8. Strictly Business

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                I woke up from something underneath me moving, and the second I crinkled my brow, it froze. Confused, I forced myself to come deeper out of sleep and flutter my eyes open, reluctantly looking down to see two bright brown orbs looking back at me. Almost instinctively, I smiled lazily and shut my eyes again, lying my head back down on whatever was underneath me.

                But then I realized I had looked into Zayn's eyes, and that I was smelling his intoxicating scent; because I was lying in his bed, on top of him. My eyes flied open and I smiled somewhat sheepishly, rolling off of him and composing myself quickly. Glancing down, I saw I was in his clothes, and tried to pull the blanket to cover more of my legs.

                "Uh, sorry," I muttered, wanting to crawl into a corner and hide forever.

                To my surprise, he grinned. "I'm the one that kidnapped you, remember? Don't apologize. I should be apologizing for being all... you know, when I'm drunk."

                All lovey.

                I forced a smile, and a laugh. It was hard. "Yeah, I understand. It's okay."

                He didn't look all that comfortable suddenly, either. "Do you want a ride home?"

                "No, I can get a cab." I said, standing up and quickly picking up my clothes – I hated the fact I was in his, that I was so upset about how he wanted me to leave, and how he just didn't care.

                Zayn got up this time. "I'll give you a ride. You don't have to–"

                I looked up at him. "Where's your bathroom?"

                "Over there..." He said skeptically.

                I went inside and shut the door, changed, ran my fingers through my hair, and stepped out. Shoving his clothes into his arms, I smiled at him, assuring him that I'd be fine. He didn't need to do me any favors – after all, it wasn't like he actually liked me... it wasn't like that I actually made him happy. Niall was wrong. He didn't care.

                So I said goodbye quickly and walked out of his bedroom, towards his front door. As my hand yanked it open, I heard him call my name, and turned around to see him standing beside his bedroom door. His hair was disheveled, he was tugging on a shirt, and his eyes were clouded and confused. He looked perfect, really.

                "Are you... Perrie, did I do something...?" He questioned.

                I grounded my teeth; my name was not Perrie. "Nope, nothing at all. I'll talk to you later. Bye, Zayn."

                And then I shut his door, feeling like someone had just slapped me across the face.


                "Le," Jem said, sitting on the edge of my bed at dad's house. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been in here all day."

                I looked up from my laptop and nodded. "Yeah. Just a little tired."

                He rolled his eyes: "That's the lamest excuse yet. Try again."

                "I have a headache?" I tried.

                My brother clicked his tongue. "That won't do it, either."

                "Jem, just leave me alone," I groaned, throwing my head back into my pillow. "I don't like people right now, especially not boys."

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