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After they both finished with the assigment Soon-hee gathered her things and wore her bag around her shoulders. She was up in a mere second ready to leave.

"We d-did great..." She smiled at the timid boy. It was the first time he was that introvert, timid and overely shy. What's wrong? "Yeah We did..." He got up from his seat while sweat coated his forehead.

"I think I have to return at the dorms..." She announced waiting for him to do a move... but he didn't.

"Oh... Okay..." He shyly giggled and the girl narrowed her eyebrows. "Aren't you gonna come? We can go together, maybe?" She tried to sound friendly but deep down he was not just a friend to her although she never admitted it.

"N-no I have something to do so

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"N-no I have something to do so... I-I can't..." He bowed before the girl nods. "O-Oh Okay.... Then I should go!" The girl nodded to him as well and passed by Minghao who already listened to this covartation. "Hao see you later..."

"See you Soonie..." The two boys waved at her before she adjourns the cafeteria. When they finally were alone Minghao turned to look at Joshua.

"Did you lie?" He asked and Jisoo titled towards him.

"How do you know?" Jisoo was caught red handed. "Cause I am a guy as well... Can I know why?" The boy asked and Joshua cleared his throat. He wanted to confess his thoughts but the fact they were best friends was a blockage.

"I-I can't tell you..." He was about to leave with his head shattered but Minghao stopped him with his next sentence.

"Soon-hee likes you!" He was almost immobilized because of what Minghao shared with him. Slowly he turned around so their eyes could connect. "I-I know..." The boy already knew but it was hard for him to admit.

"And what are you doing here?" Minghao asked only thinking about his best friend getting hurt. He loved her more than anyone else in this world. He couldn't deal with the fact that someday she is gonna get heartbroken eventually.

"I-I am afraid..." Jisoo answered staring at his shoes.

"Why...?" Minghao asked with his two eyebrows narrowed.

"I happened to read something she wrote Minghao... I can't be what she wrote... I am not good enough..." He said and Minghao face palmed his forehead. "She chose you out of a billion plus people on the world... That means that she doesn't care..." Hao tried to soothe him but still he was petrified.

"But I care..."

"Look Jisoo... Soon-hee never felt something like that, It's her first time liking someone... And It's you... If you don't like her you have to let her know... And if you do you have to be gentle with her... Don't mistreat her nor let her wondering... Don't hurt her..." Minghao almost pleaded and Joshua sighed knowing what he has to do.

"I like your best friend... A lot!" He finally admitted and Minghao smirked whole heartidly. "That's good then..." Minghao said and Joshua ran to grab his things. He had to leave.

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