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A day filled with Blushing

(Hwang Areum POV)

I walked slowly and shyly next to Jimin.

"Good morning Jimin." I say making him look at me.

His eyes widen slightly before smiling softly at me.

"Good morning Areum."

I nod my head in acknowledgment before sitting right next to him.

"Did you finish the assignment?" Jimin asked while turning to look at me.

I nodded my head.

"But... I'm not sure if I got number 3 correct..." I said meeting his eyes.

"Oh really? Then let me check it. I'll tell you if you got it correct or not." Jimin said showing a beautiful smile.

My heart fluttered at the sight.

'remember, you're supposed to show him your homework!'

I quickly grabbed my notebook from my bag and showed my homework to Jimin.

He took the notebook from me before speaking.

"Ah.. I see."

"Hm? What?" I asked softly.

"You got it wrong. But, I understand why. Here, I'll help you." Jimin said pushing the notebook towards me.

He then continued by grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.

"Here." He said leaning close to me.

'gosh. he's to handsome. he seems to ethreal...- focus areum! focus!'

I shook the thoughts before listening to what Jimin was saying.

"And that's how you get the proper answer!" Jimin said smiling at me.

I turned to look at him only to notice how our faces were inches apart.

My cheeks flared.

I immediately parted away avoiding Jimin's eye contact.

"Erm.. Thank you.." I said without looking at Jimin.

"You're welcome..." Jimin said.

Right at that moment the teacher walked in.

{Time Skip}

I packed up my stuff getting ready to go to the cafeteria.

As I made it towards my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Jimin.

"Um.. Yes?" I asked.

"D-do you want to have lunch with me and my friends?" He said scratching the back of his nape.

I hesitantly nodded my head.

"Alright. I'll save you a seat then!"

I nodded my head.

I grabbed my lunch from my locker before walking towards the cafeteria.

Once I arrived at the cafeteria, I walked around until a voice called me.

"AREUM-SSI!!" I turned to the sound to see Taehyung waving at me.

I didn't miss the fact that I caught everyone's attention because of him.

I walked quickly towards them.

Once I arrived at the table I noticed that there were 2 other people.

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