Chapter Ten

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Wooooo chapter Ten lets GO!!!!

Chapter Ten

A few weeks have passed since Greyson's abrupt arrival and I still haven't talked to T about my hunch. I don't want to startle her, but I don't care either way if he is a meta, at this point, I just wanted to know for sure. Sitting on the rooftop of my building, I listen to the sounds of the city and look around for trouble, tonight had been very quiet, it is a Wednesday after all. I know T will be working late tonight, so I have time to kill considering dinner is already prepared.

I climb down the fire escape and make some rounds for a few hours before finally returning home. Stopping to grab the mail, I see a massive envelope and a government seal of some sort on it. Throwing away the junk mail, I am only left with the white envelope. Walking into the apartment, I don't hear anyone, so I hold it up to the lamp and try to read through the paper.

"What are you doing Zana?" T asks me, causing me to jump and hit my head against the lamp.

"Nothing," I say quickly but she has already snatched the paperwork out of my hands and darted into the kitchen.

"T?" I ask following her confused.

I can see the paperwork half out of the envelope as she reads it quickly. She slides it back in far too fast before putting it down on the counter and standing in the way of it.

"Are we being evicted?" I ask her, knowing it isn't true, I helped her pay balance her checkbook last week.

"What? No!"

"Then what are you hiding?" I ask her, stepping closer.

"It's nothing, it's just paper from the school saying that you are good to go for next year," she says casually.

"That didn't have my school's logo or return address on it," I say crossing my arms and we square off. We are both such terrible liars.

"Zana," T says with a sigh and I just raise an eyebrow.

"This can go one of two ways," I tell her seriously.

"Zana! It's nothing," T tries to say but I know it's not.

"Lie to me one more time and see where it goes," I tell her angrily and her eyes narrow.

"Don't you talk to me like that," she snaps back.

"Then tell me what you are hiding from me!" I yell frustrated.

"You don't want to know!"

"What has the government finally tracked down Orphan case number 876021 and now they want me back," I snap.

"Not even close," T growls out.

"Thalia," I say.

"Don't use that awful name," she says.

"Then tell me the truth!"

"I had to become your legal guardian to keep you in school, okay!" She screams at me and I look at her shell shocked.

"What?" I ask stunned.

"They wouldn't let me do all of the paperwork for your next year of school, they told me that last year when I enrolled you. So, I started the process of filing and doing all of the background checks and this massive stack of nonsense, essentially it is a legally binding agreement saying that I am now legally responsible for you," she says calming down.

"Why would you go through all of that trouble?" I ask her confused.

"Because I love you, Zana, I want you to graduate from high school and college and go on and make something of yourself. I wasn't about to let some bureaucratic bullshit stop you from continuing your life," T says, and I just stand there stunned.

Aegis (Book Three)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें