Chapter Two

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Erin's Pov
"So yeah, sometimes I need a break from hanging out with Angela and Rayanne stuff, they have too much stuff going on, it's just relaxed with you." I was chewing slightly at the candy bracelet I wore, listening to Rickie intently.

It was kinda hard to get use to that I was home, but in a completely new year. It was kinda awesome the first week I freaked out and cried, but then once the second week rolled by I was getting used to the clothes, the slang, just everything even at school.

"What's going on now?" I questioned shifting how I was leaning against the locker, watching Rickie puff his cheeks out rolling his head against his locker.

"The whole Jordan and Rayanne sleeping together thing." He grumbled. I breathed out a small chuckle, shifting lifting my converse up to press against the locker

"It will fade soon you know how girls are." Me and him both shared a quick laugh still chatting with one another through the loud laughter, and chatter from the halls.

It was kinda strange to think, here I was living an alternative reality of my life.

As I was still talking with Rickie deeply, I squeaked just a little when my hand was grabbed and I was gently pushed up against the wall and looking into deep mesmerizing eyes, slightly long hair, he was drop-dead fucking gorgeous. "Hey." He breathed out giving me a soft smile.

"Hey." I slowly breathed back out in so much confusion, but damn I felt like melting on the spot.

"I'm still picking you up after school today for tutoring right?" He asked me softly. His hand was still gripping my own hand, and even Rickie was watching in surprise.

"Y-yeah." I stammered out watching him still smiling.

"Alright, I'll see you later Erin." He slowly let me go, and I watched him tuck his hair away before he walked away. To say the least my heart was pounding.

"Woah! How come I didn't know you had a thing with Jordan." Rickie exclaimed nudging me hard in the rib knocking me out by daze.

"Wait? That's Jordan?" I exclaimed back in shock, "Rickie he is fucking hot." I exclaimed more getting a lot of strange looks from everyone.

"He really is Angela was like obsessed with him, well she might still be, she is my best friend but the little thing she had with him was strange." He chuckled.

"How long have you two been dating?" He questioned and slowly again I blinked.

"I don't know if we are dating." I trailed off more like a question than a statement.

"He just pinned you against the lockers in front of everyone, how do you not know." Rickie made a joke again that actually made me start laughing pulling my curls back again to stop my heart from running away at the speed it was going.

"Honestly I really don't remember." I breathed out again cracking a faint smile, biting at my lip curious like.

"Oh God come on time for class." Rickie giggled grabbing my wrist dragging me along with him, still leaving me in my deep stunned state.

"Is his ass like that too?"

"Oh God Erin hush!"

The end of the day slowly trailed on by, and it felt like my mind was just crowded. I wanted to remember memories that were mine but at the same time, not exactly mine. I know two, I couldn't stop getting Jordan away from my mind. The way he kept looking at me with his deep eyes through his long hair, and that smile it could drive any girl crazy.

I know that here people stuck closely by there cliques and usually, blacks don't hang with whites, but I did, plus Rickie was mixed with white and black so it just made us bond quick.

The grip on my backpack was tight as I made my way to sit on the bleachers outside wanting to clear my mind for a bit. Why can't I remember if Jordan and I are dating it was frustrating?

I slowly gazed out on the field and I squeaked in surprise when I felt my hair was brushed away and someone was sitting next to me. "There you are, I was wondering where you were." I turned my head to look to see Jordan yet again, he was smiling at me.

"Oh hey, Jordan," I whispered watching as he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"No hi babe huh, I must have done something." He chuckled his lips were lingering against my cheeks making them flush with heat.

"You didn't call me baby." I stammer out watching as he chuckles his smile staying on his face.

"You didn't wanna come out yet as a couple remember." He slowly reminded me and that's when my eyes went a little wide.

Wait how come it took me so long to remember I thought this is a 90's show called my so-called life... And I was dating the main love interest Jordan.

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