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'Is there something wrong?'
'No, why?'
'I don't know, you seem a bit off today.'
Perrie looked at the door. 'I feel a bit nervous. Being here, at yours.'
Christian invited Perrie over to his place for the afternoon, before going to meet their friends for dinner.
'Relax, I'm pretty sure my parents won't be home any time soon. And we're not doing anything wrong anyway.'
'I know. I'm just a bit paranoid.'
Christian chuckled. 'You worry too much. But it's cute when you do.' He kissed her and she smiled at him.
Just then, Alex opened the door to get to the garden where Christian and Perrie were.
'Chris, there's... oh sorry, I didn't know you had company.' He briefly made eye contact with Perrie.
'It's okay. What were you saying?'
'Your friend's at the door. I can never remember his name. Arthur, Archie?'
'Yeah, the weird one.'
Christian stood up to go meet his friend. 'Not as weird as your friends, Alex.' He then started to talk to Perrie. 'Sorry babe, I'll go and see what he wants. I won't be a minute.'
Christian walked in the house as Alex walked out, going to sit next to Perrie on the swing seat.
'Is it me or my brother is super cringey when he calls you babe?'
Perrie rolled her eyes trying to hide a smile. 'Alex leave him alone! Give it a rest.'
'Someone's in a bad mood today.'
'I'm not in a bad mood. I just feel...'
'It was just a kiss, and you wanted it as much as me.'
'Exactly why I feel so bad now.'


'I'm sorry, I don't get it.'
'Because you're not even paying attention.' Perrie slammed her hands on the book opened on the desk in front of them. 'Yesterday you said you were tired and I let you off. What's your excuse today?!'
'My excuse?! You're the one who keeps on muttering and choking on your words. No wonder I can't understand a thing. What's wrong?' Alex shut the book. In doing that, he gently touched Perrie's hand, who immediately pulled away.
'Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Don't blame it on me.'
'C'mon Perrie... you're on edge! Is it because of what I told you yesterday?'
Perrie thought about lying but she realised she was a wreck and Alex would have never believed her.
'Yes... I...'
Alex was clearly annoyed. 'You know what? Forget it.' He opened the drawer on his bedside table and got out his tobacco pouch and started to roll a cigarette. 'I should have known that telling you the whole story would have change things between us. It always does.'
'I didn't know you smoke.'
'Don't change the subject.' Alex remarked making Perrie blush. 'Why did you even bother coming today?'
Perrie felt offended and slightly disappointed seeing that arrogant side of Alex coming out again. 'It's not because of that story you told me I'm being funny with you. I just don't think it's a good idea for us to do this anymore...'
'You keep on saying that you don't care about my past but at the same time, you've been acting so different today. Listen Perrie, I don't like wasting my time. You're lovely but you've been living in your own little world so for long, I get it, and...'
Perrie decided she couldn't take it anymore and ended up losing her temper. 'Why do you have to be such an idiot?! You think you know everything when in reality you don't listen to anything and anyone, you just make assumptions. That's why people don't like you, not because of your past or what you've done, but because of the way you act.' She paused for a moment, then continued. 'You know why I've been off with you today? It is because of what you said yesterday, yes. Because I saw a different side to you, the same I saw on my birthday. And I'm scared that if I'm gonna see that side of you once again, I'm gonna end up liking you even more and I can't do this to Christian.'
Alex smiled slightly remaining silent.
Perrie waited for the boy to say something but couldn't bare the silence any longer. 'Aren't you gonna say anything?'
'Nope.' Alex picked up his lighter and opened the window lighting up his cigarette.
Perrie sighed, starting to feel tears in the corners of their eyes. 'Are you happy now? You've got what you wanted.'
'Me admitting I like you.'
'Pff... I already knew that. I didn't need you to say it. What I want is well different.'
'What do you want then?'
Alex got hold of Perrie's hand and pulled her close to him, chest to chest. 'You.' He put one hand in the girl's hair whilst holding his cigarette in the other and pulled her even closer, kissing her slowly, then more passionately.
Perrie felt bad about kissing Alex, but kissing him again was the only thing she could think of since he took her out on her birthday and every time they were together.
'Alex... this is wrong.'
Alex pretended he didn't hear her and kissed her again.

*Flashback ends*

'I can't even look at Christian in the eyes.'
'I told you, it was just a kiss. Unless...'
'Unless what?'
Alex moved a bit further away, hearing Christian's footsteps approaching. He then whispered. 'Unless you're starting to feel something for me.'
Perrie tried to maintain a neutral expression when Christian went to join them, sitting in the middle. Perrie quickly pretended nothing had happened. 'Was Alfie okay?'
'Yeah, yeah. He just wanted to borrow something for his laptop. What were you two talking about?'
Alex and Perrie avoided looking at each other. Alex then answered Christian. 'I was just asking Perrie if she can help me with the next few chapters at some point.'
'You know what, I'm starting to get a bit jealous.'
Perrie felt a lump in her throat. 'Jealous? Of what?'
Christian smiled holding Perrie's hand. 'That my brother gets to see you way more than I do. It's not fair.'
'It's okay, I know you're really busy training and that it's important for you.'
'That deal is so close...'
Alex saw the couple holding hands and stood up, ready to go inside and leave them alone, not before making sure to ruin the moment. 'So, Monday morning? Are you free?'
'Ehm, I should be free, yes.' Perrie felt weird having Alex there in front of her, whilst holding Christian's hand, even though she knew she wasn't doing anything wrong.
'See you later then. Have fun tonight, although it will be hard with weird Archie around.' He smirked and walked inside.
Christian laughed and shook his head at him, shouting as Alex left. 'It's Alfie, and thank you, we will.'

[Hello lovelies :) how are you x
I'm finally starting to feel a bit better and although I've been quite busy still, I really wanted to post the new chapter :)
Things are getting interesting with our love triangle! Let me know what you think ;)
Peace and love to everyone xxx
P.s your support means a lot, even when I'm slow updating lol I'm so grateful xxx]

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