A place for amusement - Chapter Eighteen

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Fine , I did feel like a fifteen year old once I realized we were going to an amusement park .
" We should go on the ride's first and then the food station , that way we won't feel sick when we go on all the fast ride's ." I said as we entered the huge park .
" Really , I thought you would be ones of those girls scared of roller coaster and crap ." He said as I grabbed his arm and placed it by my chest .
" Oohhh I am , but the excitement of the moment grips me and I do it , " I said as we went form in a line for a ride called ' Yoyo ' because it consisted of a tall pole that held a circle with hanging swings that went up in the sky and then ... well swung at an amazing speed over twenty meters in the air .
I was glad the swings came in pairs of two , I probably would of screamed my hair off if I would've had to ride alone .
I was a bit surprised when I saw Kamryn seem slightly nervous as we were strapped into the swing .
" You scared DaMour ? " I teased .
He bit his lip. " I'm not scared of heights or the sky , I'm scared these things will break and we'll plummet to our deaths ." He said . " They don't exactly look air dynamic "
" Don't worry , what are the chances it will happen ? Besides , as long as we're together I don't care if we die ." I said smiling bravely .
I reached for his hand and took it in mine .
I screamed when the ride suddenly rose up into the sky , the circle picked up energy and started to race forward .
Kamryn squeezed my hand but his face betrayed no emotion except his locked jaw .
After a few seconds I was able to calm my breathing and enjoy the ride , a bubbling laugh came up as I looked down at all the people , mostly couples who held hands or simply looked at each other . I heard the sound of kids squealing and laughter along with the smell of food and the sunset along the coast .
I heard a fresh deep laughter and turned towards Kamryn who grinned gleefully and stretched himself forward and extended his hands as if he was batman . He looked happy and young , and it made me feel a knot in my throat to see him so loose and alive , his eyes sparkled .
He looks as if he belongs in the sky ...flying


We rode three roller coasters , climbed a rock mountain , and about half of all the other rides in the parks and we were out of breath as we walked towards the food stands .
" Do we eat dessert or food first ? " I asked , my mouth watering with all the delicious scents .
" Dessert , I don't want a ride to malfunction and kill us before we've had a chance to taste cinnamon and Nutella churros . " He said .
I kissed his cheek . " And I'm supposed to be the perfect one ."
He grinned . " Let's go ."
At the end of the day we ate 10 churros , 4 chili cheese hotdogs , 2 Extra Giant Cokes , 8 Fruit Roll ups , 1 Huge Gummy bear , 1 bag of tootsie rolls , 2 Cookies N Cream Milkshake , and 1 Extra Large Cheeseburger with a small side of fries .
" We shouldn't have ate all that " I groaned as my stomach started to feel heavy .
Kamryn grinned . " Crap we'll have such hard diarrhea we'll remember this for a long time ."
" EEW ! " I said laughing . " Before we leave we should play some carnival games , besides we'll be able to watch the lights ."
" Hmm , should I win a prize for you Miss Silverbraid? " He asked smiling knowingly.
" You should Mister DaMour , and not one but two , " I said winking . " And do not worry for I shall win one for you too !"
He laughed . " I'd love to see that ."
" Are you really doubting my skills DaMour ? " I asked with fake indignation.
" I wouldn't dare " He said as we arrived at a black and pink booth run by a young sixteen year old with bright orange hair and a mouth full of braces .
" Good Evening , would you care to try and win a prize for the young lady ? " She asked smiling .
" I very much would , Miss " Kamryn said pulling out a five dollar bill and sliding it towards her .
" Its easy , you just have to throw this ball on this platform , make it bounce off the top , hit the side and score in the net ." She said handing us five balls .
" There you go hotshot , your chance to prove yourself ." I teased .
" Watch this ." He threw the ball but failed .
" Watch what exactly Casanova ? "
He rolled his eyes and tried again and missed . " Okay , up to now I was just warming up, but now it's serious ." His eyes darkened as he aimed and threw .
The ball seemed to go in slow motion as it perfectly aced all of its moves and spun into the basket .
The girl stood in silence for a moment . " Um , good job M-mister , you can pick a prize or make another and get a bigger prize ." She said surprised .
" Thalia ? " He said turning towards me ,
" I'll take a small prize , it'll make it easier to carry around and small things are cute ." I said .
" These are the options ." She said showing the rack behind her .
" Hmm... I'll take the black wolf please ." I said pointing towards a stuffed animal that was an adorable black wolf with big green eyes and with a slightly ticked off face .
She gave it to me before turning around again . " You have three more tries ... would you care to try ma'am ? " She asked .
She also doubts your competitive skills , my subconscious said cracking her knuckles .
" I would , thank you ... what would happen if I make all three ? " I asked .
She smirked . " Well if you were to make all three then you get an extra giant stuffed animal and I'll pay you a photo booth session ." She said .
" Okay . I accept if I can use any throw method I can "
She nodded and smiled widely .
Kamryn looked at me slightly amused as I picked up the ball with my hand and wrapped my ponytail around it , I gave it a weak throw before giving a slight hum and snapping my fingers .
The ball rose with newly found energy , I made it touch the bottom , then the top , and finally the right before making it in the basket .
" Wh- I'm sorry but that's not allowed . " She said her smile fading .
" Actually sweetie I asked if I could throw however I wanted and you nodded you head yes , so I threw how I could and made it ." I said cheerfully .
The girl glowered and handed over the next two balls which I made with just as much splendor .
" I've got to hand it to you love , you're skillful when you need to be ." Kamryn said winking .
" Thank you . Now you may pick out your prize . " I said happily .
" I'll take the laughing black heart " He said .
I rolled my eyes . " Really Kamryn , who do you have to be such a ...emo ? " I teased .
He placed his hand over his heart . " You find me smoking hot even as an emo . "
" It worries me that you said that as a statement and not a question ." I said as I took the photo booth ticket and started to walk away .
He winked . " Did she tell you where the photo booth was ? "
" No , but I think I saw it by the ferris wheel " I said holding up my stuffed animal . "Doesn't it remind you of somebody ? "
His turn to roll his eyes . " No , I can't think of anyone who could possibly look like that ."
" Really ? " I said giggling .
" Really . I cannot even fathom that anyone could look like that . " He said smiling .
" Oh well , no one is as good looking as my little wolf , too bad ." I said faking a frown .
He flicked my forehead . " No , you'll just have to deal with my unattractive face then "
I laughed . " Yeah right and I have a third eye on my forehead ." I said .
" You my Thalia would look breathtaking even with an extra eye ." He said his voice getting velvety.
I nudged him . " Ha , I bet you wouldn't say the same if I did have one ," I said . " Look the booth is over there ."
I pulled him inside and sat down , I swiped at the screen looking at the options .
" Which one should we pick ? " I asked .
" Thalia , you should pick the sibling filter . " He said sarcastically before grinning . "You pick the couple filter , love ."
I pursed my lips as I flushed . " Well Kamryn ... you never really officially asked me to be your girlfriend ." I innerly kicked myself for saying such a stupid thing , I looked down at my hands unable to look at his face .
He picked my face up by my chin .
" Thalia Silverbraid , I admire the way you laugh , how you're so brave when someone tries to step over you , the way you obsess over sweets and mostly how you make the coldest hearts warm and the hardest wills soften to a small cloud . That's why I ask today under the gaze of the moon and stars , will you honor me and be my girlfriend? "
I was stunned at his frank confession . " Yes . Yes I will ."
He grinned . " Well then , please go ahead and pick the couple filter ."
I flushed again and slapped his arm . " Don't tease "
" Funny face for the first ." I said .
I blew up my cheeks and closed my eyes , Kamryn stuck his tongue out and made a cross eyed action with his eyes .
" Now a serious pose ."
We locked our jaws and looked forward .
" Hmm ... now we actually take a good pic ."
He wrapped his arms around me and we smiled brightly at the screen .
" Now a couple pose ." He said , he turned me around and sat me on his lap . I pressed my forehead against his as we looked at each other's eyes .
I always felt surprise when I beheld his emerald eyes , they were so innocent and yet bold and striking .
" Will you kiss me for the last picture ? " I asked licking my lips .
" I would've kissed you in every picture ." He said as he held my chin and pulled me in for a gentle kiss .
I felt as if I floated , like bubbles were bouncing in my stomach instead of the traditional butterflies as the kiss ended as soon as it started .
" HOLY CRAP!" I exclaimed and his face clouded with concern .
" What ? "
" I Think I Truly Am In Love With You ."


Kamryn held me as he slept in the car .
" Does he usually get tired easily ? " I asked Alex who seemed to not hold a grudge against me .
" No , Mister Kamryn has a very strong stamina ..." Alex paused a moment before continuing . " I guess he got tired because he's not used to doing activities that involve him using his feelings much , but now that he's with someone like you who always expresses their feelings in everything they do he's forced to keep up . In short , he's trying to act young again for you ."
I grabbed Kamryn's hand and gave it a kiss .
" No Alex , not for me , he's doing it for himself ."
" I'm not sure I understand Miss Silverbraid " He said .
" I don't know what happened to him when he was younger , but something leads me to think he lost the opportunity to be a young careless person , all I'm doing is showing him the way back . " I said softly . " I know its hard on him both physically and mentally , but I would never do something intentionally that could hurt him , I can't, I will always look for his good in every decision I make . I hope you know that ."
He was silent after that and I hummed along to the song playing in the radio .
Once we arrived home I felt my own eyelids heavy . " Kamryn , love , wake up we're home and I'm sure Alex can't carry you upstairs without damaging his spine ."
His eyes opened all of a sudden and he sat straight . " Did I fall asleep ? "
" Quite obviously " I teased opening the door out . " Let's go ."
He groaned and like a zombie walked inside the house , upstairs, and into the room .
I followed as quickly as I could and closed the door behind me , I was a bit shocked to see Kamryn toss off his shirt and immediately fall asleep on the bed .
I gulped as I turned on the fan and walked towards the closet , I changed my 'Amusement park ' clothes and quickly threw on an oversized black shirt and shorts . I walked out the closet and closed it tightly before crawling into bed , as I faced him I made sure I was the farthest away from him as possible so I wouldn't touch him and his ... uncovered body .
I squealed when Kamryn grabbed my waist and slid me towards him , my face was pressed against his warm collarbone and my body relaxed by his radiated warmth .
After a few minutes my eyes drooped and I slipped off into a nice , loving sleep in the arms of the man who stole my heart .


Where my Spanish speaking people at ?!?!?! I love that song 😍😍😍

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