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(Hwang Areum POV)

I sat on the bench holding a present.

I kept on glancing down while playing with the blue ribbon.

'i hope he likes my gift...'

I glanced at my watch every couple of seconds since I felt quite anxious.

A couple of minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around.

As if time stopped, I stared in awe at Jimin.

'park jimin dyed his hair purple. i repeat. purple. p u r p l e. aHHhhhHhhHHHh'

He looked at me blushing.

'boy why are you blushing? shouldn't i be blushing shsjsjsnsjsksksm'

I nearly threw the gift in my hands somewhere as I got off the bench to approach Jimin.


"I... Taehyung told me you would like it so I thought um... I l-look ugly... I know I shouldn't have listened to Tae-

I shut him up by placing a quick peck on his lips.

I backed away while fake coughing.

"Ehem... Anyways you um... You look good. I like- no... I love how purple looks on you. You look very handsome." I said as the blush on my cheeks wouldn't disappear.

He scratched the back of his nape before mumbling a small thank you.

"Um..." We both said at the same time.

I giggled a little.

"How are we still so awkward after dating for already two years?" I said making Jimin laugh.

We both laughed for a while.

"Speaking of which..." I said while holding my gift out to Jimin.

"Happy Two Year Anniversary baby..."

He smiled taking the gift from my hands.

"You know you didn't have to... Right?"

I giggled.

"As if I would listen to you." I said smiling cheekily.

"Open the gift."

He smiled before nodding his head.

He opened my little box carefully.

I was a bit nervous to see his reaction since I really worked hard to find this gift.

He looked up at me and gasped.

"No way..." He said in shock.

I chuckled nodding my head.

"Yes, way..." I said in a teasing tone.

He grabbed my gift in his hands.

"You bought us tickets to Busan?" I watched as Jimin looked at me with surprised eyes.

I expected him to look a bit teary eyes but that reaction is fine too.

"U-um yes? Why? Do you not like it?" I mentally sighed.

'i thought he wanted to go back to Busan...'

I think he saw the look on the look on my face as he gave me a smile.

"Areum I love the gift... It's just..."

"It's just...?" I asked feeling nervous about what he was going to say.

He pulled out an envelope behind him and gave it to me.

'please don't let these be divorce papers... wait i mean-'

I opened it and gasped in shock.

"Y-you..." I said shocked.

"You bought tickets to go to Busan too?!" I exclaimed.

He nodded his head before scratching his nape.

We were quiet for a minute until we burst into laughter.

"Yah! If I knew you bought tickets I would have bought mine!" I said joking but saying the truth as well.

He laughed before nodding his head.

It turned back into the awkward silence until we both decided to sit on the bench.

"So..." We both said at the same time.

We chucked a bit.

"I'll go first." I said as he nodded.

"I can't believe we've been together for two years, it still feels as if yesterday we were all awkward and shy with each other."

"True, but if we weren't awkward and shy we wouldn't have any funny memories." I laughed at what Jimin just said.

He turned to look at me.

I turned as well.

"I love you Areum..." He said while staring straight into my eyes.

I blushed softly before nodding my head.

"I love you too Jimin..." He smiled as he leaned in to hug me.

I hugged him back feeling his warmth.

He let go of me before leaning towards my face.

We got closer to each other.

Our lips were centimeters are part... 



Jimin and I flinched away from each other.

I watched as Jimin glared at our friends.

"Really guys?" Jimin asked while looking at the three boys.

"Oops..." Jin, Namjoon, and Taehyung said at the same time.

I chuckled softly until I noticed something.

"Omg Jin is that a pink stuffed toy?" I got up to approach it leaving a whining Jimin behind.

"Yahhhh Areum don't pay attention to them stay with me..." He said as he ran towards me.

"Whatever." I said laughing as I grabbed the teddy bear in Jin's hands while running away.

"Catch me if you can!" I told Jimin as I running towards the playground.

I heard Jimin laugh loudly behind me.

"Oh, you're in trouble." He said chasing after me.

The End

Ending Note:
Thank you all for supporting and finishing this story. To my current and future readers, I hope you all know that I am thankful for you all. I hope to see you in my future books. Sending Big Hugs... Goodbye~ 💗

-Your Author-nim 💜

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