First meeting

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I made the character y/n have long hair, you can pick the colour, same with her eyes. But I also gave her a few powers. She isn't a psychic though. She prefers the term "Magical girl."

If you know what anime I'm talking about, then let's be friends 😭

{EDITED - 23/9/2021 }
I changed my mind half way through, you don't personally have powers. You knew a magical girl and learnt a few things from an old friend. But you don't personally have powers, thank you :)
Saiki Kusuo

It was currently your first day at PK academy, and truth to be told. You were nervous. You glanced around the empty hallways following close behind a teacher that you still don't know the name of, and all you can say is that the teacher is oddly quiet.

She told you simple little things about the school and that was it. She didn't say anything else, she was nice. But, really quiet. Maybe it's her first day too?

As you both walked you could hear people yelling inside of a classroom. Which you assumed will be yours.

You heard things like;

"I BET IT'S A GIRL." + "I BET SHE IS SO HOT." along with "TERUHASHI HOT??." Followed after "I DON'T KNOW." Type of talk.

They're pretty damn loud, that's for sure. But the teacher in front of you seemed unfazed.

Then, she stopped. Right outside the door.

"Ok dear, wait here for me." She says, before opening the sliding doors and walking in to assumable introduce you.

You waited for a few seconds, everyone dramatically stops talking. Your hands gripped the bottom of your shirt, your bangs covering your face.

You were so nervous, you gently reached up to adjust your headband. It was a simple red headband with a red ribbon attached to the left side, it seemed to fit you perfectly. At least that's what Mami told you, she was one of your closest friends. Yet first enemy. You both liked each other but you both had your differences. And it was a powerful one.

You can not mess this up.

You can't keep moving.

Just as you were about to say something out loud, the woman came back. But this time, with a smile. You're actually thankful isn't gushing over your looks. People say you're the most prettiest girl in the world, although you highly doubted that.

You gave the woman a small smile before giving her a blank face.

You cannot be friendly here- wait, you have too. It's part of the mission, you cannot bail on it.

"Everyone is ready for you sweetie."

You nodded, you turned around. Your long hair swaying in the process, making the people who can see you gasp rather loudly.

You gracefully walked inside the classroom, stopping in front of the chalk board. You glanced around the room with dull yet beautiful, full of energy (E/c) orbs. That was until your eyes landed on a certain pink haired male with pins attached.

You glared at him rather harshly, making the male sit up slightly in his seat. You weren't mad at him or anything, you don't even know who he is. You just do that to people when focusing on their appearances.

Everyone in the classroom had their full attention on you, some were screaming with blood coming out of their noses. Which made you grimace.


"Oh wow." Said like, almost every student. Apart from two.

"what?? She's more than pretty! She is a literal goddess."

"She's soooo CUTEEEE! I want to look like her." + "Oh my gosh, me too! Look how cute and small she is."

"Her glare just then was kinda deadly-." "What glare? She's so innocent looking!."

You simple rolled your eyes before looking at your teacher.

"Sweetie, why don't you introduce yourself?."

You glanced around the room again, bored expression. You turned around to face the chalk board, taking the chalk out of the teachers hand. You wrote your name down in such neat handwriting.

"Wow! Even her handwriting is neat!."

"Oh wow."


Is what you wrote.

You turned around again, making your hair once again flow behind you. Even gasping at the beautiful sight.

You pulled a small smile before bowing in front of everyone.

"Hello. My name is Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you all." Your voice silky and calm. Although on the inside you're seriously dying, you don't like people. Especially when they behaviour like green haired over there.

His nose has been bleeding since you walked in.

You straighten up again, locking eyes with the pink haired boy from before.

"Her name is so beautiful..." You heard a girl whisper, you looked at her smiling slightly. Making her face flush a bright red.

"Uh-uh... S-sorry..." She mumbles.

You like her already.


"Well Miss L/n, there is a spare seat next to Saiki. If you like to sit there please do." Your teacher says, pointing to the boy who kept staring at.

You nodded, making your way over to the pink haired boy. One of his hands rested on his right cheek, his gaze never failing to leave yours.

He didn't understand something about you.

He could tell you weren't stupid. So that cannot be the case in his little problem.

You sat next to him, giving him a smile before turning your attention to the teacher. While also trying to ignore all the stares and gossiping around the room.

And one pair tried not to make it obvious.

----- Saiki's pov -----

I don't understand, I can see her perfectly? Looking around everyone else looks like flesh and bones. She has an actual face I can look at... And her mind is completely cut off, I don't know what she is thinking.

I know for certain she isn't stupid, although I can tell she can be when she wants too.

Upon further inspection, she seems rather normal other then her appearance being completely god like-- said by others.

But also, why did she glare at me? Does she know I'm a psychic? Is she one too? No.. she can't be. If she is she probably would of told me- right?

Good grief.

This is going to be a pain.

Words: 1021

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