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[Friday morning.]

Perrie 9.55 am
<<Sorry Jonnie, I don't think I'll make it tonight.>>
<<What? Why?>>
<<I don't feel great.>>
<<Did dad say anything? I'll talk to him.>>
<<No, please. It's not about dad. I just don't feel like it..>>
<<Is everything okay? I'm at work right now, but I'll call you later.>>
<<Don't worry, all good.>>
<<You know where we are if you change your mind kid.>>

'What do you mean you don't want to go?'
'Exactly what I said, Jade.'
'But why?! I thought we talked about this already, Pez.'
'Yes, and I actually changed my mind. I can't do it.'
'Did you not hear back from Alex then?'
'Not a peep.' Perrie sighed. 'I'm just worried it's gonna be too awkward, Jade. I don't want to see him, it'll make me feel a hundred times worst.'
'I mean... it's your choice. I don't think you should let him influence your life and your choices so much. But I get that it's still early days.'
Perrie was glad to have such an understanding and supportive friend.
After their chat, the girls went out to meet Jesy and Leigh-Anne to look for clothes and shoes for their show.
'I like the red one better.'
'We can't wear red.'
'And why's that?'
'Because we'd look like hoes.'
'Jesy!' The girls almost shouted together, just before starting to laugh at their friend.
'What?! It's true. Red it's a no-go.'
'What shall we wear then, Miss Paris fashion week?' Perrie laughed whilst still browsing through rails of clothes.
Jesy replied pretending to be upset. 'I wish you girls would take me seriously. It's our big opportunity. You know, my mum cannot stop talking about it. She keeps saying that she thinks we're all gonna become superstars sooner or later.'
'Bless her. She's always so supportive.'
'Are your families excited about it?'
'My mum and dad really are. They've never seen me perform.' Leigh-Anne said.
'My mum and brother are coming too.' Jade said excited.
Perrie kept quiet, listening to her friends. She wished she could be as excited as her friends for her family to see her perform, but that was as far as possible from the truth. She knew that her mum couldn't be there and that her dad couldn't know nothing at all about it.
The girls quickly realised Perrie was beginning to get upset.
'We're sorry, Pez. We didn't mean to...'
'It's okay Leigh. You girls have every right to be excited about it. I am too... I just wish I had someone from my family to share it with, that's all.'
'You've got us.' Leigh-Anne hugged Perrie.
'I don't want to add any more stress, but...' Jesy started to talk and immediately received the worst look from her band mates. '...what if Christian comes to the talent show?'
'Well, I couldn't stop him from coming. I feel sorry for how things ended between us, but I'm hoping one day he'll realise it was for the best. His best.'
Perrie took a glance at her phone, which had gone off two or three times whilst talking to her friends.

<<Sorry for the late reply. Been busy.>>
<<I hope you not coming to your brother's party has nothing to do with me or with us.>>
<<I might be wrong, again, but I thought I'd tell you just in case. Promise I won't make things awkward.>>

Perrie felt her heart racing as soon as Alex's name appeared of the screen.
'Is everything alright, Pez?'
The blonde almost jumped when Jesy asked her that question.
'Yeah, all good. It's just... Jane.'
Perrie nervously read those few texts again. 'Ehm... sorry girls, I've got to go now, but I'll see you tonight for the party, yeah?'
'What?' Jade looked very confused. 'But I thought you said you weren't...'
'See you later girls. Love you.'

[At the party.]
'I thought you said you weren't coming!' Jonnie hugged his little sister.
'Changed my mind. I couldn't miss our only chance to spend some time together without dad interfering.'
'Well, I'm glad you came sis.'
Perrie and her friends grabbed something to drink and went to sit on the sofa. The music was really loud and some of Jonnie's friends clearly had enough to drink already.
As the girls were chatting, Perrie got distracted by the sound of someone's laugh, coming down the stairs. That laugh sounded louder then all the music and Jonnie's friends put together.
Perrie instinctively turned around, whilst Alex just briefly looked at her before moving to the kitchen with two other guys.
The girl didn't know what she was expecting but she felt slightly disappointed.
As the evening went on, Perrie was more and more distracted, struggling to even focus on what the conversation was between her and her friends, until she couldn't bare it any longer.
'Jade, I need a bit of air. Can you come out with me for a moment?'
Jade, who was still the only one out of the group to know about Perrie and Alex, immediately agreed.
The two girls went to sit in the back garden, where Jonnie was smoking with other friends. Alex was with them.
'Jade, can I talk to Perrie for a moment please?'
'Sure.' Jade stood up to let Jonnie sit next to Perrie, then walked back in the house to find Jesy and Leigh-Anne.
'So, what's going on between you and Chamberlain?'
'I broke up with Christian months ago, Jonnie, you know that. We haven't spoken since.'
'I didn't mean Christian. I meant Alex.'
Perrie felt her cheeks burning. 'What... what are you talking about?'
'Pez, c'mon, I'm not stupid.'
Perrie sighed. 'There's not much to say. We saw each other for a while, but it ended pretty quickly.'
'I don't know, P. You have been weird lately. And he's been weird. Whatever that was between us, it's clearly not over.'
'I thought you didn't want me to see him in the first place, anyway.'
'I know, I know... but we grew closer again and he's changed since school. And, although it costs me to admit it, you're not a child anymore. You're smart and can make your own decisions. I just want you to be happy.'
Perrie felt slightly emotional hearing her brother's words. 'Thanks Jonnie, means a lot to me, but as you said, I can make own choices, and I made mine three months ago.'
Jonnie's friends finished smoking and headed back inside. All but one.
Alex slowly walked towards them, clearly embarrassed. Jonnie walked away without saying a word, just laughing then pointing at his eyes first, then to Alex.
Alex sat down next to Perrie.
'I think it's time for us to talk.'

[Morning everyone :) how are you all doing?  Hope everyone is okay and keeping safe xxx
I made my coffee fat too hot this morning so whilst I wait for it to cool down a bit, I'm gonna publish the new chapter haha
What do you think it's gonna happen with Perrie and Alex at this point? 🙊
I officially finished writing the last few chapters for this book, so we're almost at the end...
Let me know what you think ;)
Peace and love to everyone xxx]

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