Chapter Five|| What to do...

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{Anna's POV}

"What do we do?!" I panicked. 

"I'll tell you what I'm doing... moving to Canada," Chase mumbled, walking towards the stairs and Devin put his hand on Chase's chest, stopping him. 

"You realize we can't run away from this, right? This is a worldly apocalypse not just our nation, dingus." 

Chase rolled his eyes and gave us a shrug. "I don't know what we're gonna do then because we sure as hell can't stop the four horsemen and that damn soul eater that nearly killed me." 

"We have to tell Rose." I stated and Alex nodded in agreement. 

"We have to." 

"I'll mind-link her," Devin replied, and zoned out. 

I turned to face Chase and sighed walking up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "We're going to be okay. We're the hellhounds... we were made for this." I tried to comfort and his eyes slowly met mine. 

For the first time in a long time, I saw fear in his eyes and no humor. "Anna... that beast nearly killed me."

"Because you weren't with your pack. We're stronger together, remember? Plus, we're all dedicated to stopping something from hell so maybe the soul eater isn't your battle." 

"It's mine..." Alex stated and my head turned to his direction. 

"What?" Chase and I quickly asked. 

"Technically, I don't have a soul. Mine is what connects me to hell. How can a soul eater harm me if I have no soul for him to want to take?" 

"That... actually sounds right," I replied. 

"Alex... this thing is ridiculously strong," Chase stressed.

"Yes, I'm aware but we have to try something and that thing could be roaming earth right about now. We have to find it and stop it before it takes innocent lives." 

"Rose and Mathias are on their way." Devin finally spoke up. 


It didn't take long until we heard a knock on the front door. We let the two of them in and immediately began explaining everything that had happened and everything that Mariah told us. 

"Why would you wait until now to tell us all this?" Mathias grumbled, running a hand over his face. 

"Because, it's not your battle—it's ours."

"I'm your alpha, I'm apart of your pack... this is my battle," Rose stated, standing from the couch and placed her hands on her hips. 

"You're the queen, Rose. You have other things to worry about. I promise if we need you we will call upon you." Devin replied. 

She sighed, defeated. "Mathias?" 

He looked up at her and shrugged. "Their right, this isn't our battle. We're not equipped to deal with hell's souls. We have to stay out of this until they absolutely need us. I can't believe I'm saying this... but I believe in them and I think they can do this. They've dealt with a lot and always came out on top." 

"Mathias..." Chase cooed, placing his hand over his heart. 

"Shut up," Mathias growled. 

"So we're doing this then? We're going after them... we're gonna stop the apocalypse." I mumbled, not even believing the words coming out of my mouth. 

"We're not gonna take it. We're not letting those souls win." Devin confirmed. 

"Well, I didn't come empty-handed," Rose stated, walking over to the bag she brought with her. 

She pulled out two sets of clothes and handed one to Devin and Chase. "Alara spelled them so they won't burn off when you catch fire in your human forms." 

Chase eagerly looked over the new clothing with excitement in his eyes. "Hell yeah." 

"Tell Alara thank you." Devin smiled. 

"I will, just please don't get yourselves killed. I'll never forgive myself." Rose sighed. 

"We'll try out best." Alex mused.

"Not funny." She grumbled. 

After some short goodbyes and hugs, we four hounds stood in the living room taking in the situation at hand. 

"Let's do this." Devin declared. 

"Let's," Alex grinned. 

I took in a shaky breath and could only nod, too scared my voice would show the fear I was feeling. 

"I'm going to get changed," Chase stated and Devin nodded, deciding he would too. 

"I'm going to fix me a drink," Alex decided, and then it was just me in the living room. 

I don't know how long I stood there staring at the wall in front of me until I felt a hand on the small of my back. 

I turned seeing Devin standing beside me with a soft smile. He looked breathtaking in his black shirt, leather jacket, and jeans. 

"You know I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, right?" 

"I know, Dev." I smiled and he pulled me in for a hug. 

My heart skipped a beat as I rested my head on his chest. I couldn't lose any of these boys. They mean too much to me. 

"We got this," He reminded, pulling back. 

"Alrighty, folks! Anna, we need you to see if you can find where this soul eater thing is." Alex called out, walking into the room with a glass of whiskey. 

He threw it back, not even wincing, and sat the cup on the table rubbing his hands together. 


"Well, Mariah said you can detect unworthy souls so maybe if you channel Chase since he was the last one in contact with it, you can peek into his mind to see where that thing is at."

"And if I find it?" 

"I believe I can open a portal. I've only opened one to hell but since that thing is connected to hell it's worth a shot in trying." 


I walked over to Chase and he gave me an encouraging smile. I placed my hands on the sides of his head, closing my eyes. 

I channeled Chase and soon I was in his memories. I saw him fighting the beast and losing as Alex opened the portal to back to earth for him to go through. 

I focused my attention on the beast and soon it was like I was seeing through his eyes. I looked around and quickly came to as I realized where he was. 

I jumped back, startled, and Devin was quick to grasp my shoulders. "What happened?! Did it work? Do you know where he is?"

I looked up at the three men with worried eyes and Chase cursed. "He's here isn't he?"

"He was looking at our house through the tree line. He followed you back here. He knows where you are." 

"I'm gonna shove my fists down his throat," Chase growled. 

As we heard a roar I gulped. "I guess that's our cue." 

Chase and Devin growled, engulfing in flames. Their leather jackets and clothes remained on and if I wasn't so scared, I'd laugh at the two. 

"It's showtime and my hound is ready for blood," Alex growled, his eyes shining a bright orange as he headed for the back door. 

He was ready to kick some ass. 






not edited.

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