Chapter Eleven|| Oh hell...

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{Anna's POV}

"Screw off!" I yelled, running away from Chase. 

I darted throughout the forest, everyone's laughter shaking the trees around us. 

I felt a hard smack on the back of my head, causing me to let out a grunt as I stumbled forward. "Tag, you're it, bitch!" Chase snickered, sprinting off in a different direction. 

"You're so rough!" I growled, taking off back after him. 

As I chased him down, I saw a flash of black next to me. Turning my head in a sharp movement, I saw Alex running to my right. Taking a B-line, I ran after him instead. I grinned as I neared him, sticking my arm out. 

He looked behind him, his eyes widening. He pushed himself to run harder, earning some space between us. I jumped off the ground, leaping forward. In doing so, I flipped right over him, tagging his shoulder in the process. Once my feet hit the ground, I giggled, spinning on my heels towards his opposite direction. 

"That was smooth! I can't lie." He admitted, taking off. 

A game of tag. Yes, we may seem like children, but when you have supernatural abilities, it makes it so much more fun. The goal is to get to the other side of the forest near the borderline. Whoever makes it first is safe, a normal base you'd play with. Whoever is the tagged, and gets there last, has to buy everyone their dinner and their choice of alcohol—a small tradition of hell's night. 

I turned a sharp corner but was swept off my feet. I shrieked as Devin had snatched me up bridal style, grinning down at me as he ran. 

"What are you doing?!"

"Oh, nothing." He smirked. 

My eyes widened in realization and I squirmed in his arms, trying to break free. Soon, he placed me on my feet giving me a small salute before taking off again. Confused, I placed my hands on my hips watching his retreating figure. I for sure thought he was...

I screeched, flying to the ground. "Alex got me. Sorry." Chase smiled, pulling himself off me, and ran off again. 

Devin you little bitch! He always did that! 

I huffed, placing my hands behind my head and kicked my feet towards the ground, and flew upright. If Chase tackles me one more time...

I picked up my pace again, swerving in and around trees. I ran, grabbing ahold of a branch, and swung myself over a river. I stopped for a second, focusing my hearing. They were near. I could feel them. I grinned, jumping up to grab a tree limb. I hoisted myself in the tree and took off, jumping tree from the tree. 

I saw Devin down below once I caught up and I smirked, trying to make my jumps quicker. He wasn't focusing above him as I finally leaped from the tree, jumping right on top of him. He groaned as we smacked the ground. I leaned up, a goofy smile on my face. 

"Hey." I smiled, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before getting up and running off again. 

As I ran, I felt myself pale. Oh, my god. I just kissed his cheek. 

Oh no. 

In the distance, I could see Alex and Chase nearing the end of the forest. I channeled my hound, sprinting right past them, but as I did, I stuck my leg out. Chase tumbled to the ground as I tripped him. Alex and I died laughing as we passed the finish line, breathing harshly. 

I giggled as Devin smacked Chase on the back as he crossed it yelling, "Sorry man, you're it!" 

Chase sat up with a pout on his face. "I never win." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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