You'll try not to love me , but I assure you thats impossible - Chapter Thirteen

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I gasped and backed up away from the stranger , he was dressed in black cargo jeans and a blue hoodie that covered his head with a black mask that covered the rest of his features except his eyes .
Those eyes were strangely familiar  ; they were a dark grayish color framed by long black eyelashes that contrasted against the snowy white skin around his eyes .
We stared at each other for a minute , his eyes full of emotions he seemed to struggle with for a moment before slowly raising his hand and taking off his hood and mask .
I felt my knees give away under me when I saw his face , I felt my blood ice in place as I entered shock .
He had long wavy black hair that touched the nape of his neck that struck fiercely against his vampire white skin , his lips were nice and full the color of pink berries that accentuated his god like features with set eyebrows , sharp cheekbones and defined jaw , he was definitely taller than me by about 7 or 8 inches leading me to think he couldn't be much older than me , but my head and heart wouldn't and couldn't accept his existence.
The guy kneeled before me and took my face between his cool hands , he placed quiet kisses all over my face as I stood in silence and shock , I wasn't able to move or feel much as my whole head felt blurred .
He hugged my tightly , inhaling the scent of my hair before pulling back and looking into my eyes .
" My Le-Le ... Oh I have missed you ! " He said softly . " Crap I didn't know you would be like this ."
" I ... I'm sorry I can't really think or move right now ... " I said , I felt myself on the border of a emotional break off .
" Yes of course , I imagine this is a shock for you , do you need help walking ? " He asked .
" Yes I do ."

Once inside and sitting on a couch holding a cup of water in my trembling hand we were in intimacy .
He gaped openly at me as if I were an illusion that would slip away any moment .
" I'm sorry to ask but ..." I sighed . " Who are you ? What are you ? "
He seemed a tad surprised. " Its obvi- , " he stopped for a moment as if to correct himself . " Right this is probably a hard transition for you , I should go slow and present myself ; My name is Rhys Willows , I'm nineteen quite obviously , I um... I like art and music , I've had varied jobs and a loving step- dad who took care of me until I was sixteen and decided to work and become independent by myself . "
" Err Rhys , how did you ... find me ? " I asked looking at my cup .
" I have different jobs for obvious reasons , " He said softly , his cheeks momentarily burning with something like shame . " I work as a private investigator, you see my step dad works as one and he taught me every thing I needed to know so I could work , I was probably 17 at the time and I decided to take an advantage of my resources to find my parents but while my research advanced I realized that I had a sister , " he stopped briefly . " and not just a sister , but a twin sister named Thalia Cosmina Silverbraid , whose main attribute was wolf ... I kept looking and found out a lot about you , I learned you were a good student , that you despised math but loved reading , that you couldn't stand spicy food and that you loved both cute and dark things . " He prattled off saying much , much more including things like my favorite music , books and shows , I was surprised by all the things he knew and how marveled he was .
" What happened to your cheekbone ?" I asked , observing the black and blue bruise on his cheek .
He lifted his hand up to touch it . " I followed you all along after I got over some ... issues I had in my life and I realized you must of had the same attribute as me -A Singer control - and I understood how annoying it is to accidentally catch someone's thoughts as you pass by or how things would levitate around you even when you would just speak so I decided to gift you the siren stone . " He said raising his hand , on his middle finger there was a ring with a round black stone on it and on each side three tiny ruby stones implanted on it . " These are very expensive and I had the rubies come in when I learned this was our birth stone and as you can see , when you walk around in daylight in this part of town with something fancy its easy to get in fights over it ."
" But where did you get the money ? " I snapped . " Aren't you supposed to be poor ? "
I saw a trace of annoyance cross his features and that brought a shock of surprise since I knew that expression well , after all I did watch myself do that expression quite a lot .
" Just because I'm poor doesn't mean I'm not entitled to good things , besides there are many different quick cash jobs around ." He said defensively.
We sat in silence , I was dumbfounded by him , he was completely beautiful and unreal to me like a mirage that would float away any second . That gave me an idea .
" Oh my god ! " I said laughing . " I'm dreaming ! I must have fell asleep on the way home ! I knew you weren't real ! What's this called ? When you have control over your dreams ? " I asked laughing and stretching . " I had heard lucid dreams were quite realistic but hell does this feel real ! "
" This is real Thalia , I'm real , you're just in denial ." He said gently .
" No it isn't , my father and mother would never just keep you away from me . They wouldn't do this to me , " I paused watching as jealousy fluttered over his face . " Or Zen or really to anyone ! " I said .
He stood up and did a tiny turn . " I'm real , I don't see how I'm fake , and just by looking at my face and then looking at yours anyone could tell who we are . " He said walking towards the kitchen .
I sat back down as he opened the fridge and pulled out a frozen chocolate bar . " Care for one ? "
I gaped at him in silence and didn't respond , I could tell my face was fixed on shock .
" What is your plan anyway ? " I said once he placed it on my lap . " What did you hope to accomplish after meeting me ? "
He didn't seem surprised by the question but right when he was going to respond I stood up and got all over his face .
" What , did you think we would all accept you in ?! Haven't you thought that if my parents kicked you out , it was for a reason ?! " I yelled in his face as tears pricked at my eyes .
He kept quiet .
" Haven't you thought of me ? How this affects me ... I don't know if you're aware but mom is dead . You hear me she's dead ! " I said banging my fists on his chest . " She's dead and gone ! There is no one here except the only five people I have , people who can leave me any time now , I don't, I can't- Just no !"
" Thalia ... " he said gently holding my hands  . " Various clues lead me to think ... to know that mom is alive ." He said .
I burst . " She's dead ! DEAD! I've took flowers every damn year of my life to her grave , to tell how her much I miss and need her ! She's been my adoration figure all my life ! My father is crazy in love with her even to this day ,  and if that man knew his wife was alive he'd be the first to feel it in the core of his soul , not to mention the fact he has two children whom he loves ferociously ! " I said before retreating and pulling my hands out of his grasp  . " Stay away ." I said softly .
He seemed pained . " I can't . I'm sorry . I've tried , and I know you don't mean it . " He said .
In a flash I pulled out my gun and pressed it against his chest .
" I mean it . Stay away from me and my family ." I said swallowing .
He gave me a sad smile as he pressed even harder against the barrel .
" I'm sorry , but if you want you can just pull that trigger and get rid of me love ." He said , his voice as soft as a caress . " Pull it , end me and my naughty existence on thees earth , end my sins as one who ever traced after you ."
I wiped my tears with my other hand and was surprised when a slight laugh escaped me . " Why are you talking like a love sick eighteenth century guy ? "
" Because its fun . " He said .
I lowered the gun . " I'm very sorry , but I can't right now ." I said , I turned around and opened the door out , he didn't say anything as I stepped out but just as I closed the door , he called ;
" You'll try not to love me , but I assure you thats impossible . " He yelled . " I will see you again . "
A few tears slipped by as I closed the door behind me , I sprinted down the porch and down the street , a girl on her pink bike stared at me as she rolled by , I pulled up my hood and started to walk so I could catch my breath from all the running .
I hit the main road where all the cars buzzed by , I was confused of where I was and just kept walking , I was numbing my feelings and soon my whispering thoughts went away , I was surprised that even my subconscious was on mute tonight .
I saw the sky start to darken an ashy gray in place of a lazy orange and knew it was going to rain soon , I looked for cover under a hidden fancy McDonalds in a luxury neighborhood near downtown.
" Excuse me , are you a resident here ? " A girl with orange hair said with a snotty voice asked .
" No , but I really need cover , it's raining cats and dogs outside ." I pleaded , but she didn't care and called security .
I was kicked out to the rain and forced to loom under a tree , I was completely soaking wet to the core , not to mention freezing , I trembled in my clothes before my phone rang .
I felt a ray of hope fill me as I picked it up .
" Thalia where are you ?! " Vanessa screeched . " I've been trying to reach you since 9 ! I told Alex everything because you didn't pick up and its 9:15 ! He has a whole search party right now ! And Mister DaMour even came back from his business trip ! He's furious and yelling at everyone! YOU NEED TO COME BACK BEFORE HE GOES PSYCHO ! "
" Oh Van, everything has been awful , I'm okay but soaking wet in the middle of the city , I have no idea where I am and I need help ! You have no idea what I just went through ! " I cried .
" Calm down-" I could hear the phone being snatched from her hands .
" Thalia Silverbraid , " I heard Kamryn growl , I felt my body freeze . " Where in this goddamn city are you !? And so god help me if I don't make life hell for everyone here if you don't come back here in one piece ! "
" I-I'm sorry , " I said my voice breaking .
" Sorry ! You think a sorry is going to fix the fact I had to fly back here , not only delaying my flight but the flight of about 15 other people , all who are high people of society that will be gossiping the news of famous Kamryn DaMour nearly grabbing the pilot and forcing him to turn back mid flight ! " He growled . " Not to mention the past twenty minutes I've spent worrying the crap out of myself ! "
" I just went for a quick snack and when I finished my cab had left so I started walking around and it started to r-rain and I g-got lost , and they kicked me out of M-mcdonalds , and-" I started to cry like a baby and the fib came out as smooth as silk on my tongue .
His voice softened . " Its okay love , just tell me what street you're on ." He said .
Slowly I raised my eyes and looked around . " I think I'm on Janelle Avenue ." I sniffed .
" Your family is here and so is Vanessa , I'll stay here and send Alex for you ." He said .
" Okay , my phone is getting wet , I have to hang up ." I said .
" Be careful . Don't move ." And with that the phone call ended . My legs and body were sore and I felt extremely tired like I would pass out any moment now , I placed my head against the tree trunk and felt my eyes dizzily close and my body slowly loosen up , and slowly I went unconscious  .

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