so not surprised, I told you she was a bitch." I quickly covered his mouth still shaking with laughter.

"You know she can hear you shush." I snickered shaking my head. Jordan groaned banging his head on the desk groaning with more laughter.

"I'd love to meet them hopefully they don't hate me." He chuckled. I gently patted his back turning back to my other partners giving them a soft expression.

"Don't worry they are kinda old school, but cool you'll do fine."

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