My nightmares gets more and more scary and traumatic, I hardly sleeps at night. My cousins and friends seems to be so worried about my health. The only people who knows about my nightmares are my brothers, Keiden and Enzo aside from Cyry.

I get scared everytime I take a nap or even sleep. It's haunting me. Enzo, Keiden and my cousins didn't even know that my brothers are mostly not in here so I'm mostly I'm all alone.

Sometimes I thought that maybe my brothers didn't like me or even despise me more than I know. I wanted to understand them but each passing day it's becoming harder and harder to encourage myself.

Family should always stick together from thin to thick situation right? Well I felt like I'm not one of them. I thought that my relationship with my siblings will grow more but that's what I thought. They left me out alone and I feel so hopeless.

I'm like a wind to them, they didn't even bother to make effort to talk to me. They didn't even know I have nightmares, they didn't even know I fainted and I felt like they didn't even know I existed.

At this point, I wanted to go back home. I wanted to go back to my parents and brothers. It's breaking my heart more, my patience to them grew thin each day.

I've been in this house for about months now yet my bond with them is still limited. They hardly knew about me. I know I'm selfish at this point but I hope they care about me, just a single 'How are you? ' will make me feel better but they're not...instead I get scolded for being a hard-headed for wanting to see Cyry or stay with them. I wanted to comfort and encourage them but they're not letting me in. I'm like an outsider to them.

I wanted to understand them but my patience are running might run out. I wanted to end this but I know to myself that I still have my road to go. My challenges and trials that I should fight and overcome.


Warning: Triggering scenes

"Emery this is your fault! " I heard Erman distant voice from afar as I tried to find it.

"This is your fault Emery!" I heard more voice as I tried to cover my ears. No!

"We don't need you here! Get lost Emery! " I heard another familiar voice.

"Emery! Save yourself!" I saw Cyry with his bloody face as I bloody screamed when the car collided our body. No! Cyry!

"Go to hell Emery! You're an outsider! " I heard my brothers say in unison as my tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry! Please I'm sorry." I pleaded out as more traumatic scenes kept replaying.

"What a lovely girl we got man." the man said as they dragged me to the dark alley. No! Leave me alone!
They started roaming their hands on my body, kissing every inch on my neck. No, no, no, NO!


Warning: Ends

I jolted awake as I breathe heavily while holding my neck, tears and sobs are visible. Why am I suffering this?

I hugged knees closer to my body, I feel so hopeless. I want my parents and brothers here but they don't. I sobbed hard feeling numb through my dark room.

I shakily reached out to my phone and dialed my grandad's number. Hoping his there  to open his home warmly to me. I shouldn't bother grandad but I have no choice.

"Cara Mia?" I heard my grandad say as my other sobbed escape through my mouth.

"Cara Mia are you okay? Why are you crying? Are you hurt? " I heard my Grandad say frantically as my tears kept strolling down.

"Grandad... Can you get me in here? " I sobbed out more like pleading to him.

"What's wrong Cara Mia?" he asked worriedly as I wiped the tears that are itching to my chin.

"I'm scared Grandad, I need you right now. I have no one." I said while keep sobbing as if my dog just died.

"Where's your brother Cara Mia?" I heard him asked softly as I shook my head even though he can't see me.

"They're not here Grandad. " I sniffled, wiping the tears on my eyes using my arm.

"Alright Cara Mia, I know it's 3:10 in the morning but I need you to pack some of your things and I will pick you up alright. " he said gently as I hummed.

"Alright, I gotta go to fetch you okay. Wear warm clothes." he said before hanging up.

I shakily packed some of my things in my small suitcase and my bag such as my clothes, essentials, gadgets and etc.

I changed my soaked clothes into my white shirt, sweatpants, denim jacket and my shoes. I also made a note and put it under my pillow.

I waited in the living room for an hour and half before I heard the honk of the car. I immediately run outside to see Grandad coming to my way. I hugged him tight as I sobbed in relief that his there for me.

"Are you okay Cara Mia?" Grandad asked as he cupped both of my cheeks while looking at my swollen eyes. I nodded my head lightly as we go in to the car.

Grandad and I sat at the back while the driver and the guard are at the front.  ( obviously)

Grandad looked at me worriedly but say nothing which I'm thankful for. I rested my head on his shoulder as he secured my head using his hand and arm.

"Sleep tight Cara Mia. " he said softly and that's the last thing I heard before dozing off.

-Third Person-

The little girl is sleeping in her Grandad's warmth as the grandfather seems to be in deep thought, worried about his poor granddaughter that was crying out loud awhile ago.

Her brothers are sleeping stiffly on the hospital room. Dreix is on the hospital bed with machines supporting his body. Erman and Evron are sleeping in the extra bed beside Dreix's. Darrel and Bleux are sitting stiffly on the hard chair. On the other hand, Alessandro is wide awake while thinking in deep thought. Thinking about Dreix's health and his little sister that he hardly interacted.

Little did they know that her special day is coming. Little did they know that her hopes are running out.

 Little did they know that her hopes are running out

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Happy 16th Birthday to me❤

Face reveal? Nah? I'm a 🍠 .

Her Road To Go [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now