Sorry , I wasn't planning to visit hell today 3/3 - Chapter Twenty One

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When I woke up I was in bed ,
Kamryn's bed
I reached out for him but grasped at air , I sob filled my throat as I remembered the events from earlier evening , I sniffed as I looked at the time ; 9:30 pm .
I swung out of bed and opened the door , I didn't know if I had finally been pushed of the end of crazy town by Kamryn's death but I was sure I was hearing voices downstairs, I weakly walked downstairs and entered the living room like a ghost .
I heard quiet crying and whispers from around the room that stopped for a moment as they all turned around to look at me , everyone's face mirrored shock .
I imagined what I must've looked like : My clothes felt loose and soft around me so I was sure I was wearing some kind of oversized pijamas , my hair was loose and frizzy , my face was probably red and my eyes small and red rimmed , and my expression must've showed profound sadness .
I almost smiled to think that I looked like a little abandoned girl in a sad orphanage photo .
Almost .
I wasn't sure I would smile again .
" Thalia , I'm so sorry ." Zen said standing and hugging me .
I started to cry again and didn't move , it hurt to be held by Zen who reminded me so much of Kamryn and his warm body , a body I would never see again .
Zen pulled away holding my hands . " Please say something."
Something non-understandable came out of my mouth after sobs and sobs .
Zen's face was sad as he gave me a kiss on my forehead , I pushed his chest away , he reminded me too much of Kamryn who this morning had also gave me a -
I blanched away and started to cough on air , my chest hurt to think about his kisses .
" Thalia you should go to the hospital sweetheart , you don't look well ." Mr.Damon said .
I looked up at him and his face stunned me , I had forgotten how alike him and Kamryn looked like and seeing him was too much . I ran to the kitchen because I felt something coming up my throat , I threw up a lot and I didn't even know what since my stomach was empty , all I knew was liquid coming out of my mouth . My chest and stomach ached and I fell to the floor , I closed my eyes and screamed .
Arms were wrapped around me and took me back to the living room before placing me on the couch .
" Please everyone calm down , she's very ... fragile at he moment ." Misty said shooing everyone back . 
" She's my sister not yours . If anyone is going to take care of her the best way is me " Zen growled .
" Maybe , but she doesn't need a man to take care of her right now , so back of buster ." She snapped .
" Who the hell do you think-"
" Her damn nurse , snow white , now eff off before I pulverize you ." Misty said dead-pan .
" I can't believe even his damn cousins come out of something like Assassination Classroom" Zen groaned . " But now how exactly would you pulverize me Dora ? "
Misty pushed him back . " If I'm Dora then you're an idiot ! "
He smirked . " I know I am though so boohoo to you ."
I screamed as I saw Kamryn enter through the kitchen door , his clothes were covered in soot and his skin lightly burned .
" What Thalia ?!" Zen and Misty asked at the same time .
I blinked and looked back to find nothing .
" I ... I thought ... I thought I saw him ..." I said before exploding into tears .
Zen's mouth formed into an angry line .
" Damn it I knew he was going to pull some bull like this ." He mumbled to himself .
" It's alright Thalia for you to feel that way , " Misty consoled . " Sometimes we see people we miss but they aren't really there . "
" I need time alone , can everyone just leave me for a day or two while I compose myself ? " I pleaded .
Everyone nodded but made no move to stand up .
" You listened people , lets go ! " Zen said making everyone stand up , I scanned my rooms around the room and saw somebody other than the obvious missing .
" Hey Zen , " I whispered under my breath once everyone was gone .
" Yes love ? "
I winced and tears ran down again . Only Kamryn called me that .
" Where's dad ? "
" He's been out lately , I'm not sure where but ... " Zen looked worried but he hesitated to tell me why . " he's okay , just a little more social . He doesn't know what happened yet ."
" Oh , " I answered vaguely . " Thanks for coming , I guess ."
" No prob any time ." He said giving me a small smile . " I love you Thalia ."
" Yeah I love you too " I said quietly , he kissed my cheek and left .
" Are you hungry Thalia ? " Misty asked .
I shook my head no . " I want to go back to sleep , I'll just grab a water bottle or something and head upstairs . You can take the guest room next to Alex's office . "
She nodded . " Okay , goodnight Thalia anything you need just say the word ."
" Mhm , I will " I said .
She patted my shoulder and then left the room and left towards the hall , once out of sight I weakly stood up and walked towards the kitchen , I had a pretty good idea where the item I was looking for could be found and once I had it in my grasp I swiftly managed to make to the bottom of the staircase .
I tried to steady myself the best I could before taking the first step up , I was still for a moment to prove I hadn't just fallen face first into the wooden stairs before taking the second and third steps up .
I gave a sigh of relieve as I continued up in a steady rhythm, the lights were turned off when I reached the top so I slipped and my knee hit the top floor with a loud bang .
I winced . " Thalia are you okay ?!" Misty yelled up .
" Yes I'm fine , my phone slipped out of my pocket and hit the ground ." I fibbed . "Don't worry , go back to sleep ! " I said loudly .
" Be careful , G'Night ! "
" Yeah " I answered simply standing back up with the throbbing pain in my knee .
I hopped the rest of the way into the room before shutting the door behind me and locking it . I walked into the closet but instead of getting my clothes I grabbed one of the many black hoodie's Kamryn had , I put it on as tears sprang into my eyes as I inhaled his deep scent .
" Kamryn DaMour , I know you're not dead . "

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