Chapter One

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Erin's Pov
Have you ever sometimes stopped and wondered to yourself. Hey was I born in the right year? Have you ever had the thought struck you that you have nothing in common with the generation you slowly grow up into?

You realize after a while you have nothing common with the fashion, the music, the hot gossip. You just realize. Hey, I have an old kinda soul, where I like watching 80's and 90's movies.

Where you realized you liked wearing different clothes then all your friends. You got decent grades and your life was pretty amazing.

Not perfect but it fits well. So how come you can't shake away the feeling of wanting to just once go back when the time was right, and the time was set.

It was a usual night it was around 11 pm.  I was doing homework that needed to be turned in by tomorrow.

I could hear my mom and dad gossiping all the downstairs from up here. And my younger sister who was about twelve was in her room doing God knows what.

Sometimes the best key to happiness is to be alone. I chuckled to myself at the little joke tapping my pencil against the notebook that rested on my thigh.

I loved my life. It was my own and I made it how I saw it. Either I could have been the shyest person and stuck to myself or been the loudest person in the crowd and still, you wouldn't find me in the crowd.

My mom and dad's voices slowly fade into the background as faded noises slowly. I laid my head back to rest on the pillow feeling a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me.

God, I was so tired but I needed to get this homework done asap. The thought still somehow strung through my head.

What was the 1900s like? Sure going through history was fun and could really help you see, but it wasn't living in the eyes as everyone did back did.

My sleepy brown eyes flicked to look at the clock that was flashing across the screen with deep red letters 12:00 am.

Just like that, I had fallen asleep the exhaustion finally hitting my tired body and mind.

My body felt somewhat relaxed and rested but that wasn't what woke me up. I was woken up to not the alarm clock but it was my mom calling my name out how strange.

"Erin! Wake up you don't wanna be late." I slowly fluttered open my eyes and blinking them to make the hazy feeling fade away, before I looked up at my mom blinking in confusion. 

She looked so different her hair was shaved slightly, she was still very beautiful but it seemed kinda old school.

"Woah," I whispered quietly watching as she walked around my room. I slowly sat up looking down at my clothes looking at them in confusion.

I wore a black jacket with some baggy capri pants with some old black converse on, and a colorful tank top on they screamed 90's vibe.

I traced the clothes deeply and sat up also feeling my hair was a bit longer, more curly making me even more shocked feeling my glasses had changed shaped from the square to a pair of circle ones.

I quickly shot up off the bed knocking over the homework that was spread around going over to the full body length mirror looking at myself.

Oh wow, I look like a black 90's girl I thought cracking a faint smile. I thought I would be freaking out waking up in a strange place, but it looked like home.

Just the interior was very strange and 90's everything.

"Sweetie are you alright?" I looked back over at my mom noticing she was picking up little things around my room fixing things.

"Yeah, I'm totally okay," I called out giving her a soft smile in return slowly messing with my hair deeply a bit wondering how to truly react in this situation.

"Well you don't wanna  wait too long Rickie should be here soon so you can head to school." She gave me a bright smile before she walked off.

It was so strange I never have seen her glowing so much it was a strange sight. I could hear my sister Dani downstairs along with my dad.

I placed my hand over my forehead a bit to keep my thoughts from racing and my heart from pounding.

What the hell is going on Erin you need to get a grip. I thought to myself shutting my eyes for a moment resting my head on the mirror enjoying the cool feeling it gave off.

I took a peek at the calendar and the date on it was never gonna leave my mind for a bit.

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