A Glimpse Of Dani

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"They're gone. My parents and sister," she frowned.

Before Samantha could say anything Dani stopped her,"They died in a car crash. I was at a friends house at the time."


Samantha didn't know what to say. What do you say to a girl whose family died in a car crash. I'm sorry for your loss? Aren't we all sorry for people whose family member or friend died?

"Would you like to eat something before going to bed?" Samantha asked her, changing the subject to food because who doesn't love food.

"Yes please," Dani said while getting off the bed.

As both girls walked down the stairs and made their way to the kitchen, Dani spotted Jacob who had been eating a bag of chips while watching a football game through the living room television.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Dani asks Samantha in a whisper hoping that the werewolf wouldn't hear her but he did perfectly clear.

"I can hear you," Jacob stated his eyes still focused on the tv.

"So Dani what would you like?" Samantha asks not wanting a little cat to dog fight happening between both Dani and Jacob.


Jacob who now stood beside Samnagha glanced between both girls."Sammy was talking about human food wise."

Seeing as how it was getting dark outside, Dani made up her mind,"Cereal will be fine."

"Lucky charms or Fruity Pebbles?" Samantha asks the girl as she got out both cereal boxes.

"Fruity Pebbles," Dani answered.

Grabbing the things she needed, as she poured the milk into the bowl, that was filled with fruity pebbles, Samantha asked Jacob,"Are you spending the night?"

He shook his head,"No I have a late night shift but thankfully your brother is letting me patrol around here for tonight."

"So you're going to be our guard dog?" She teased while handing Dani her bowl of cereal.

"No I'm going to be your protector because that's what an imprint slash boyfriend does," he corrected while pulling her closer causing her to wrap her arms around him.

"So if your the protector then what am I?" She asks while leaning closer to him. Before Jacob could respond to her Dani had cut them both off.

"Uh hello trying to eat over here," Dani said catching their attention.

Samantha sent her a sheepish grin to her before turning back to Jacob. "Well you have to go and please be careful."

"I will," was all he said before panting a small but affective kiss to Samantha's lips. "I'll see you later on beautiful."

"What?" Samantha questioned Dani who had been smiling at her.

"You love him don't you?" She asks while setting her spoon down in her bowl.

"Who, Jake?" She asks dumbfounded.

"No my ass. Yes Jake," she said while crossing her arms.

Isn't someone sassy today, Sia said while snickering.

"When you're done eating there's an extra toothbrush in of my bathroom drawers. You can take my bed if you want I'll sleep on the floor." Samantha began to walk until Dani had called her back.

"Sammy, is that a yes or no?"

"It's a, I'm going to go take a shower."


Once Samantha was done with her short as well as putting a new set of comforting clothes on, she walked inside her bedroom and saw Dani fast asleep in her bed. A small smile made its way to Samantha's lips. Pulling the blankets over her body, she grabbed the remote that had been in Dani's hold and turned off the tv, placing the controller on her nights and afterwards. She grabbed herself a pillow as well as some blankets to make herself a little bed on the floor beside her bed. After Samantha was done and was about to shut off her lamp light Dani had spoke up.

"My dad would always tell me stories," Dani said, while yawning afterwards.

"What kind of stories?" She asks her softly.

"He would tell me stories about these creatures. They weren't scary from what he told me. I actually believed him. That they were real," she said.

"I just never thought I'd meet one in person," she added.

"What creatures would he talk you about?"



AAANNNDDD there you have it guys, you all know what Sammy is now! 🙆🏻

It took about 36 chapters but we made it guys lmao the action will begin to start in eclipse which I'm freaking excited to write about!! Sooooo much drama will be happening ;)) Not my best chapter but it will do for now lol Don't forget to vote & comment. Next chapter will be 100 times better than this piece of poop aha xx

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