Sorry , I wasn't planning to visit hell today 1/3- Chapter Nineteen

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" Thalia , Thalia " I heard Kamryn say as he shook my shoulder .
" yes I'm awake " I said groggily , I opened my eyes to find a very worried Kamryn on top of me .
" I just got a call from the hospital saying Kitty was transferred to another hospital about five or so hours away , I'm not sure why if I didn't give authorization. I have to go see whats going on with her in the other hospital . " He said .
" And they didn't tell you if she was okay ? " I asked alarmed .
" No , nothing just that ." He said standing up and changing into a shirt and putting on his shoes .
" Oh okay , be careful ." I said laying back down .
" I will , goodbye I'll be back soon love " He said placing a kiss on my forehead .
" Goodbye Kamryn ." I said as he walked towards the door " Wait , "
He turned around .
" I love you ." My eyes were closed but I could feel his grin from far away .
" Thanks love ." He said and closed the door .
I sighed as I tucked my self deeper in the covers now that I didn't have Kamryn as my sense of warmth .
I turned over on his side of the bed that smelled and warmed me like him and fell asleep again .


" Thalia ! " I heard Vanessa yell .
I rose up . " What's wrong ?! Is it Zen or my father ?! " I asked desperately as I saw her face .
Her long lashes were wet and mascara ran down her cheeks , her lips were chapped and her cheeks red from crying .
" It's Kamryn ! " She said her face turning pitiful as she took my hands between hers . "I'm so sorry "
" What Happened ?! Is he okay ?" I asked my breathing slowing .
" Yes ... Thalia ... I found him with another girl ." She said as tears swam in her eyes.
My eyes hurt . " No , Vanessa you must have seen wrong , he's out of town ." I said shaking my head .
" Thalia I know it was him , I saw a girl and Kamryn in a compromising situation , " She swallowed . " I confronted them of course , and he just said to scram off ."
" No ... he wouldn't " my head hurt and silent tears ran down my cheeks .
" Would I lie ? No , I'm your best friend and you know that I don't take crap from others and I wouldn't tell you this on a simple rumor ." She said firmly .
" B-but , " my head felt like it was bursting .
" I've got a video ." She said shaking as she pulled out her phone and tapped the screen .
I felt a knot in my throat release when I saw it portrayed Kamryn with another girl making out in a dark space . I let out a baffled cry .
" NO! He WOULD NEVER DO THIS TO ME ! " I said my sobs intensifying .
" Are you sure ? " Vanessa asked . " Has he ever really proved it ? If I remember correctly he's never said I love you back ."

He's never said I love you back .

No , My Kamryn couldn't say it for me .


I woke up .
I felt my head release what felt like a heavy block of cement as I took in my surroundings , the sun was shining brightly through the curtains and I could hear the birds chirping outside .
I wiped the tears that had fell on my face and stood up from bed .
Just a silly dream , my subconscious said gently .
I was really glad it was just a dream , and decided to get over it by making pancakes , I held my hair up and started to cook to distract myself as I heard some loud music .
" Morning Miss Silverbraid " I heard Alex say behind me .
" Hello Alex , how did you sleep ? " I asked politely .
" I slept very well thank you ." He said , and leaving it at that proceeded to start walking out the room .
" Wait Alex , " I called out .
He turned " Yes Miss Silverbraid? "
" At what time did Kamryn leave this morning ? " I asked acting nonchalantly.
" Around 5 or 6 Miss Silverbraid, so about two hours ago ." He said curiously. " Any reason why ? "
" No , just asking ." I said and turned back to stirring my mix .
" By the way Miss Silverbraid, the Damons invited themselves in for brunch." He said with a smirk .
I almost dropped the bowl . " At what time ? " I squeaked .
" 10:30 "
" But thats only an hour and a half away ! "I exclaimed.
" I was on strict orders not to wake you Miss Silverbraid." He said .
" Uh...okay , confirm to the Damons and I'll take care of everything else ." I said with determination.
" Very well Miss Silverbraid , as you wish ." He said and left my by myself in the kitchen .
" Okay Thalia , you have and hour and some to cook breakfast and lunch together , and then ten minutes to dress , you're not too picky about you're looks so you'll just pull out the first ... wait a second you piece of crap called Thalia you don't even know what to wear to a brunch ! " I scolded myself . " Hell what am I supposed to do now ? Calm down Thalia , you can just ask Vanessa , she knows all about these rich people things . You know I remind myself of that girl off Crazy Rich Asians who didn't know crap about money or tea parties and so ..." I continued talking and cooking to myself for a few minutes before aggravating myself and just singing along to the music .
I had seen brunches on tv and knew it basically consisted on breakfast and lunch going on a date together on your plate , so I prepared hash browns , deviled eggs , pancakes , tea and orange juice , some grilled cheese sandwiches and last but not least prepared the strawberry and blueberry jam and home made butter biscuits .
I picked up the silverware and arranged the table while running in and out to place the food in pretty silver presentation plates and placing it neatly on the dining table .
" Miss Silverbraid the Damons say they will arrive in five m..."
" I know , I look like a mess and I cannot let them see me like this , so could you please just take everything else in the kitchen and take it here while making it pretty so I can go change ? " I begged .
" Yes Miss Silverbraid, go ahead I'll take care of everything else ." He said calmly .
"Thanks , you're a lifesaver Alex ! " I said and ran out the room and upstairs .
I rummaged in the closet before giving up and calling Vanessa .
" Van I have a fashion emergency ! " I said .
" Mhm , shoot what can I help you with ? "
" What do you wear to a brunch ? "
She was quiet for a moment . " Is it indoors or outdoors? "
" Indoors ."
" Just wear a bright blouse and some nice jeans or shorts with sandals or something. "
" Okay Thanks ! You're another Lifesaver Van ! " I said thankfully . " I'll tell you how it goes with The Damons ."
" Brunch with The Damons , so now you're into extreme sports ? "
I laughed . " Apparently. Thanks again Vanessa , I have to go , I'll call you later !"
" Goodbye "
Once she hung up I raced to find a lemon green blouse with a bow at the neck and a pair of long faded jeans that I matched with hoop earrings and slip on vans and finally bubble pink fantasy gloss .
I gripped my necklace as I put it on again and this time the black rock seemed to hum at me as I passed my thumb through it .
" It'll be okay Thalia , just believe..." I said taking a deep breath .
When I felt ready I walked downstairs just as the bell rang .
" Do I get it Miss Silverbraid? " Alex asked .
" Yes , lead them to the dining room when they enter . " I said . " Oh and thank you for your help . "
He nodded once and walked towards the entrance .
I sprinted to the dining room and gasped when I saw the table , everything was arrayed neatly and little spring like flowers were spread around the plates , honeysuckles sat at the windows and filled the room with a sweet scent .
I heard voices in the hall and composed myself .
I was surprised to see Misty in their ' midst ' ( Haha sorry ) and raised my eyebrows to see she was looking much better than she had a few days ago .
" Good Morning , " I said when they stepped in .
" Good Morning Thalia ... where's Kamryn ? " Mrs . Damon asked .
" Unfortunately he won't be able to make it , a situation came up " I said . " But please , sit down "
They gave each other a glance as I sat down at the head of the table .
" How have you been Thalia ? " Mrs.Damon asked .
" I've been fine thank you , how are you guys ? "
" We've been fine , but really sweetheart how are you ? " Mr.Damon said stepping in , I saw the surprise in Mrs.Damon's and Misty's faces .
" I don't know what you mean , why wouldn't I be well ? "
" You met Mathia ? "
" Yes . I did and I have to say he was very very kind " I said with a slight smile as I put a pancake on my plate . " The total opposite of what some told me ."
" You lie ! " Mrs.Damon exclaimed . " I cannot hear you say that after watching my nephew suffer with that ...beast ! After 11 years of dealing with that obscure part of him I can't be lied to my face ! In case you don't know girl , I'm the one who has dealt with all the disaster left behind , so I more than anyone know what he is capable of ! "
" Just because you watch doesn't mean you know his motives . Besides I could say you two have done the same to me , I am not stupid and I know when someone looks down on me , if Misty hadn't half died you would of probably still thought the same of me like you did the night I met you , " I said with a smooth tone . " And yet you still find that I could lie , yes I am prideful but if I had so much as a bruise I would've made sure half of the world knew I was in the tiniest pain , I have gone through the pain of an unhealthy relationship so I more than anyone know what to do in these situations . "
" Saying this I should continue , I know you all wanted me to make ... Mathia go away , but unfortunately I can't and won't ." I continued .
" Thalia , I have nothing against you , I really like you " Misty said . " But its unfair for Kamryn that just because you want Mathia to stay , he has to deal with him ."
I shook my head . " Mathia is good , Kamryn needs to embrace Mathia so they become one , that way he'll become happier ... hell what I'm trying to say is that Mathia is like Kamryn's conscience , and he'll only go away once Kamryn confronts all of his demons ." I said as their face paled . " What I need to know is what happened ? Why is he like this ? "
They were all silent .
" You know what , let's just not talk about this anymore and enjoy the food I have spent the past hour and a half cooking " I said cheerfully. " Please tell me how it tastes ... oh and tell me Misty how are you feeling ? "
" The doctor was able to bring several healers in and I feel much better now , my body still feels kind of drugged though but the doctor assured it would wear off after sometime ." She said picking at the deviled eggs . "How about you ? How have you been feeling ? "
" Mm just my occasional body pains , I've been having them since I was a younger teen but lately they've been getting worse ." I said finishing the last pancake on my plate .
" You should go see a doctor and get some painkillers ." Mrs.Damon said . " Or he might say its something more serious ."
" Yes that would be in the worst case scenario , but it really only happens when I get stressed and in the afternoons so I wouldn't think much about it . " I said . " Besides it could be something hormonal ."
Mr.Damon seemed uncomfortable and decided to change topics . " We never did ask , what job were you planning on having ? "
I smiled . " I've taken several Creative Writing courses and passed , so I was really planning on taking a career as a writer , " I shrugged . " Just to have a firm income I was planning on working in a simple coffee shop or even a library , I really don't need anything fancy and I prefer small houses with simple wrap around porches and a nice backyard , I mean if you've seen Kamryn's backyard you probably look at your yard with a stink eye but what can you do ? Not everyone makes millions each hour ." I babbled on , it was funny really since normally I was the quiet one in conversations but now that I had found people who were as un talkative as a wall I had to be the one to fill the gaps .
Mr.Damon smiled . " Do you mean Victorian type of houses ? "
" Yes , I absolutely love those , " I said awed . " I actually am a little obsessed with Victorian times including the dresses , the jewelry , the designs , the food and oh the balls ! I find the way of speaking so beautiful! "
" Well we still have balls " Misty offered .
I slightly frowned . " We do , but they're not so often and not the same as before ... just imagine Misty , its midnight in the Winter Ball Mascaraed , you wear a beautiful gown thats been made to fit at your waist in a slow dark color , there's a gold lace sewn into your waist just above the long and wide cathedral skirt that looks like it has the same bright stars from the sky placed on it , your mask is made of the same gold and silver color that brings mysteriousness in your character , you have a hidden laugh because you know who you are and what you're doing there , but that's only you no one else knows . As you walk in the crowd , you feel another strange aura and then suddenly there he is , a handsome stranger with midnight black hair , your eyes meet his emerald green ones and it feels like lightning shocks you . He smirks and walks away , you're confused until he stops at a door far away from the people , he turns and with his secret smile tells you to come with him ... do you go Misty ? Or do you stay in your simple life ? " Misty watched me with big eyes , completely absorbed in my story , I know my voice is filled with a dark attraction and that traps her in .
Until it doesn't. " Wait did you just describe Kamryn as the handsome stranger ? Eww!" She said .
I laughed . " Hmm , sorry it's a reflex from my piece of victorian history " I said . " But really , wouldn't it be awesome to live in the victorian era ? "
" Well you certainly made it appealing ... I really thought it was all stiff corsets and powdered wigs "
" Naive , innocent Misty , teens were still young back then , and let me tell you that I could bet that those stiff corsets were just another exciting challenge ." I said winking .
I was surprised when I saw a faint flush in her face .
" Well then , I guess we should have a ball then " Mr.Damon proposed .
Misty and me both lit up at the suggestion . " Really father ? "
" Yes , it'll do you good to be around people your age and not always locked up training " He said .
I felt a stab of remorse at never considering if Misty had friends .
" You go to school ? " I asked Misty .
" No , I'm homeschooled actually , mother says I have to keep improve my training ." She said turning towards her mother .
Mrs.Damon had been silent for some time now and she seemed to be so deep in thought that I guessed she wouldn't respond or say anything else .
" Yes , training is much more important than school , a math equation or a book won't save you from an attack " her voice was firm but her gaze was far away in her memories.
" You're mother is right Misty , a book or math equation won't save you from an attack ... but you should explore other interests , after all there's not a war everyday , so its good to be prepared with other things ." I said .
" Hm , I guess so ..." she said . " but we simply have to make that old times ball , I can't get it out of my mind now ."
" Hmm , maybe for your graduation party ? " Mrs.Damon said .
" Perfect ... " Misty said before pursing her lips . " But who will we invite ? "
" I know some people who know other people around your age group , I could handle the invites ," I offered . " When do you graduate? "
" Like about three or two weeks , it really depends on how much time I give it ." She said .
" Then we should start as soon as possible , two weeks is nothing for a party of this magnitude! In fact , you should stay the afternoon here so we can start planning ." I said finishing up the orange juice .
" Well , may I father ? " She asked .
" I don't see why not . " He responded .
Misty smiled excitedly .
" Miss Silverbraid " Alex said walking into the room . " Mr.DaMour won't be able to come back today , but he said not to worry he'll try and come back as soon as possible ."
" Oh okay " I said as he turned away . " Wait Alex , did you ask him if he was coming back first ? "
" No ma'am , he texted me first ." He said .
" Weird , he could've texted me first " I said before shrugging it off . " Tell me if he says anything else ."
" Yes Ma'am "Alex said and walked away .
" We wish we could spend more time Thalia , but my wife and I have another compromise . " Mr.Damon said standing up , I had always assumed Mr.Damon was unsweet to his wife but I now noticed the secret affectionate looks between them , how they gently held each others hands as Mr.Damon helped Mrs.Damon up , and how Mrs.Damon's eyes twinkled when she looked at her husband .
" Sure , let me walk you out ."
" There's no need for that , we know the way out " Mr.Damon said winking . " You girls focus on brainstorming the party ."
They both walked out and Misty and I were left alone .
" Hmm, we should plan this is in the living room , I'm sure Anita is itching for more work than she's been having over her vacation time so I'll just leave this to her ," I said signaling at the table . " Of course , we have to take some extra food in case we get hungry ."
" But we just ate , " She said . " But if you want to the go ahead and do it . "
I flushed before grinning . " Sorry but I get my best ideas while I snack , its kind of a quirk of mine ."
" Nice . Do you have everything we'll need ? "
" Alex can bring us a laptop and two notebooks ." I said walking out the room . " We're just starting so we won't need much right now until we actually go into stores and look ."

I was wrong , we were so excited we actually thought about what kind of dress we could make by hand , the place and wether silk or tulle could be used in skirts at her party.
Fortunately she agreed a ' Hell No ' Were in place to this question .
" So will you let me vicariously through your perfect party by making sure your dress is a dark sea king blue , not a king blue but a dark sea king blue , and yes there is a difference." I said pointing at an online magazine with a palette of blues .
" I like it but instead of the stars I want white clouds sewn on it , oh and I don't want people to wear masks full face masks , what if someone who isn't supposed to be there gets in and we don't recognize him ? "
You can take the girl from the training facility, but you can't take the training from the girl .
" Right , now should we pick Rosemary Gardens or Italy Nights ? "
" Hmm , both places are the best options , but I think Rosemary Gardens fills the descriptions better " She said .
" Okay , I'll confirm and reserve the place then . Now , what type of flowers ? " I asked popping the last hash brown into my mouth
" Since the theme colors are blue , green and pale pink , I think we should get some Chrysanthemums of every color ." She said .
" So you want artificial flowers ?" I asked wrinkling my nose .
" Yeah , because the real ones fade away and I want to keep some so I can remember the party ." She said . " And I also want a singer there "
I felt a pang at my gut . " Really ? What kind ? "
" Since this is supposed to be very juvenile and romantic type of party I think I might want a ballad singer ." She said . " Hey , since you're a singer type could you do the part ? "
" I'm sorry , I can't ..." I said trying to stir the topic . " What about the people , do you want me to -"
" Thalia , I can tell something is wrong , " she said . " Ever since I meet you , anything of your past is completely blurred to me ... I believe Kamryn has told you he's an excellent observer , but he's more physical since he's a man . As a female instead of being physical , I'm more mental , so if he's a good observer I'm a great analyzer , I could tell from the beginning, you were running away , pushing things so they would go faster with Kamryn , at first I thought it was for money but then when you freaked at the hospital and due to what you said earlier I realized I was wrong , and that indeed something big happened in your past . I wasn't sure what it could involve so I went visit Kitty after you left so she could give me her opinion on you , overall she thought you were great but she said that when you looked at her your pupils would dilate , maybe for a second or so but it was there , and do you know what happens when your pupils dilate ? "
I could feel my lips dry and my skin white . " No "
" Pain . Or lies really , nurses and doctors are able to distinguish it since they work with so many people , even if its for a second that you think of something painful it gets captured in your eyes . " She said , her words might of sounded accusative but they her tone was soft. " I know you're hiding something Thalia , something bad that happened to you , and I don't want you to tell me so I can share it with everyone or to hold it against you , I want to hear your story so I can under you , so we know each other . I really want to be able to know you Thalia ... no one has ever told me a secret and if I wanted to know it I would search for it until I could find a mistake in that person . I don't want to do that with you , I wish that you will tell me willingly so we can we be friends ."
" Fine . I'll tell you , but if you end up hating me you were warned " I said , my voice chilled as I placed the notebook and pencils down on the table , I swallowed before looking at the screen ahead of me . " You want to know ? Then here it is "


😅I already know the truth but I'm still feeling like I don't.

COMMENT *no hate*




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