Excuse - Chapter Twelve

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I was technically not arrested since Alex didn't take me to jail , but he did use thin ( But strong ) magnets that were in a shape of bracelets , he conducted me towards the car where a mad Kamryn was waiting , his jaw was locked as hair blew in the breeze .
I was placed inside the car with the bracelets holding me in place as if I were a child , Alex gave me one warning glare and left to his own seat as Kamryn sat inside too .
I could feel the tension between us as we drove off , I looked out the window anxious for a distraction but wasn't able to find one with him sitting so close .
" Alex put up the privacy window " Kamryn said .
I straightened as Alex gave him a wary look and obeyed , a thick black window rolled up leaving me entirely to Kamryn's mercy .
" You should really eat your snicker bars , I didn't make that huge line for nothing." He said without a hint of aggravation in his voice .
I was surprised. " I'm not hungry actually " I said back .
" When you're on your period things such as chocolate and other comfort foods are essential to keeping a good stability ." He said .
"Are you saying I'm not stable ? " I snapped .
" I'm saying you're emotionally fragile , for example now you've gotten mad for what I would call a very little reason ." He simply stated .
" It is not a little reason and I'm not mad ." I fumed .
" Thalia please eat the snicker bar , " he said .
" No . " I returned .
" What if I order you to do it ? "
" You don't own me ." I bit at him .
Next thing I knew was that my hands were over my head pining me to the seat .
" Hey what the hell ?! " I growled .
" Listen , here I am the one who makes the rules and I don't like when you disrespect me , " he said , his eyes darkening . I struggled against him .
" I will scream , " I threatened.
He laughed and came closer to my face . " Who would hear you ? "
The question lingered in the air as a sweet promise that made something inside me clench pleasurable.
My breath quickened " You wouldn't hurt me ."
" Oh love I bet that if I had my way you'd be begging me to keep on going , " he said smirking . " It might hurt a bit but I assure you , you wouldn't mind the slightest bit . " He said winking .
I sucked in a breath . " I , um ..." I squeaked .
He slightly lifted me and pulled out the snicker from my back pocket .
" Now eat ." He opened the snicker bar with one hand and his mouth making me flush as he bit off the top and swallowed . Tauntingly he pressed his lips to my mouth and I shivered with pleasure as he devoured me and his taste with chocolate mixed with mine .
He backed off so I could breathe for a few seconds before placing the bar on my lips , hesitantly I bit off a piece .
Since when are you so submissive ? My subconscious said .
" I'm not even on my period , I lied ." I said sheepishly .
" Then why did you send me on the hell of a line?" He growled into my face .
" I was craving chocolate, I get a bit intense if I don't have my daily dose and since I skipped my dosis thats why I act all crazy , sorry ." I said smiling shyly .
He rolled his eyes and blew in my face making me squirm .
" Eew you stink !! " I said giggling .
He grinned . " Do I ? " He blew again .
" I'm serious " I said laughing .
He placed a light kiss on my forehead that sunk waves of shock into me .
I could feel my face redden . " Um ...okay ? "
" You're so cute ." He said playing with my hair .
" Gee being called ' Cute ' is every girl's dream  " I said laughing . "By the way could you let go of my hands now ? "
He acted like he was having a hard time deciding if he should or not .
" Please I'll be nice ." I pouted .
He laughed " You are never nice Miss Silverbraid."
" I'm serious ditto my arms are getting sore ." I said .
He let go of me and sat back down on his place , he unlocked my bracelets and I sighed in relief as the tension on them backed up .
" Let me just make a note I'll need to tie you up when you don't take your sugar dose ." He said .
" No kidding " I said as we arrived at the house , both Kamryn and I were surprised to see a fancy vehicle parked outside .
We stepped out of the car and both Alex and Kamryn placed themselves in front of me like a barrier as we walked inside , I heard a tiny click at Alex's waist and my breath caught in momentary panic .
" Kamryn , " Mister Damon said stepping into the light , Kamryn's posture relaxed but I didn't fail to notice Alex still had his hand hooked away at his waist , I kept up with him and stood in a defiant pose .
" You scared me , " Kamryn said stepping towards him . " What's wrong ?"
" We have a green protocol situation , we need to board a plane immediately." He said .
Kamryn and Alex froze in their places , I looked around the room but everyone was expressionless except Kamryn who had a look of sheer terror on his face .
" Let's go ." He snapped and picked up his phone .
" I'll go ahead and go to the car ." Mister Damon said leaving , he paused slightly when he reached Alex . "Alexei . I hope your your relationship is going well ."
" It is thank you very much sir ." Alex responded with a monotone voice .
Mister Damon smirked and came up to me . " Thalia , how are you ? "
" Well . Thank you for worrying." I said .
He came closer and I shivered . " I'll confess I wasn't worried at all , my wife was the one scared ... of you filing a law suit that is ..." He chuckled darkly .
I locked my jaw . " I wouldn't taunt a dog because it could turn out to be a very dangerous wolf ." I whispered back .
" Oh I know darling , the reason I wasn't worried about you was because I knew you were a fighter ... I would have been disappointed if you would've died that easily . " He said . " My wife is the one who looks at you as a threat , but I don't, it's like getting a daughter I never knew would come ."
I was a bit intrigued but mostly confused at his comment . " A daughter ? You already have one Mister Damon , one that would reflect to be perfect for you ."
" I love my daughter , but she was raised to be like her mother , and don't get me wrong I do love both of them , " I could tell he did with such fond expression on his face "but I always wanted one for me , someone who would make me happy by being sweet and ladylike and, well , normal ." He said this sheepishly causing me to laugh .
" Well I guess we are going to be family after all , " I said and watched as his expression light up . " I really would like to get to know you better sir , but could I ask a question ? "
" Of course ." He responded .
" Why does your wife think of me as a threat ? "
He smiled widely . " I think it would be obvious darling , " He said stepping away . " She envies you ."
I was stunned at the confession .
Envious ? Of you ? My subconscious said with a surprised look .
" Envies me ? Why sir ? " I asked .
" Don't worry about it , it'll pass " He said walking towards the door way before pausing . " By the way Thalia , no more sir call me Papa ."
I innerly laughed as he walked out , the man was full of surprises and frankly calling him ' papa ' was a tad weird .
" I would be careful of that man Thalia , he's dangerous ."Alex warned before walking away .
Who spilled on his pizza ? My subconscious asked pointing at him over her shoulder .
I innerly shrugged and turned towards Kamryn who snapped his phone shut .
" Thalia , love I have to go something urgent came up , Alex will stay and Anita will be here ." He said holding my face .
" Um ... okay I guess . " I said with a bit of sadness in my voice .
" Thalia what's wrong ? " He asked .
" Nothing ... its just ... I've grown used to being by you it's kind of weird that you have to leave me ," I said as he slightly winced . " But duty calls right ?" I said with fake enthusiasm.
" Listen , I don't want to leave okay ? " He said and I nodded . " But I really have to , I'll be back on Sunday , lock the doors , windows and stay inside the room , in fact , invite Zen or Vanessa over okay ? " He said with desperation.
" Kamryn whats wrong ? You're scaring me ." I said with concern .
He placed another kiss on my forehead . " Just do it okay ? " He looked into my eyes and then walked out the room , soon I heard the car back out at full speed and the doors lock .
I grabbed my phone and dialed Vanessa .
" Hellooooo ? " She answered .
" Vanessa could you come over ? I'm at Kamryn's but he's out ." I said trying to seem casual .
" Sure chica , let me finish my nails and I'll be over in five ." She said and hung up .
I fidgeted with my hands in nervousness for a few seconds before deciding to go up and change clothes to keep my mind off things .
I decided for an over sized black hoodie , and dark blue leggings and bright pink socks to top it all off , I grabbed my hair into a half ponytail and let it go as I stared at my reflection . I looked like an average teenage girl that didn't have a care in the world , I silently wished I actually didn't have any as I huffed and walked out the room .
I stopped at the hallways when I heard voices , I could recognize one was female and the other male , they both seemed to be talking with urgency and my breath caught as fear ran in my veins .
I slowly padded back to the room before locking the door behind me , I swiftly closed and opened the cabinets in search for anything .
Damn you Kamryn DaMour for not having even a crappy dagger
Note to self 1 ; slap Kamryn
I thought before going out the room and sprinting towards the study , my breathing was heavy as I looked through all the cabinets and nearly jumping for joy when I found a small gun in a small safe box who's code was literally 1 2 3 4 .
Note to self 2 ; Kiss Kamryn and the slap him again for having such a dumb code .
I tucked the gun into the big pocket of my hoodie before turning around and finding a cold barrel of a gun pressed against my forehead .

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