Chapter five: the talk

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Aang pov:

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Aang pov:

Aang, Sokka and Katara were flying on Appa, thankful that they escaped from fire nation. Katara seemd to be sure they would make it alive, which made both Aang and Sokka shocked.

'You didn't know for sure, I mean yes Katara he is avatar, but it was dangerous.' Sokka started but Katara just shake her head.

'I felt her ghost. She was protecting us, I'm telling you. Her spirit is with us, water benders helped her so she is helping us now.' Katara tried to convice Sokka, who just rolled his eyes.

'She was hero, but sorry for killing your hopes Katara, she didn't save anyone. It was Aang.' Sokka said to his younger sister who didn't want to listen him.

'What are you talking about?' Aang asked confused, not understanding a word they spoke.

'There is a legend about this girl, but every nation change it. She become statue in fire nation and now she is protecting her people.' Katara explained shortly but Aang didn't seemd to understand.

'Why is girl of stone that matter? I mean, she is dead.' he said sadly, knowing that war probably taked her life.

'We'll tell you whole story other time, but I'm telling you, she is the reason why we are alive today.'


Zuko and Lyra did their daily practice. He get more and more annoyed that she is secretive and not even him know who his best warrior was, but at same time she was only one who was shoulder to shoulder with him in fight, since he would never admited that random soldier is better then prince in anything.

'Why did you said no to Zhao in Temple?' Zuko asked in middle of their fight and stopped pulling fire at her.

'Do you want me to leave, prince Zuko? If you do I would, but definitely not to Zhao's screw.' she responded calmly, looking prince right in the eyes.

'No, of coruse not, it's just... None except my uncle ever wanted to be by my side. It's patethic, forget I asked.' he said quickly but Lyra walked next to him and stared at sea, while Zuko was eyeing her.

'If it is matter to you, then it isn't patetic. If you are ready to talk I'm ready to listen.' she said carefully, still don't moving her eyes from water.

Zuko loved how his best soldier gave him space. He respected that. People usually just put their nosses in his life and left him, but this was different.

'It's just that I'm banished prince. You are probably only person who would reject him and stay here.' he glared at water with her, but his words were software then Lyra ever heard him talking.

'I'm not a traitor.' Lyra whispered, 'And he is coward.'

They stayed quiet for few minutes and then felt strange vibrations. Ship changed previous way, which annoyed both of them.

'I'm going to see what's happening.' Zuko said to his soldier, who just nodded. She never expect to be close with Zuko, but talking with him felt right. After few minutes he come back annoyed, ready to go back at practice.

After few hours of going trought see, they ended up on Isle. While Zuko was with his uncle and other soldiers were buying useless things, Lyra was enjoying in beauty of nature.

'Can you bring something or it's too hard to do your job?' prince Zuko asked annoyed, noticing that only one person was resting.

'I'm soldier, not your maid.' she said annoyed, hating his angry moments. He was taken back when realised that it was only person on ship with who he can talk, except his uncle.

She walked with Zuko and Iroh, before he notice pirate ship and come in it. Both Lyra and Zuko disliked place at first, but pirates saw Aang, which made both of them happy.

Pirates and Zuko's soldiers went down the river, looking for Aang and his friends. Lyra usually loved pirates, but this ones were bad news.

After few boring hours they notice voice next to water. It was from girl who traveled with Avatar. They come near, one of pirates and Zuko ready to get her as pristoner.

They tied girl to tree, but she refused to talk. Lyra was happy to hear that, but Zuko was about to explode.

He tried to talk with her, but it didn't go as he imagined. Lyra knew that in Zuko's mind only way to get back his honour is catching Avatar, but water bending girl didn't feel for his story.

He showed her her lost necklace, but girl didn't want to give up on Aang. Lyra wanted to thank her, but it would destroyed her cover.

Pirates become angry, Zuko promised them fancy water techniques if they help, but he wasn't going to give them anything without Avatar. As scroll was in Lyra's hand, she hold it in the air and put fire around it.

'You said something?' she said sharply, leaving all pirates in shock. 'Don't teast me.'

Soldiers, pirates and Zuko spent whole night looking for Aang, while Lyra stayed to look after ships. None come back, which mean that Aang is save.

Early at morning, everyone come to ships. Zuko was holding scroll while pirates had Aang. She had an idea, but not a way to realise it. As child, she sent small sounds trought air, but she didn't do anything like that for hundred years.

She whispered as quiet as she could as sent it with wind to boy from water tribe. He didn't know what was happening, but he understand the idea.

Boy started to talk with pirates, acting like tride Avatar for scroll was stupid. Zuko get angry and attacked them, and for first time in their trip Lyra had no problem with hurting her opponent.

She needed to give time to Aang to run, but at same time Lyra missed serious fights. She putted fog all over place so she could do little airbending without anyone noticing.

As she saw water tribe boy she throw knife right infront him. He was free, and only thing needed was to save Aang. She used her airbending in fog to make all pirates fly in each other, then kicking them in face with hot air. They seemd confused, but Lyra didn't want to give up there. She took scroll from Zuko's belt and throw it next to water tribe boy, knowing that it would end up with Aang. Main pirate attacked Zuko, who seemd to be defeated, until pirate's hat didn't burst in fire.

Iroh pulled them apart, telling them how pirates boat was stealed. It was first time Lyra saw Zuko smiling, but not for long time, because his boat was taken away too. She stayed with soldiers while Zuko ran with Iroh to follow boat, which was clearly useless.

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