Chapter Eight|| Stealing Clothes

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{Anna's POV}

"Here we are..." Mariah spoke as we stood in front of a prestigious building. "The party starts in a few hours, but this gives you time to start your plan," she explained. 

I heard a sound of vomiting and I looked over at Chase as he was hurling his stomach contents up on the side of the road. He turned his head, looking at Mariah with a scowl. "You're never... ever using your angel vanishing skills to take us places again! I'll drive the few hours instead." he panted. 

Mariah rolled her eyes. "Anyways, are y'all ready? What's your plan?"

Devin glanced at me from the side and I gave him a panicked look. Mariah looked at our worried expressions and took our silence for an answer. "My goodness! You guys don't have a plan?!" 

"You sprung this crap on us last minute! What were we supposed to do?! We're not some damn superheros." Alexander replied, folding his arms. 

"You're the hellhounds! This is literally your job! Ugh!" Mariah snarled, kicking a nearby trashcan and I watched as it went flying feet away from us. 

She took in a deep breath of air, composing herself, and turned to face us again. "Look, you have a few minutes before people start showing up here and a few hours before she makes her big appearance and the real party starts. Do you understand what is in your hands? The fate of your world." she took a dangerous step towards Devin. "You're the leader of this pack, get it together." 

"Why can't you do it then? If you're some powerful angel, you're more capable than we are." I snapped, taking a threatening step towards her. 

She gulped, looking at me and moved away from Devin, wiping her hands on her jeans. "Because she will sense me or any other angel and run for the hills again and again. Besides, I failed my mission and I'm not on the best terms with people in heaven right now."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I was supposed to protect hell's gate and it failed under my watch. When I had to call upon you guys, it was my last hope about getting back my title in heaven."

"So is everything you told us a lie then?" I asked, my hands clenching into fists. 

"No, everything is true. You are the people who have to clean my mess up. Though, this isn't my fault to begin with. Something bad is happening in hell, and it's already in your world. I wouldn't have been able to stop it either way. You saw the gate crumble yourselves and even you couldn't stop it then." she looked away as if it pained her to talk about it. "My mission now is to guide you hounds the best way I can and stop this disaster and I'll get my title back. If I fail... I'll be banished." 

"Why are we the backup plan?" Alex snapped. 

"Because you're apart of hell and can stop this, as I have said many times before. Heaven never thought it would come to this, but it did and we have to stop it now." She finally looked back at us. "She can't sense you because you're normal to her. You're all tied to hell in a way."

"And because we're tied to hell... does that mean we'll go to hell if we get killed during this?" I nearly whispered. 

"Not on my watch. I drug you into this and for some reason in God's plan, he made you hellhounds, surely he won't deem you to hell if you're saving his creations. After all, he breathed life into each of you and your hellhound paths in life."

Devin scoffed, shaking his head. "You make it really hard for me to believe in all this... in him."

"Well, you should. After all, your life is in his hands. It's up to you to decide where you want to end up when your time clock of life stops." 

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